Episode 64


Hi guys! Welcome to the 64th episode of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!

So I talk so much about doing everything you can to be happy and also to have a good mindset. It really is the main ingredient to living a wildly successful life, regardless of what your version may be and we all have different versions which is what makes life so fascinating and interesting.

But how do we find the energy and the motivation to do it? Consistently? Well, it definitely helps to have a coach and I have had coaches my whole adult life at different times. But sometimes it just isn’t reasonable to have a coach for whatever reason whether it’s time or money so how do you stay motivated to be awesome day in and day out on your own?

For starters, let me start with you probably aren’t going to be awesome day in and day out, that was just me getting overly excited. I don’t want anyone to think that is reality. You are going to have periods of awesomeness along with other periods of normalness and probably one or two periods where it isn’t so great. That’s how life works. The more you practice being awesome or exceptional the more it will become routine. Why? Because you set higher standards and that’s your new set point. That’s your new standard.

The question I want to ask you today is. What if and how could you….be your own life coach day to day. Periodically you will need to have a mentor but day to day how can you be your very own life coach?

You know how when you have an accountability partner and you don’t want to let them down or maybe you have a friendly competition going on? How can you create that for yourself?

For starters, you’d have to know what you want. What result do you want? Your brain wants clarity and will search for the answer without you even being aware of it as long as you have Clarity, or a specific goal or outcome.

Clarity is power. General goals aren’t going to cut it. You have to be specific. SO. What does a general goal do for you? Tony Robbins says “my goal is to lose weight”. Or my goal is “I wish I had more money”. Well then if you lose 1/2 lb and you make $1 then technically your brain will say you have reached your goal. That’s basically the outcome you asked lost weight and you have more money…

So you have to be more specific with your outcome. You have to say “I want to lose 10 lbs in 10 weeks , which means I need to lose 1 lb per week for the next 10 weeks. A specific money outcome is I want to make $10,000 in the next 10 weeks which means I have to make $1000 per week for the next 10 weeks. I encourage you to set ONE goal and work towards that rather than trying to do 5 different things at one time. You will find that your standards in other areas will be automatically raised because of you committing to that one specific goal.

When I have a coach we have a meeting once a week. We set specific goals and then for our follow up meeting we go over each specific goal and how I did with them. I’m a big believer in accountability so if you can set your own goals and give them to a friend or a partner and then have them hold you accountable is ideal but if not then you have to set up a meeting with yourself on Friday or Sunday whatever works for you and go over your goals/results for that week and how you did. Becoming trustworthy to yourself is part of the key to being your own day to day life coach. Don’t make promises to yourself that you know you won’t keep. Wildly successful people generally do very well in keeping promises to themselves. Otherwise they wouldn’t be wildly successful. It doesn’t happen by accident.

Big question for the moment? Can you trust yourself? I believe you want to and I know you can. So start off this next week with an attainable, specific, time restricted goal and see how that works. What is something you have been wanting to do? Figure out the first step towards making that happen and do it. For example, I have a goal to really focus on my mindset and growth. One way to do that is to journal daily. It is now part of my every morning routine..why? Because I made it easy, attainable and enjoyable and I set specific times for it. I bought a journal that is beautiful, it feels good to the touch and I have a pen that I keep inside it that I love the way it writes. I keep my journal in a basket next to where I have my coffee. I also make sure to get up early enough to make it happen before I go to the gym. Eventually things become a habit which makes it automatic but it’s those first few weeks where you have to use some discipline and it won’t always be easy but think of yourself as your own coach, you would never want to let yourself down. You are the most important person in your life, and I know for some of us that is not easy to feel comfortable saying but it has to be true in order for you to be a true value to others and also think about how you will inspire others.

And look. This can be a fun pep talk or it can really change your life. This only depends on one person and that’s you. What have you been wanting to change or accomplish but haven’t been serious about it? Let’s do it this week. Tony Robbins says don’t leave an inspired moment without taking massive action…

So this week: I challenge you to

Number 1: Set a very specific goal
Number 2: Write it down in your day planner or set alarms for it on your phone, put it on sticky notes on your mirror whatever it is you use to set intentions for your day.
Number 3: Put a meeting on your calendar with your coach to review your week and how you did on your goals.

Remember trusting yourself to do what you say you’re going to do will depend on the quality of your life overall. You can do this. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish. Tag me on Instagram at @theheididawson. I love you guys and will talk with you in a few days.

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