Finding Your Higher Self

Episode 490
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Finding Your Higher Self

this week one day was kind of a roller coaster week, one day I was on a high and the next day I was thinking oh my goodness this is too much stress and then that same day in the afternoon things went so well again and it seemed like that was happening over and over all week. One minute things were great, the next minute things were crazy and at one point there were like 5 things all happening at once and they were all kind of stressful in their own way and through it all I just kept reminding myself of a couple things, first of all, this too shall pass and second…I can handle this, I’m able to handle this. And if something seemed a bit too much and I had done everything I could I just put it in God’s hands and left it there for safe keeping. And guess what? I made it through some hard things and it’s all fine. I didn’t let myself lose my mind, I just kept handling everything the best I could and knowing it will all work out. Now, both of those statements “this too shall pass and I can handle this” are unequivocally true for all of us. We are so much bigger and so much more than our daily struggles when we remember that in the moment it puts it all in perspective. I just thought I would share that because a lot of times and I used to do this a lot we are our own worst enemy when stressful things are happening and if we realize that in real time it makes our ability to handle the stress much easier. You can handle the things that are put in front of you, make sure to remind yourself that anytime you’re going though hard things, you CAN handle it and make things better than they are not worse. Find and focus on what is working, that is how you’ll find a solution.

Every single one of us was put here for a purpose. Some fulfill that purpose and some don’t. We are all given everything inside of us that we need to be successful and to be great. Why then do some reach that full potential and gand some don’t? It’s a good question to ponder.

I mean, You’ve been you since you were born into this world and I’ve been me. No matter how my body looks, I’m still that same consciousness that was a little baby, the same that was in a 5 year little girl, the same when I am sick or when I am well. Have you ever thought about that? You are the same consciousness you were born with, you’ve just developed and taken shape based on what you have been exposed to. Now when we were children, our parents or caregivers had a lot of influence over who we became. But as adults we get to decide if who we are is the best we can be. If we feel we were meant for more, if we feel like something is missing, like we have so much more to do and be, the real question is…what are we doing to make that a reality?

I read something from a Wayne dyer book the other day that my body is in a larger part controlled by my mind. It made me wonder though I even wrote down this question…if My mind is controlled by me. Who is me? Who is this consciousness that controls my mind? What I’ve been understanding and reading is that it is God Consciousness that is me. But that begs an even bigger question…If our conciseness is God consciousness then why then do we do and think things that I don’t think God would do and think? If my consciousness is God consciousness, then why am I not perfect? I wrote that question down and then something sent me to a few pages back in the book I was reading and there was the answer. Ask and you shall receive. Right? It’s so fun when things like that happen. The answer came in the form of a quote.

It was A Chinese philosopher who said this “ when our sense of sight and hearing are distracted by the things outside without the participation of thought, then the material things act upon the material senses and lead them astray. The function of the mind is thinking, when you think, you keep your mind and when you don’t think, you lose your mind, this is what heaven has given us one who cultivates his higher self will find that his lower self follows in accord that is how to become a great man. “. So when you think you keep your mind and when you don’t think you lose your mind. This leads me to ask myself how often do I really think? How often do I just think my own thoughts without the intrusion of other people’s opinions? How often do I allow myself to think if that’s what makes a man find greatness how often do I just think without distraction? It’s hard to do in the age of technology, easy dopamine, and instant gratification isn’t it? I mean…

When dopamine is so easily attained by reaching for our phone how do we ever stop. Does it matter if we stop? Is it really hurting us to scroll for hours a day? What’s the problem with that if it makes us happy? The problem is if you really think about it, it’s not making you happy it’s distracting you from your purpose. It’s distracting you from your own greatness. It is literally stopping you from thinking.

And there is no one to stop you from distracting yourself with your phone but you. How often do you listen to your higher self?

Your higher self is sending you hints all the time. How many times have you been scrolling and you just have this feeling like “what am I doing?” How often do you grab the phone in the car and you think “I shouldn’t be doing that” How many times have you been sitting across from the person you love most in the world and you’re on your phone and you want to put it down, but you don’t. The part of you that wants you to put the phone down? That’s a hint from your higher self. Maybe you have this thought like I want to go to the gym but then the moment passes, and you don’t or maybe you wake up and tell yourself you are eating only healthy food today, that’s your higher self looking out for you, but then someone brings your favorite cookies.

My husband Eric was telling me how at work people often bring cakes and cookies into the break room and he laughed because they bring it to work to get it away from their house so they don’t eat it all. But then my husband says he fights with himself all day to not eat a cookie. His higher self has set ideas of what food he will eat and what is not good for him. The other day he got really tempted and went over to the box and saw that the ingredient list was there and once he took a look at the at least 50 ingredients including chemicals, he didn’t eat a cookie and that’s really hard to do! The other morning like every morning my brain wanted me to go jump first thing on x to see what’s going on, I even heard myself justify it by saying it will just be a minute and then I’ll start my meditation and journaling, but I overruled it and it was one of my better meditations I’ve had. And I’m so thankful for that. There are many times when I notice the hint and I don’t listen and end up wishing I did. You aren’t going to ever be perfect but if you want to get even close to reaching your full potential, you have to get really good at listening and following the guidance of your higher self, which is available to all of us every day if we allow it in. If we quiet our mind, walk in nature, spend time cuddling our pets, go for a run with no music in our ears, there are so many ways for your higher self (some may call it your intuition, your gut feeling)to reach you and give you guidance, but it’s up to you whether you act on it.

My challenge to you today is get really good at noticing when your higher self is trying to guide you. Maybe it’s a gut feeling, maybe it’s your intuition, how often are you listening? Share this with 3 people who inspire you to be your best self. I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days!

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