The only “MOVEMENT” that will truly change your life

Episode 363
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: The only “MOVEMENT” that will truly change your life

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 363 of the wildly successful lifestyle podcast! What’s up? I hope this finds you feeling good and finding joy wherever you can.

Have you guys ever experienced a truly amazing day where you felt exhilarated and fulfilled and just like wow that was a great day? Really think about it. What did that day consist of, how did it look?

The other day I started my day with a hard workout with Kevin my trainer and then my friend Lena asked if I wanted to walk outside for 20 minutes instead of going to the sauna since it’s basically a sauna outside we could also get some cardio in…so that’s what we did and then I got home and cleaned up and E and I had lunch and I worked on my podcast episodes, (I do sit usually for this) once I finished that my phone went off notifying me we had an alert that our water wasn’t safe to use for anything but flushing the toilet due to a gas leak from a generator used during the electrical outage all over our city. So it’s 100 degrees but I jump in the car and head to Costco with everyone else who realizes it could be days before we can use our water so now we are stocking up. I load up the car with water then I go pick up all the meat I had put in my sister in laws refrigerator when our power was out, I came home and finished cleaning everything up, doing laundry, taking care of anything in the kitchen, finishing some Interior design emails and calls and by that time it was about 8:15 and I thought wow, I am ready to get off my feet but I feel amazing. It was a really good day, I feel like I got so much done and even though I was running around all day and I was tired, I felt amazing.

When I ask you about a day where you felt amazing and exhilarated at the end of the day….my guess is not one of you imagined a day where you sat on the couch vegging out on Netflix or Social Media.

And look Ive done the research on myself. The days where I move the most are the days where I am the happiest and as you can see from the day I told you about, I wasn’t at the lake or at the beach, I wasn’t doing what someone might consider “fun”. I was just moving all day, some of it intentional like working out and walking but other times I was just running around getting things done. The point is when Im the most active, Im the happiest. And it’s not just me. Study after study has found that active people are consistently more happy and by the way also more successful than people who are not active. I do a lot of writing each week and I also do a lot or reading. After doing the research for this episode I am realizing I sit too much without breaking it up.

For every 30 minutes you sit, you should get up and move for at least 5 minutes. Sitting for too long or sedentary behavior is directly correlated to early death, now this also includes if you exercise, which I found very interesting. Even if you exercise if you sit without interruption for durations of longer than 30 minutes, so it you have a desk job or you write like me, you should still be getting up every 30 minutes and move around for at least 5 minuted. I didn’t know that. Now I do. So even if you do exercise, you still don’t want to sit for longer than 30 minutes a day without moving for at least 5 minutes, give your body a break from being sedentary, it is literally begging for you to do that. Think about it, when you have been sitting for a while and then you get up and walk around or move a little bit, your focus is better, your creativity goes back up and you feel energized even from just 5 minutes. So even if you exercise but you work at a job where you sit, you still need to move around every 30 minutes to give your body the best chance at being healthy…at being the best version of you.

If you aren’t moving your body, your muscles are shrinking, your fat is going up and your cognitive function is going down.

If I told you that Big Pharma was coming out with a new pill that helped you live longer, was proven to make you feel happier, helped you maintain a healthy weight, and gave you an overall better outlook on life, possibly even including being more successful…….you only had to take this pill once a day and there were no downsides to it…..would you take it?

I bet you would. But we already have that life changing pill and it’s called movement.

My challenge to you this week is number one be real with how much movement you get. First of all Guidelines straight from our trusty government says you should be getting 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate exercise every week. That equals a minimum of 30 minutes a day for 5 days. Are you getting that? And the second part of that challenge is to move every 30 minutes if you sit for your work. I am right there with you on this. Now I exercise about an hour a day for 6 days a week so Im solid there but I sit too much without moving when Im working so Im challenging myself to change that this week. Share this with 3 people who you would like to live longer…I love you guys I will talk to you in a few days!

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