Are you giving yourself a chance to be OPTIMAL?

Episode 322
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Are you giving yourself a chance to be OPTIMAL?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 322 of the wildly successful lifestyle podcast! Im so glad to be a little part of your day each week and my hope is that even just one thing stays with you and helps you make a change for the better. Because that’s what we are looking for right? Self improvement. It’s my passion and I thank you for listening.

Why do some people age so beautifully and others seem to fall apart so quickly? If you listen to the so called experts they would say it’s all about your genes, but more recent studies are showing we have so much more power over our genes then we have been told.

I was sitting during one of my meditations the other morning and I was thinking about how far I’ve come since the morning I was walking Kenzie and my joints hurt, I was moving slow, I felt tired and I said to myself is this just me getting old? Is this how getting old is supposed to feel?

And then I snapped out of my pity party and I said but you’re not even old. I was around 45 at the time. And I thought to myself if you’re feeling this old at 45, you’re not gonna make it to 90, And by the time I’m 70 at this rate, I’d be in bad shape.

My husband, Eric and I have too many plans for that to be the case. We want to spend a month in Italy if we decide to, and Italy is not for the weak, let me tell ya. In Positano, there are no ramps, if you can’t walk up and down steps, a lot of them, don’t go to Positano for any period of time. You can see it from a bus ride going through it but that’s not how I want to experience it. I want to be able to travel….to walk and hike and I want to feel amazing while I do it. But, I wasn’t on that path.

Let’s just face the facts here. I’m an American. This country is amazing and the people are just the best. I truly believe that. But right now, we are in this really weird zone where the health of the people in this country has been hijacked. The people we trusted the most are literally killing us. Doctors prescribe medication like its candy, telling us our lack of health isn’t our fault it’s our genes. There’s nothing we can do. We are a victim to our hereditary genes. The politicians and the media are also controlled by companies like Pfizer. Literally we have the fox watching the hen house. And the result is what you see right now….66% of Americans are on one prescribed medication or another as opposed to 26% in the UK or 35% in Australia. I had trouble finding other numbers for Europe but I did find that European Drs said the US overprescribes drugs like statins when they should be prescribing a Mediterranean style diet. If a mediterranean style diet works, why wouldn’t they tell us that?

That’s a question I don’t know the answer to. I guess it would be best asked on an individual Dr basis. Every Dr has to answer for themself, just like we do. Do they know there is a better way but that’s just what they’ve been taught to do, prescribe medication. A member of my family who is in really good shape and eats extremely well went to a cardiologist really just for a wellness check was told he considered him to have heart disease and nutrition wouldn’t help at all and he needed to stop working out so hard, and told him he would be on statins the rest of his life, you’re just getting older. That’s how it is. This guy could lift 25 lbs in his sleep. He’s healthy. Something is really wrong here. I looked up the Dr in the Physician Payments Sunshine act that same Dr got paid over $23,000 in one year directly from the pharmaceutical companies. Did you know you could do that? You can actually see how cozy your Dr is with the pharmaceutical companies by looking it up online. I will put the name of the act in my show notes.

My point is. Your health is your responsibility. When you delegate it to someone else, their agenda plays a role and not that they are evil but they may not be giving you the attention you deserve. Your agenda may be to be as healthy as you can be and their agenda may be to pay their kids tuition, not all of them of course. But the world is full of Medical Doctors that are turning to holistic practices because they were tired of the revolving door plan where you simply prescribe medication instead of looking at the root of the problem. You don’t HAVE to be a victim to your heritage, you don’t have to just accept that being on medication and feeling awful is your destiny. You just don’t.

Let’s look at the alternative. More recent studies show that 90% of our current health is controlled by the environment in which we put our genes. The food we eat, our exercise regimen, our resilience in the face of stress and our exposed to environmental toxins. This is astounding news.

This comes as a relief for some people but for others it may irritate them because it’s much easier to blame someone else rather than accepting that it’s our lifestyle that’s causing our problems.

For me, it was mind blowing. So, Im NOT a victim to my heritage? Just because my mom is pre diabetic doesn’t mean I HAVE to be. That’s one of the reasons why I wear a cgm. I want to control and understand my blood sugar before it controls me.

My health is my responsibility. During a meditation this last week I was visualizing my cells being healthy and healing any areas that need to be repaired so that I am in optimal health. And then I realized hey Im asking my body to be out in from of any healing that needs to take place and to be well but what am I doing to support it? And right then I told myself I will do everything I can environmentally to help us be optimal. Im Not just asking it to be optimal regardless of what I do to it. I learned from a podcast this last week that when you give your body 4-6 hours to digest a meal without snacking, it will do that and then once it digests and it is finished digesting, it gets to the job of healing and repairing things in your body that need to be repaired. Did you know that? I didn’t. So if you’re constantly snacking, when is your body repairing itself? That’s part of the reason fasting is beneficial. Im not a good faster. I do my best to not eat after 7 pm at night but Im hungry when I wake up. Eric has been fasting before his workouts and then eating lunch as his first meal. I don’t want to do that so I have been very cautious about snacking. Some days I don’t snack at all. Some days around 3 or 4 I will have a banana and some almond butter because Im actually really hungry, but Ive been trying not to snack for those reasons.
The body does repair itself while you sleep, but mainly during deep sleep which is inhibited if you have bad sleep habits like looking at your phone in bed or eating too close to bedtime. I didn’t know that either. You see the more educated you are, the more you’re able to give yourself a chance to be optimal.
Im giving my body the best chance it has to be optimal. We’ve never had more information available to us then we do right now.

I want to be optimal. I don’t want to be average but I can’t do that by leaving it to chance. I can’t do that by eating what the average American eats or taking the medication the average Dr pushes. I want to be in control of my health, I don’t want to leave it to someone who is getting paid to medicate.

Our bodies are beautifully made. They will put up with a lot and keep going. But as we are now seeing in our society, it’s not without pitfalls. Your body is going to break down if it’s not being taken care of in the way it was designed. It’s designed to move. It’s designed to eat whole foods and protein. It’s designed to spend time in nature and be socially active. These are all crucial to our physical and mental health and it’s not something we can delegate to someone else.

So my question to you today is what are you doing to really take care of yourself? What are you doing to give yourself the chance to be optimal?

My challenge to you today is just to give that question an honest answer. And look I know there’s a lot to take in and Im trying my best to break it down so that we all benefit long term. I’m doing the research so you don’t have to if you don’t have time, so keep hanging out here and together we will be Wildly successful. Share this with 3 people who love to keep learning. I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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