Are you on the right path?

Episode 56

LISTEN TO: Are you on the right path?

Do you know if you’re on the right path?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 56 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!

You know…
One of the main things I’ve found doing the Wednesday interviews is that when successful people feel they are on the wrong path or headed in the wrong direction…they change it! They don’t stay unhappy. They don’t stay miserable. They don’t stay stuck. Now, They GET stuck but they don’t STAY stuck.

Sometimes we feel stuck and we think it means everything is wrong in our life. We start generalizing and think that we need to change our partner, quit our job, move somewhere else. And that may be the case but sometimes we also just need to change our thoughts about things.

So how do you know the difference between when you are on the wrong path or when you are just having a bad day? How do you know if you really need to change something or maybe you just need to change the way you look at it?

You can be on the right path and feel discomfort. (sometimes that just means you’re growing)
You can be on the right path and feel sad at times. (Life can be messy and we are all going to have moments where we feel sad. But those are moments, and they’re hopefully temporary)

We have to be careful about making permanent solutions when it’s only a temporary problem.

Sometimes we look at a situation and think oh I’m uncomfortable so I need to change it. When I first started doing my design work, I was uncomfortable all the time, it was scary…When I first started my podcast I was uncomfortable a lot of the time. Usually when you’re doing something new, or doing something hard, it can be uncomfortable. But I ultimately find joy in both of these things, my design and podcasting. So even though sometimes I feel discomfort maybe because I’m trying a new edgy product or maybe I’m worrying that nobody will listen or care about my latest episode. I’ve had to learn to accept the discomfort because ultimately I know that this is what I am meant to be doing right now, so I don’t need to change it, I just need to be ok with the discomfort and know that means I’m growing which ultimately brings me even more joy.

Another example is Before I met my husband, I was in a relationship with a really good, nice guy. He was successful, funny, nice looking and loyal. We had different goals though, we had different hobbies, we liked doing different things. I was uncomfortable a lot and ultimately I was not finding joy in that relationship.

Right about that time, when I was dating him but it was not going great…I was scheduled to go to an Anthony Robbins seminar in California. So off I go. At this seminar, Tony had everyone, all 2300 people write a letter describing their perfect soulmate. He wanted you to specify Your very perfect version of who you wanted to be with whether you were in a relationship or not. I was pretty distraught and basically wanted to come home at that point. You see, I knew that if I wrote that letter, I would have to admit that I was settling with my then boyfriend and it would ultimately mean I would have to break it off. Long story short. I wrote the letter through tears knowing that it was the end of my relationship. I broke up with him the day I got home and never looked back. I needed to change it because neither one of us was going to find long term joy in that relationship, we were too different.

Life can be crazy. Sometimes you need a change. Sometimes though you are simply going through a rough season, which by the way makes you human.

I will give you an example of that…My little sister has been struggling a bit because she is a medical device rep and because of COVID has not been able to have her regular hospital visits, she has been confined at home, like a lot of us and that isn’t good for social people, which I think most of us are! It isn’t comfortable to be home bound and alone day in and day out. There is a lot of discomfort that comes with that. She started wondering if she was in the right field but once we talked about it, she realized that before COVID she LOVED her job! It brought her so much joy to visit her “friends” that is what she calls her clients. But she is just missing that and that is temporary. Soon she will be back at it and finding that joy once again. It’s a temporary problem that will get better soon, no need to change careers at this point because that is not the problem! She said she knew that deep down but talking it out helped.

You are the only person that ultimately knows what is best for you, nobody else. Your inner guidance system knows the right thing for you. You’ve got to be in touch with that. Three things that ultimately help you be in touch with that are journaling, meditation and growth, whether that is reading, listening to positive podcasts, studying something new. You’re listening to this podcast which tells me you are into being the best version of you. And I know that sounds cliche and all that but really think about what the best version of you means. What does your version of a “Wildly successful lifestyle” look like? It will be different for all of us. But knowing what yours is…that will help you decide if you are on the right path. So make sure you know that is! So just like I wrote that letter describing my perfect partner, which I now have, Write down your version of Your Wildly Successful life. If everything you’re doing right now is heading in that direction, then keep going, but if it’s not…Figure out what you need to do to get there.

You are your own champion. Never forget that. I love you guys and can’t wait to talk to you in a few days.

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