Adapting to uncertainty

Episode 27

LISTEN TO: Adapting to uncertainty

Hi guys!  Welcome to the 27th episode of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!

I read a quote on twitter a few days ago and it said “Just a reminder, Everyone is going through quite a bit of anxiety and stress right now, so be gentle and maybe cut everyone some slack.  And then in parenthesis he said (including yourself)

That in parentheses hit me pretty smack in the face.  I thought about it and I realized that I have pretty high standards I keep for myself and with everything going on the last couple months with Coronavirus, it’s been pretty challenging to keep up with those standards.

In ways, I have been a bit hard on myself because of challenges I’ve had through this quarantine.  And I am not saying I have it worse than so many that have lost their jobs or even worse, had the virus and have been dealing with that. I am talking about those of us that are dealing with the stress of our routine being thrown basically in the highway and run over.

So many of my friends and family are experiencing the same.  Sometimes for me it helps to look at examples of people that have overcome huge adversity to help me realize that what I’m dealing with is certainly manageable.  I love reading about people that have adapted and evolved, overcoming great adversity to make their life incredible.  It inspires me!  So I thought I would inspire you with a few  inspirational examples if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed! For instance….Did you know that

Abraham Lincoln overcame chronic depression and went on of course to be president of the US

Oprah overcame childhood abuse and teen pregnancy at 14

Thomas Edison overcame 10,000 failures to invent the light bulb 

I love the story of Kris Carr. She found out in 2003 that she had incurable cancer.  She turned her life completely around with healthy eating and a healthy way of life.  She didn’t let that get her down, she has since written 5 best selling books and just keeps on getting better! (Show notes) I’ll put her name in show notes in case you want to check out her books.

Micheal Jordan has been all the buzz lately….he is quoted as saying he missed 9000 shots in his career, he has lost almost 300 games, 26 times he was trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.  He is quoted as saying “I failed over and over and over in my life and that is why I succeed”.

See!  Doesn’t that just fill you with hope and inspiration?  We can overcome anything if we just have the right mindset!

It’s ok to get angry, disappointed and sad but positive people are grateful for what they have and know the future holds awesome opportunities.  History has shown over and over that people who don’t give up can overcome any challenge or obstacle!

SO, How have you been dealing with adapting to change?  Adapting to the uncertainty of it all?

How do you find certainty in an uncertain world?  Uncertainty can creep into our life at any time, with unexpected events.  Events that could cause massive damage .

And, unfortunately the only constant we have in life is change. That’s actually a quote from a Greek philosopher named Heraclitus, and don’t be too impressed,  I had to look up how to pronounce that name!

What can we do to create certainty for our self right now and learn to adapt to change?  Here are three powerful things you can do to create more certainty:

  1.  Absolutely 100% you have to stop comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself to others is always a bad idea.  Just work to become a better version of you.  

-So many times if we compare our self to others, its someone that you don’t know and have no idea what is REALLY going on in their life. Make that a mission to never compare yourself to anyone else.  I know it’s not easy but it’s worth it

  1. Having Consistency provides a level of certainty:  Consistency in eating healthy, working out, grateful journaling.  Doing food prep for the week, planning and scheduling each workout for the week, and carving out time each morning for your grateful journal
  2. Having Faith that no matter what happens, things will always work out for you.  Faith is a really good way of finding certainty.  Faith in yourself, faith in your family, faith in humanity, faith that you will always find a way no matter what.  That feels like such an empowering statement.  I will always find a way no matter what.  Sounds like a good motto!

These are things we can work on every day.  I know I do!

But you know what?  I’m not perfect, and I never will be.  My husband always says “Don’t look for perfection, look for excellence!”  I love this and am committed to being the best version of me that I can possibly be.  

Fortunately for all of us and our imperfections, Brene Brown was quoted as saying “We are drawn to people who are real and down to earth.  We love authenticity and we know life is messy and imperfect”. 

I love you guys, imperfections and all!  Remember, Just work towards being the best version of you that you can be!  That’s what we are looking for in creating a Wildly Successful lifestyle!  Alright guys!  I will talk to you in a few days!

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