Are you wrecking your own ship?

Episode 336

LISTEN TO: Are you wrecking your own ship?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 336 of the wildly successful lifestyle podcast! I hope you are finding happiness and peace in each day. Im happy you’re here.

This is a podcast where we are all about being wildly successful and that means different things to each one of us, I know that and I love that. That’s what makes the world go round. And I hope you know exactly what wildly successful means to you because that matters, how else would you know if you were there? Now, I love to build people up and I am positive and optimistic by nature but sometimes we have to have a little tough love. And that’s what today is going to be. And I always include myself in this. 99.9% of the time Im speaking to myself and just hope you can relate and grow along with me.

Several years ago, I was what I would call a news junkie. I knew all the celebrity stuff. I knew who dated who, all the scoop, my friends would say, Heidi will know she keeps up with that stuff. And I did. I use to be really into politics. I fell into the trap of the crisis of the week, every single week. I was stressed. I was trying to figure out how America was going to survive because everyone said we wouldn’t. If Climate change didn’t get us the open borders would. If this president got elected, America would be over as we know it. Sound familiar? I started to judge people based on their political affiliation. I knew more about who was dating who in the celebrity world than I did about my own body. Which by the way, I was not taking care of. Yeah I would exercise, but then I would reward myself with chips and margaritas. Or sugar. You name it. I would probably eat it. I had family issues, My relationship with Eric had hit a rough patch all because of me trying to use external things to make myself feel something that I needed to find inside me.

I was teetering on the edge of wrecking my own ship.

Fast forward to today.

Now, Im gonna to come back to that girl, don’t you worry but I want to give you a glimpse of where I am today.

I sometimes feel like I’m in a bubble where I just feel like life is so good and inside my bubble it really is and when I walk around that’s my reality no matter where I go. I crave and love healthy food I still drink socially but I limit it to no more than twice a week. My relationship with my husband is better than it has ever been.

If you listen regularly some of that that I said about where I used to be, may surprise you. It shouldn’t though because we are all human and that means we are perfectly imperfect. And where we are is exactly where we are supposed to be. And that includes you. So often we have this vision of how people are and how perfect their lives are when we have no idea. We think we are the only ones that have skeletons in the closet. We think we are the only one that gorges on cookies periodically. Or drink to much where we say or do something that we can’t take back, or try to buy our way into feeling worthy, I talk about that in episode 334. Sometimes, we get so stuck in our way of life that we think where we are is WHO WE ARE. When WHERE we are is simply a manifestation of the actions we’ve taken. It’s not WHO you are, it’s simply WHAT you’re doing.

Im living proof that if you change the things you’re doing, you change your life completely.

That girl, the girl I was years ago…I don’t despise her, I’m not ashamed of her….I’m thankful for her. She saw enough in herself to know that that’s not how she wanted to live. And so she started making changes. Part of that included peer group. Part of that included seminars. I went to every single Tony Robbins seminar there was back then. Some more than once. I even met my husband at Tony’s DATE WITH DESTINY seminar.

So what changed? I knew I was meant for more. I felt that deep down. I knew where I was didn’t match up to where I wanted to be. So, I dug deep and I searched for ways to be better. I looked for opportunities to grow. I recognized when something didn’t feel right for my body and I found the things that did. I stopped gorging on social media, celebrity news and politics and started reading about longevity, listening to podcasts about personal responsibility. I found coaches that helped me see my body as a temple, it’s the only one I will have in this life so I better figure out how to take care of it now. I recognized that we are what we consume physically and mentally. I didn’t want to be a bloated knucklehead who knew more about celebrities and politics than I knew about myself. I wanted to be a good example for my little sister Molly. That was important to me. I also knew I was meant for more than I was allowing for myself. No one was holding me back but me. And no-one is holding you back but you either if there are things you want to do in this life and you’re not doing them.

You aren’t empowering yourself when you say that’s just WHO I am. I would say that about things too. Things that weren’t easy to change so I just blamed my past or someone else. I don’t do that anymore. I know my power lies in the actions I take. In the books I read, the podcasts I listen to , the people I surround myself with, and the food I eat. It also lies in the things I avoid. You are what you consume in every way. Your life today is a culmination of the actions you’ve taken to now. Your actions today and tomorrow will create your life moving forward. You control that and you can change it. Doesn’t have to be drastic. Just has to be consistent.

Your life is a ship, your body and mind that’s your vessel. You’re the one steering it now, not your mom and dad, not your old mentors, not the people who doubted you, not your past. In order to live the life you were meant for you have to know you’re in control. No-one else gets the blame any longer, but the upside is no-one gets the credit either. What you’ve done up to now has gotten you where you are, what you’re doing today and tomorrow will dictate where you go moving forward. My vessel did a complete 180 and yours can too, and man it’s worth it. My challenge to you today is to just acknowledge you’re the captain, your actions steer the ship. I love you guys Ill talk to you in a few days.

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