Is there another way to look at it?

Episode 160
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Is there another way to look at it?

Hi guys!! Welcome to episode 160 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! I’m so happy you’re here, I’m happy we’re on this journey together of growth and expansion and reaching for the next good feeling though. That’s what makes life good isn’t it? Reaching for good thoughts even when it seems like there’s a lot of noise and chaos right now?

The thing about that noise and chaos is there’s also a lot of good but that doesn’t sell so what’s constantly pushed is fear and it is kind of addictive to always have something chaotic going on because it can distract us from other things that we would like to avoid. But is that making us better? Is this the time to be taking in constant fear and noise or is this the time to shut it all down and LIVE. Live without fear. Live without judgment. Live without worrying what everyone else is doing or saying. Live in a manner that makes us better, taking care of our mind and our health and our personal environment. Getting away from the noise and chaos. Because a lot of times the things we are taking in that stresses us out doesn’t even really affect us.

Some might say well it does affect us. But does it?

Is it affecting you because it’s really legitimately affecting your day to day life or is it affecting you because you’re reading it, consuming it, thinking about it, talking about it, posting about it.

At any given moment you have the ability to look at a situation in a way that makes you feel better and a way that makes you feel not so good. Every single situation in your life, there’s more than one way to look at it.

And look I know there’s enough out there right now to make you feel bad for one hundred years if you let it. You just have to choose if you’re gonna let it.

The drama of the week was President Obama celebrating his 60th with a big happy party, no masks just happy people. He looked genuinely happy to me and I’m glad. Now some were upset about it saying why does he get to have a party and we don’t? But what if you looked at it like he was setting an example for Americans to live. Showing us it’s ok to live without fear.

He didn’t let Fox News or CNN or the busy bodies down the street decide how he’s going to live. He just did his thing. He set the example to dance and party and enjoy life without fear. I don’t love his politics but I can get on board with us moving back into a life where we each evaluate our own risk level and we start living again. That’s how I choose to look at it which gives me hope. I’m not letting other people’s opinion of that drama affect me, I’ll decide how I want to look at it. Because my opinion of it is as valuable as their opinion and that’s all we’re getting from the media..opinions. So you decide right now your opinion is more valuable to you than anyone else’s. Mine is.

People with agendas on either side want you mad. They want you upset. They want you scared and then they want you to send $20 to help them fight it. That’s an agenda and we’ve played into it for too long.

Because see now you have options. You can first of all decide if the things going on are really affecting your day to day life right now. If it is then what steps can you do to change it? but if it isn’t then you are creating drama unnecessarily. You’re attaching your thoughts to someone else’s agenda. Is that agenda going to make your life better today or worse? It’s all about focus. If you focus on being mad that President Obama had a party, then how’s that making your life better? But if you look at it as giving you an example to live again then it gives you hope. There’s always more than one way to look at things.

Have you ever noticed when you’re super busy? Maybe you have an extra busy work week or the kids have lots going on during their first school week, sometimes the things that you’ve been worrying about seem not so bad because your mind is focused elsewhere but when things slow down there they are again. That shows us that a lot of our own suffering is in our heads, not in our actual life.

I had an article sent to me recently doesn’t matter the topic it applies to everything but this topic it’s really got people upset and as I’m reading it I could feel my heart rate going up and my stress level going up and after reading it I’m sitting there imagining all these scenarios that could happen in the future none of them good. So I’m creating this stress in my body over something that doesn’t even affect my day to day life so I’m letting someone else’s agenda for the day take me on a roller coaster ride of emotions because I didn’t get out ahead of it by asking myself does this affect me? No it actually didn’t not literally. It was affecting me in my mind but it wouldn’t in my day to day life.

Now what if things are affecting you or they’re affecting your kids? Well then you have to decide if you’re going to do the work to change it and if you’re not then what is worrying about it going to do? Because worry never changes anything but your stress level. I read a quote that said worry does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace.

Right now I want to give you some peace of mind. This too shall pass. COVID is eventually going to be a bad memory. Whatever you’re going through is eventually going to pass. I love the saying “ if you’re going through hell keep on going”. I love that because don’t stop, don’t quit. Keep moving forward. It’s going to be ok. You’re going to be ok.

Fear is a big seller. It’s a money maker and right now there’s ample fear and there’s a lot of money being made because of it that’s why it keeps going. That’s someone else’s agenda though.

Reasonable awareness is what’s needed. Being aware means you know the risks and you mitigate them how you see fit for you and your family. Don’t cave to someone else’s agenda. Be smart and think for yourself.

What does that look like? For me and Eric we have committed to be as healthy as our bodies are made to be. We eat Whole Foods and exercise almost every day in some way. We are taking supplements like zinc, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin d. Among others. We are giving our immune system the ability to fight something if it needs to. We have committed to making our home a respite. Which means everything is maintained and clean and organized and calm. We never have the TV on the news ever. We don’t want that kind of energy floating around our home and our heads. It doesn’t do anybody any good. It’s not news anymore, it’s agenda driven propaganda. And it doesn’t matter what side you’re on politically. It’s both sides. Get back to basics with yourself, your family and your friends. Get back to your agenda and off everyone else’s.

My challenge to you today is awareness. Reasonable awareness where you make decisions based on making your life the best it can be, your health the best it can be and your home a respite away from the noise.

I love you guys and I’ll talk to you I. A few days.

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