You’re not done yet!

Episode 341
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: You’re not done yet!

Hi guys! Welcome to episode 341 of the wildly successful lifestyle podcast! How ya doin? I am genuinely asking. Think about that for a minute. How are you doing? Are you taking care of yourself mentally and physically? Are you making sure that you are the best version of you possible? That’s what we want to reach for right? Not someone else’s best they put out there for the world to see, but YOUR best? Your happiness is not going to look like everyone else’s. And what makes you happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. It’s good to remember that. But also make sure that you aren’t trying to convince yourself you’re happy when your not by settling for a life that sort of just happened instead of one that you are actively creating. It’s not too late for you to live that life, it could be that you’ve taken a detour and you just need a little sign to get back at it. Like Jeff Foxworthy used to say…Here’s your sign. But really. I think we give up too soon. When you see success stories, most of them have some sort of hardship or detour they had to overcome or find a way around. That’s why we love those movies where someone even though the odds were against them, they succeeded. It gives us hope. But you don’t have to settle for watching someone else succeed on tv.

I was listening recently to Wayne Dyer talking about not forcing anything in our life. What’s meant to be for us in this life will be. And as you’re ready for it, it will appear.

He was saying you aren’t doing your being done. I didn’t understand that statement until he explained it this way. He said “babies grow in their mothers womb in water for 9 months, there’s no one in there putting things in their head like you don’t have a nose, that’s weird, and now you’re in there worried if your nose isn’t going to form so you join other baby groups whose noses haven’t formed either and now you’re all upset not understanding that when you’re time comes for your nose to fully form it’s going to. No amount of you worrying is going to change that. Nothing you DO will change that. You’re being done. You’re developing, you’re progressing and nothing has gone wrong because you don’t have a nose you’re not there yet. You’re not ready yet.

The thing though that really blew me away about this comparison is the baby in the womb. He’s being done exactly on time. When he is done he is born and into this world he comes. And now he and mom and dad say thank you God, we’ll take it from here. And now the parents put limitations and ideas and other people put limitations and ideas and now the baby grows to the boundaries of those limitations.

Jordan Peterson’s book talks about if you put a few fleas in a jar, they will jump and jump and hit the top of the jar which they know isn’t good, for them eventually it would kill them so after so long, they will jump within an inch of the jar lid so as to not hit the top. Their offspring will do the same. If you take the lid off they won’t jump out because they are programmed that it’s bad if they jump too high. The limitation of the parents become the limitations of the babies. That doesn’t only happen with fleas in a jar. It happens with us too.

And that brilliant comparison to our lives today was so clear to me. We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. We look around us and if everyone is sort of depressed and lethargic we think oh well at least I’m not that I’m a bit happier than they are. Or mom and dad told us you’ll never make it because you’re not smart enough. Well maybe that wasn’t in the cards for them but they aren’t you. Some people are given the gift of intelligence and some are given the gift of heart and drive and the will to not give up. I’ll put my money on Heart and drive and the will to not give up every time.

Eric my husband told me to watch the movie about Kurt Warner’s career as a football player. It’s called “American Underdog”. This guy never gave up. Even though there were times where it didn’t look like he was gonna make it, He just knew in his heart he was meant for something great in football and along the way he had to do things he felt was beneath him. He had been a star in College but he didn’t get drafted but that didn’t stop him. He kept training and believing. He wasn’t afraid to put in the time doing jobs that were a means to an end because he knew he was meant for more even though people doubted him. Sometimes he doubted himself. But He didn’t quit. It took humility and heart to keep going. It also was a little bit of luck and help from other people. But what you put out is what you get back. Always remember that. At one point He was stocking shelves in a grocery store and then he took a position in arena football even though it wasn’t where he wanted to be it kept him in the loop of his dream. Sometimes we think if we don’t step right into the NFL or if we don’t step right into the college we want or the job or business we want or the body we want that we just need to throw in the towel but what if that next move is ultimately what gets you there? What if that’s just part of your individual journey to reach your goal? Don’t underestimate the power of simply moving forward. Moving forward and continuing to grow. He wasn’t ready to play in the NFL right out of college he still had work to to do. He got that growth in Arena Football. And Because he played arena football, his skills continued to improve and he kept getting better and stronger and because of that he got noticed by teams in the NFL. Ultimately he ended up playing for the Rams. And when he finally got his shot to play in the game, he was ready and he showed up. And ended up winning a Super Bowl ring all because he didn’t give up and he kept following his heart and following the not so linear steps he had to take to get there. He went from being an undrafted free agent to a two time most valuable player and Super Bowl MVP. In the beginning some laughed at him and his coaches for picking him up. They weren’t laughing anymore. Yeah it took him longer to get there. Yeah he didn’t take the normal path to getting there. But that was his journey. Your journey is exactly what you make of it too.

So maybe take the job that’s a stepping stone it may develop the skills for the job you ultimately want. Get into the gym even though you’re out of shape and overweight. Get into the community college and work hard even though it wasn’t the University or College you wanted. You’re still moving forward. You’re not done yet and you have to keep growing.

MY point is. If you have a dream, if you have a desire in your heart, that desire is meant for you. Shut out the naysayers and get on with your work. There will be naysayers all along your way, just smile and nod your head and say I’m sure you’re right, and then get on with your work. Their limitations are not your limitations. Let them live to the boundaries of their limitations, you don’t have to. In the area where you feel a strong pull, a strong desire to do something, you are limitless.

If you’re not where you want to be, it doesn’t mean you won’t be it means you’re just not ready. You’re still being done.

Share this with three of your friends who are still being done. I love you guys I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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