Is it time to UP your game?

Episode 217
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Is it time to UP your game?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 217 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle Podcast! Thanks for showing up today! It’s awesome being here with you.

This last week, A classmate of mine in life coach certification was talking to our instructor and she said I just feel like everyone else is so much farther ahead and already coaching clients and I’m here just still freezing up in front of class when I am practicing, it makes me wonder if I should stay in my current job because Im already good at it.

I wanted to reach through the zoom call and hug her and say “me too”. You’re doing something new. You’re doing something hard and you’re doing something way out of your comfort zone and oh by the way you’re doing it in front of people. We all feel that way. Everyone in that class has those thoughts or ones similar. But do any of you listening know what I think the biggest problem my classmate is having? I wonder what you would say if I could poll you. Well I’m not gonna leave you hanging here….She’s comparing herself to other people! I’m not where they are. I’m still doing this and they’re already doing that.

I wonder if she stopped for a minute and compared herself to the person she was on the first day of class, she’s without a doubt come a long way. I think she’s one of the better communicators on the team. But if she stays in her head and keeps comparing herself to others, her thoughts will have her wanting to stay where she is because she’s comfortable in her current job and she’s already good at it so why not just stay put. It’s good enough. How many times have we said that “oh it’s good enough” Does your version of a Wildly Successful Lifestyle include just being good enough? Is that how you want to show up? Not me. I don’t think you do either and neither does she. That’s what comparing yourself to someone else will get you, though. Stuck in good enough because you think you obviously don’t have what it takes to do that or you would be doing it. Nope. You just haven’t allowed yourself to be uncomfortable. You want to do great things? You have to be ok with being uncomfortable.

I was practicing coaching in front of class and the instructor kept stopping me and guiding me and I was nervous and trying to learn and get it right all at the same time but my face was bright red and so hot and my neck was red and so hot and it was uncomfortable. But I was willing to be there, and I grew from it. Other people in class grew from it too.

What are you doing that’s uncomfortable? What are you doing right now that is helping you grow? Tony Robbins says the key to happiness is progress. Where are you progressing in your life? What are you doing that’s making you better?

You’re here, listening to a podcast entitled “wildly successful lifestyle” so I’m pretty sure you aren’t going for average. You aren’t settling for mediocrity. If you aren’t doing exactly what you want to be doing, if you aren’t juiced to wake up and get the day started, if you aren’t living the life you dreamed of, then what are you doing to change it?

This last week, I was doing some self coaching this week and I was coaching myself on my thought that I should already be making money coaching. So I asked myself why. Why do I think that? And I wrote down that I’ve been working so hard and I’ve been super consistent. And then I asked myself a question that hit home. I asked “why aren’t you making money coaching?” You guys are gonna laugh but the answer is “because I have no offers out there”. Not one. Do I think someone is going to knock on my door and hand me money because I’m working so hard and I’m so consistent? No. I laughed out loud when I realized this.

The same goes for anything. If working hard made you lots of money, brick laborers and farmers would be the richest people in our country.

I have to do something I haven’t been doing and that’s making offers. But it’s good to know isn’t it?

If you’ve been trying to do something and it worked for a minute but now it’s not probably have to up your game. You’ve grown and what you did to get you where you are right now isn’t going to take you to the next level. You have to get uncomfortable again and again and again. Can you handle that? Yes you can. Progress is the key to happiness!

Maybe you’re trying to lose weight and you’ve plateaued. And you’re like why isn’t that protocol working anymore? Because that protocol got you where you are now and in order to get to the next level you have to up your game. And yes you’ll be uncomfortable. Maybe now you’re going to have to start lifting more weights or doing god forbid cardio??? Or maybe the bread platter is in the way of your next 10 lbs. Remember what I said last week your inner child just needs to be told no if it isn’t on the plan. You’ve got this.

Your journey is your journey. Comparing yourself to someone else’s journey will set you back every time. Being addicted to comfort will keep you stuck. Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

My challenge to you today is to ask yourself what am I doing to grow? What am I doing to progress? Where in my life do I need to up my game to get to the next level? If you feel’s time to up your game. If you feel stuck, it’s time to up your game. If you’ve plateaued it’s time to up your game. We’ve got this.

Share this with 2 people today and if you haven’t already, hop over to Apple and give me a 5 star review if you’re enjoying these episodes. I love you guys. I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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