Are you intentionally distracting yourself?

Episode 38

LISTEN TO: Are you intentionally distracting yourself?

I’ve started getting back with clients and working in design and I didn’t realize how much I missed it. I missed creating. I missed being inspired by products that people have designed. I missed the co-creation I have with my clients and the friendship. It really does remind me though how much the processes of life duplicate each other.

The process of design is so aligned with the process of creating the life we want. They are very similar. We have an inspiration, we define exactly what we want, then we create a mood board, put together a plan and schedule it. We schedule every single detail.

When I put a plan together for a client and we follow the plan…it’s no surprise to me when it turns out amazing and beautiful, it turns out exactly the way I thought it would because we followed the plan. It can be the Same thing for your life. If you follow your plan you won’t be surprised when you succeed because you knew you would. You planned it out.

For so many though, there is no plan for their life at all. And if that is you and you are here and listening, it’s ok. It is never too late to start. I don’t care where you are in life.

Look, life happens and you get into routines and settle into mediocrity because you tell yourself you should just be happy you have a job. Or you settle for an average relationship because you’re just glad you aren’t alone. We don’t dream big because who are we to dream big? Who are you NOT to dream big? If you have a desire in your heart to do something bigger than what you are currently doing then that is the universe telling you to do it. That’s your inner guidance system drawing you towards the thing you are meant to do. Sometimes, we don’t even consider a life beyond what we know as possible. Because no-one we know has done it and it’s scary to dream that way. What if we fail? What if others laugh? What if you succeed? What if you feel more alive than you have ever felt before?

If you are someone who wants more from life and I bet you are because you are listening to this podcast then consider using the design process I talked about as a tool to get what you want. I have created a free pdf that you can download on my website at It’s a simple form, but it tells you each step of the process and it can work for any area. So let’s say you already have a plan but are struggling to succeed, maybe it’s in a certain area whether it’s trying to lose weight, trying to stop drinking so much, trying to get a better job. We have to beware of some of the tricks our brain will play on us. One of the biggest tricks and it is especially bad right now is distractions. Distraction is a choice. We choose to be distracted. It’s easier to distract our self than it is to follow the plan. It’s more comfortable. Especially when the life we want to create scares us. So we settle ourselves down and we ease back into our comfort zone.

Your Comfort zone is not your friend. Your comfort zone is the place your brain wants you to stay because it’s safe. It’s safe but it will make you soft. Our brain is a master at distraction and it is smart too because it will disguise it as “Well I need to stay up to date on what’s going on”, It is important that I stay current on the news or stay current on the latest technology. So you turn on the news or you open Instagram in the name of “I have to stay relevant”. I’m able to say this with such confidence because I have found myself justifying it too. By saying well, it could affect our area so I have to be glued to social media or the news to stay on top of things. Right now, who would blame you? Right now in America we are probably as distracted as we have been for a very long time. It is understandable to want to look at what is going on but listen. I’m here to tell you, it is an election year and if you want to accomplish great things before the end of the year, you had better figure out a way to not be distracted by the latest crisis because we are going to have chaos, crisis and craziness until after the election which isn’t until November. I for one, have big things I’m trying to do and spending my days terrified and stressed out is no way to accomplish anything!

Decide right now that you are going to be conscious of the distractions you allow in your life. Being conscious is the first step. Sometimes you don’t even realize it’s a distraction you’re choosing. For example, I used to catch myself when something I was doing would get hard or I was frustrated, I would pick up the phone and call my sister or stop what I was doing because I needed to let the dog out. I didn’t realize until I became conscious of when I chose distractions how many I actually had. It will never be perfect, but you will be shocked by what you can accomplish when you decide to stop distracting yourself…

I love you guys and I will talk to you in a few days!

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