Are you the lead role in your own life?

Episode 156
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Are you the lead role in your own life?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 156 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! How are you guys? I hope you’re enjoying coffee or driving and the sun is on your face or maybe you’re making breakfast. Whatever you’re doing, hello and it’s so nice to be here with you!

It is becoming more and more clear that we have to be responsible for our own happiness.

With everything going on in the world we can be deeply affected by the decisions that others are making and it may feel like you have no control. I understand how easy it is to feel that way, but it doesn’t serve us.

We have to consider the things we do control. We control our thoughts which has everything to do with the quality of our life.

I was listening to Jay Shetty talking to Gisele Bundchen this week. She is the most successful supermodel in the world and she had to deal with depression. You know what that tells me? It doesn’t matter the things you have or are perceived to have…it isn’t enough unless you are doing the things it takes to create a calmness and a happiness inside you.

Society will have you thinking it’s all about status and money and things or you’re bad if you do this or bad if you don’t do this. There is no one size fits all right move. You take care of yourself. Your happiness and peace are what should matter most to you right now. And that will trickle down to your kids if you have them or your partner if you have that. But ultimately you have to do the things to protect that happiness and that peace.

Other people don’t make you happy. YOU make you happy. Are you giving yourself that chance? Are you honoring your body? This could mean exercising, meditating, eating foods that nourish your body, but it could also mean simply resting. It could also mean saying no when you need to, rather than yes to please someone else. And I get it, I have always been a person that wants everyone happy. I’ve learned along the way though that I’m responsible for myself and I can’t be of service to others unless I take care of myself, my body, my mind and my home first. So I make a commitment to myself every day and I keep it. I have appointments with myself each day on my calendar. Meditation, journaling and exercise. It is truly life changing. Are you making and keeping commitments to yourself? Are you bending yourself in a pretzel to make everyone around you happy to the point you have no time left for you? There’s no award for that. In fact eventually there will be nothing left for you to give.

YOU make you happy.

That means not giving up on your dreams. Are you answering the calling inside you? Is there something you desire that you’ve pushed aside? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but life happened? Steve Jobs was asked for advice and he said “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know who you want to become.” Are you Following your heart and your intuition? That’s a really big part of you making you happy.

You have one life. Put it all out on the table. That’s why we love to watch the Olympics, isn’t it? Those athletes putting it all out on the table? Having the courage to follow their heart? It’s inspiring!

It’s so inspiring to see someone go after their dreams. The Olympics are going on as I record this and this is always an inspiring event to me because these people work so so hard. The drama of the week is a spectacular athlete Simone Biles was struggling and not doing so well in her competitions. She had won 4 gold medals at the last Olympics and that’s a lot of pressure to live up to. Long story short. She decided to pull out of competition for her own mental health. Now, lots of people applauded her calling her a hero, others were berating her, calling her a quitter. For me, I don’t know Simone. I know what I’ve seen her do and it’s incredible. I don’t know what’s going on and no one else does either, unless you’re close to her. It doesn’t matter why she made the decision. It doesn’t matter if she wasn’t doing well so she quit, considering that she may have been having mental health issues which is why she wasn’t competing at her best. It’s a decision she felt was right for her. Leave it at that. No need to applaud or berate. Just wish her well and move on. She took care of herself.

Taking care of yourself may seem selfish to others because maybe they haven’t prioritized themselves, so why do you get to? We spend so much energy worrying about what other people think, it’s never been more glaring than now with what is going on in the world. There are large groups of people that are vaccinated and that’s fine that’s great for them, and there are large groups of people that aren’t and that is also fine. You see, We live in America. Regardless of which side of the aisle you are on with this topic, be ok that someone else has a different opinion about it. And you aren’t alone. If you’re feeling bullied, you aren’t alone. Stand strong. Think for yourself. Be the hero you wish would step in and make it all go away. Be that hero. You know how you do that? You turn the TV off. Stop being a spectator and get into the game. Stop letting other people fill your head. Stop acting like you’re confused about what to do. You know when something feels right and you know when it doesn’t. Your inner guidance system is strong and when you stop consuming the negative stuff people are putting out, your inner guidance system has a chance to break through and tell you to breathe and that’s when you get those gut feelings…Those are the ones you want to follow.

You are the main character of your life, you’re the lead in the movie of your life. Are you acting the part or are you playing the role of an extra? Treating yourself like a side thought.

You are so much more than a side thought or an extra. You’re the lead and you get to call the shots. And sometimes you have to make a decision and you may not like the decision you have to make, but guess what? You still have control of how you view that decision. You can find something good and line up with that. And don’t worry what other people think, more than likely they aren’t thinking about you at all, they are worried about their own decisions they’re having to make. That’s almost guaranteed.

That’s one of the most freeing things I’ve ever learned. Sometimes we create these scenarios in our head and we all do it. You know the times you create a complete scenario of what someone is thinking or saying about you or someone is having a bad day and you think you’ve done something to offend them and then you find out it has absolutely nothing to do with you. And I say this because I’ve done it and I still catch myself doing it but now when I start down that path I stop and remind myself it’s ridiculous to try to read other peoples minds. It is even more ridiculous to accuse someone else of making you feel a certain way. They can’t make you feel any way unless you let them and when you do that you are giving them all your power.

Remember you’re the lead in your very own movie, that’s your life and you get to decide how it goes. Are you going to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition because that’s catching, you’ll inspire more people than you know just by doing that.

In Brooke Castillio’s latest episode she talks about being awesome. We each have a level of awesome in us. We each are unique and designed so beautifully. No matter what is going on in your life. Be ok with who you are. Be strong. Know that You aren’t broken. You don’t need someone else to come and fix you. You may be having a rough week but it can and will turn around if you start looking at the things that you have going on that are good. It can turn around if you start treating yourself like you’re the star of the show because you are. You have what it takes inside you to see anything through.

Go out there today and be willing to have the courage to be awesome at something. Or at least give it your all and if you fail..get up and try again. That’s what life is all about.

I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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