How to conquer your fear

Episode 7
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: How to conquer your fear

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode #7 of the WILDLY successful Lifestyle podcast!

I put a lot of time and effort into each of these podcasts and I get so much joy from doing it! I do this because I have this message inside of me that just needs to get out. I have talked a lot in my previous podcasts about mindset and how important it is and that’s without a doubt the truth.

But I am going to get raw on this episode. MY truth is that sometimes the past I felt like an impostor. Not because I don’t practice what I talk about. That’s not it at all. I do. It’s just that when someone said to me “You’re a great designer” or “your videos are amazing”. Sometimes I have thoughts of “oh they’re just being nice, they have to say that…..but deep down…I actually know I am a good designer and I also know I am comfortable in front of a camera so that makes vides much easier. My husband and I were having a conversation about success and he said “Heidi, You have been successful at pretty much everything you have tried. And you know what the truth is? I have, I have been mildly successful at most things… but I want to be WILDLY successful and there’s a difference. Now only I know the difference for me because WILDLY successful to me means something very different than wildly successful to you and that what makes the world go round.

Sometimes in a way I feel l have played if safe and kept myself playing a bit small and that is why I say sometimes I feel like an impostor. However I am going to read you a quote that has been an inspiration to me for 10 years from “Marianne Williamson” This is such a beautiful quote and something we should all consider. Our playing small doesn’t serve the world.. That is a scary thing to say. Because what if we fail? You know what I have learned though? The only way I fail is if I quit. I tell you this because I also know that if you are listening there is probably something you want badly and maybe you are just in the thinking stage, or maybe you are in the “I’m doing it but I’m terrible at it”stage, maybe you are already successful but holding yourself back a bit because you are afraid of taking the next big leap. These are all mindset issues that we can and will work through together!

I remember I was in first grade when my teacher wanted me to take an IQ test because she thought I needed to move up a grade. She thought I was too smart for her class.
Turns out that was not the case….I was just very intuitive, which I guess when you are 6 comes off as intelligent.

I tell you this because I believe in my heart that we are all exactly where we should be in life. I think that if you want something and know you are going to have it then I truly believe you will have it. That is not something I say lightly. I genuinely believe it. We all have our strengths and we all have our weaknesses. We all are doing the best we can with what we have. I love that about us. Every piece of our life has brought us to where we are right now.

My goal with this podcast is to help each one of us, including me, be authentically who we were meant to be. Not that you aren’t already. And not that I’m not already. I just feel like there are things in this world that make us better and I want to explore them and talk about them and see if they can help us somehow live what we feel is our definition of a WILDLY Successful lifestyle.

I want the world to know that there is nothing wrong with high standards for the way you look, for the way you feel and also that your environment matters more than you think it does. I also want the world to know that Mental Health is as important as physical health. Our bodies, especially women, are made up in a complex way and there are things that make us better. I want to explore those things with you. There will be episodes on inner beauty, outer beauty, health and wellness, Interior Design…making your home feel inspiring, calming, invigorating or whatever feeling you want to evoke from your home. Some episodes may save your sanity But some of them could also save your life.

I have a whole bunch of episodes lined up that are going to be amazing and I hope you will subscribe so you don’t miss one of them! Also, another goal is to reach as many people as possible so if you feel it’s beneficial please share it with your friends on social media and follow me on Instagram @theheididawson. Thank you guys so much! I love you all and hope you have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday

Wildly Successful Lifestyle

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