You’re part of the WILDLY tribe…Did you know that?

Episode 15
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: You’re part of the WILDLY tribe…Did you know that?

Hi guys! Welcome to the 15th episode of the Wildly Successful lifestyle podcast!

Ahhhhhhhh it’s a beautiful sunny day here in Memphis! When it’s sunny it makes being cooped up in the house not so bad! Come to think of it though, the rainy days are cool too so maybe it just isn’t such a bad period…LOL. Part of that is because I have my fresh flowers, my house is organized and I have natural light coming in everywhere. But also I try to find the good in anything. That is part of my personality. Part of who I am. So, Who are you, truly? Deep down who is the real You?

I’m not sure where you’re located but in America when you first meet someone it’s common to ask what do you do for a living? Do you have children? Where do you live,,,, things like that. But does that tell you who that person is? I don’t think so. If someone asked you right now to tell you about yourself. If you’re a female You’d probably start by I’m married to so and so or I am a mom of two and I work here. If you’re male you’d say I’m a Doctor, pilot, or I’m a project manager. We sort of identify with the things that we do or have to tell someone who we are.

Have you ever thought about who you ARE not what you do?
Who are you without the label of Dr, Pilot, photographer, project manager, mom or dad? Not that these aren’t a part of you but who you are. Who are you inside? What is your purpose in life? Are you living it? We have a lot of time right now for self reflection. I’ve heard from some that this has given them the push they needed to start their own business painting, being creative, and selling their art. Others are finding new ways to reinvent themselves in a way that is more congruent with their passion.

Do you have this dream inside of you? This feeling inside of you that you were meant for more? The feeling that you were meant to be WILDLY successful at anything you chose to do?

I grew up with a great big loving family. We were in a religion that in my opinion was sort of limiting when it came to doing big things with your life because it taught us to live for the next life not this one. College was discouraged and school just wasn’t that important. parents and grandparents had dreams that all of us would lead that same religious life forever. From a pretty young age I remember thinking I wanted more than that. It doesn’t make them wrong or me wrong it just means I had a different dream and I followed it. It hasn’t been easy for me or for my family because they would love it if I were part of their religion but it just was never in my heart to be so. So, how does a young girl from a small town that never really saw the world get that dream inside of her? Well I truly believe we each have a dream inside of us that we were born with and some follow it and some take the path that maybe parents or teachers or mentors told them was best. Had I done that, I would not be anywhere near where I am in life at all and I certainly don’t think I would have been happy.

I love to read and travel. I also genuinely love people. I love to connect with them. I love to make people feel beautiful themselves or in their surroundings. I love beautiful things and I love to feel beautiful and feel healthy myself. That’s part of why I started this podcast is to connect but also to inspire each of us to not settle for mediocrity.

It’s so easy to live on auto pilot, wake up, throw on the same clothes, take the same path to an uninspiring job…sleep, wake up, repeat. Maybe you think it’s ok. I live pretty good…in my world it’s called mildly successful which works for some but not for the wildly successful tribe! So how do we take it to the next level?

Who are you really? What are you passionate about? What do you LOVE to do? What makes you feel alive and excited? Why is it important to know this about yourself?

Because in the Wildly tribe (and if you’re listening to this podcast you’re part of that) We don’t settle! We don’t settle for less than what we were meant to be. You are meant to thrive. I want you to sit down and make a list of things you ARE. The things you LOVE. The things that make you excited and feel alive! These are the things you should be spending most of your time doing. We are meant to enjoy life and meant to fulfill our dreams. The best way to do that is to have a clear vision of what that is. I have vision boards that are a visual representation of everything I want. I am always updating them because I reach those goals and am on to the next level. So, what’s the next level for you? Life’s a journey not a destination. Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying “If you want what you’ve never had, you have to do what you’ve never done. I actually have that as my cell phone cover. Everything you have done up until now has gotten you where you are today. If you keep doing the same things, that’s where you’re gonna stay. So decide right now to take the first step and clarify what it is you want and exactly who you truly are.

Now, I have created a free tool that helps you clarify who you truly are..You can download it on my website at and when you finish it tag me on Instagram @theheididawson with #my3words so our whole community can see what you come up with! Ok guys until next time be thinking every day how to live your version of a wildly successful lifestyle! Love you guys!

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