Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 123 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle Podcast!
I have different people that I chat with weekly or so that do podcasts and online things like I do and we share ideas. This week one of them sent me an email on how to make your podcast stand out and so I thought hmmmm that will be good so I read it and it said one thing was to look at the trending topics for podcasts on Apple and use those topics in your episode title. I thought that sounded like a great idea so I scooted over to trending topics on Apple podcasts and I seriously had to re-calibrate my brain as I read them. I kid you not, the top 4 were the following: Transgender models 1 and 2, Regulate prostitution? Was 3 and nipple gate was 4. Now. I don’t know about you but in my regular circle we just don’t sit around talking about regulating prostitution or transgender models.
And I’m going to just say what I think here. Who pushes the trending topics? Is it the same people pushing the info to the top of google? Are we being brainwashed into thinking everyone in the world feels this way so maybe I should feel this way too? That’s a tactic used to influence a certain agenda and being aware of it is the first step in not allowing your thoughts to be manipulated like a wind vane.
And look, There is a very small portion of the world that are transgender and they need to feel seen, heard and loved because that has to be confusing and it isn’t an easy road. But on the flip side of the coin there are those that have religious views that also need to feel seen, heard and loved. It works both ways. That’s how it works here in America. I can have my opinions and you can have yours.
You see, this is why we have to be so careful of what we allow to hold space in our minds. These trending topics seem to me to be more an agenda than anything else. It’s someone else’s idea of what they feel and I don’t have to feel that way if it doesn’t resonate with me.
If you ask most people, that I know anyway, they may have an opinion on things but they also have a live and let live motto. They may not understand someone that is transgender and maybe they are open to trying to understand or maybe not, but the majority of people don’t hate someone else because they are different. Our human nature makes us like being around people that we have things in common with, that’s extremely normal and it’s ok. Now, have you ever judged someone from appearance, maybe you think because they dress like you or look like you you will like them and then find out you don’t really have anything in common? I have and then, on the flip side I have really really enjoyed someone that at first glance I didn’t think I would. I try to see things from a place of love and acceptance. It isn’t always easy and I am not always successful but it’s always my goal.
Most people just want to be able to feel and believe the way they want and to be left alone to do that. They don’t want to feel manipulated by an agenda. More often than not, we would all get along much better if we didn’t look at any news at all because deep down we thrive on connection but the media thrives on outrage.
So, Just because someone tells you these are trending topics, doesn’t mean they are…it could just mean someone wants them to be. We have to be aware that most of the information you are getting anymore is agenda driven. That book you are reading, that author had a reason to write it. They wanted to affect you in some way and it could be they want to empower you, it doesn’t always mean the agenda is bad, it just means there is an agenda. News stories, articles, even the weather channel…they are for the most part all opinion based anymore. YOUR opinion and your internal guidance system is more powerful for you then anything you’re going to read. You innately know what’s right for you, but you have to keep yourself grounded and in touch with who you are. You do that by being very aware of your thoughts and putting more good stuff in your brain than you do bad stuff…meditation, grateful journaling, positive podcasts like mine and also doing more things that make you feel good and are good for you…You have to be so sure of who you are that nobody else’s agenda comes in and mucks it up. How many times have you been going along happily as a bird on a sunny day and then someone sends you a text or you read an article and immediately you go into anxiety mode.
I woke up this last week and was having a good day, meditating, journaling, listening to my good podcast and then a little later I pulled up my email and there was an email news article and I saw it and immediately I was like What? And I could feel my heart start racing and I wanted to get irritated and then I went wait a minute…how does this affect my day, right now how does this affect me? It didn’t. Unless I let it. And some of you right now are thinking yeah but it might affect you eventually or maybe it IS affecting you now like the mask mandate or the lock downs. And to that I say yeah There are always going to be circumstances that are out of your control. Every single day even but when we realize the power lies in the thoughts you have. That is so empowering to me and I hope it is to you too because you have that same power. Your thoughts are creating your reality every single day. Have you seen that little cartoon of a bus driving along a road and on one side it is super close to the rock wall so it’s dark and this man is sitting there just looking at that dark wall and he looks unhappy and on the other side of the bus there is an open cliff with sunshine and blue skies and the person facing that direction is smiling and so happy with the sun on their face? We have that option every single day. We can find the good or we can find the bad…it’s all up to you.
My challenge to you this week is to recognize when you see the new outrage agenda for the week and instead of reacting negatively just laugh and say, ahhh so that is what the agenda is this week and I’m not falling for it because I have all this good stuff going on and also realize that your inner guidance system knows who you are and the more in touch with it you are, the less likely you will be manipulated. Life is meant to be fun and you’re supposed to be having a good time, never forget that. I love you and I will talk to you in a few days.