Has your path taken a sharp turn?

Episode 60
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Has your path taken a sharp turn?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 60 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!

I was running this last week and a song came on by Meghan Trainor. I love listening to some of her songs when I run, they’re so fun! This one song came on though and you may or may not have ever heard it…The song name is “I love me”. I love this song and as I was singing along…I’m sure sometimes people can hear me LOL. But I was singing it and I thought wow, It felt a little jarring to hear myself singing those words kind of absentmindedly. In the words to that song she also says “They are going to try to clip my wings but I’m going to fly, I’m going to fly”. Even though it felt a bit weird to sing I love me ( I think society sometimes tells us that is wrong and that couldn’t be further from the truth)…I really felt the words “I am going to fly” and I want you to be free to fly too.

Society often tells us to stay in our lane. Follow the rules. This is the path you should take to be happy. Sometimes that comes from well meaning parents, teachers, ministers. I’m just saying that today…there is one person in this world…only one that knows exactly what is right for you and that is YOU. Your path is going to twist and turn. That’s how it is supposed to be! Sometimes you think..this is it. This is my path for the rest of my life…then guess what…something happens and that path all of a sudden takes a sharp turn.

Sometimes we feel stuck. We ask, is this all there is? This is especially true For high achievers and ambitious people. I am telling you that if you are feeling that right now, it’s ok. All that means is that you are being called to your purpose. You haven’t missed anything. You are sorting things out. You are growing. Life is a journey of different paths. Your journey has lots of different paths. You aren’t wrong to choose any of them. You know why? Because let’s say you choose one and you realize that isn’t right for you…You learned something and if you think about it, you gained wisdom and knowledge for the journey ahead. I interviewed successful people on the Wednesday wisdom series of this podcast and one thing I have found is that when they don’t like something about their life they change it.

I went to school to get my degree in Interior design as an adult. I had already had a life of real estate, building homes and it happened that I realized I was really really good at design. It came naturally. So I decided to get my degree in design. I thought my dream was to work for an architecture firm here locally and when the time came and they offered me a job, it didn’t feel like the right move. I would have been working long hours, traveling quite a bit and even though I thought that was all I wanted it seemed like a step backward because I already had my own design business. I can look back and say I wish I had taken that job and so often we do look back and say I wish I had done this or that but guess what? I look back at all of the experiences I would have missed if I had of taken that job and even though sometimes I think it would have been fun, I don’t know that my husband and I would be as close because we would have been ships passing in the night, I wouldn’t have had the years I did with my two rescue king Charles cavaliers because there would have been no way I could have them. I would have missed out on projects that moved me forward. I could have taken that path and it wouldn’t have been wrong it just would have been different. But you know the main thing I realized? That design isn’t the end all of my career…I wanted more. Mindset work, Human interaction, and growth…that’s all a big part of who I am and it always has been. That’s been a calling of mine for a long time. This podcast is a product of that. I would do it even if no-one listened and in the beginning…they didn’t. Now if I compared myself to other podcasts that have millions of listeners I could get down. But they started at zero listeners too. And that’s the answer to most of our problems. We compare. We compare our life to others. This creates a feeling of unworthiness…When we are feeling unworthy it is usually because we are comparing our life to someone else’s or someone or worse yet we have relied on someone else to make us feel worthy when the love we need the most is inside of us.

And We usually gather that comparison information by the words they write, the smiles on their faces they post all over social media and you fill in all of the rest for yourself. You picture that they have everything you want so you must be doing something wrong. We sometimes use that as a club hitting yourself over the head to say we must be doing something wrong or it just isn’t happening the way it did for that other person.

You cannot accurately compare what anyone is getting because often what they appear to be showing you and what they are living are two different things. And guess what? Someone is probably looking at your life and thinking how awesome it must be to be you. My husband jokingly tells me a lot…if I wasn’t me I’d want to be you. I love it when he says that..you know why? Because he is self confident and loves himself and also reminds me that my life is pretty good too.

On your journey to success and your journey to the best version of you…..I want you to realize that you are exactly where you should be. There is no rush. There is nothing missing.

But if you find yourself yearning for more or feeling stuck sometimes Clarity is the key to clearing that next path for you. In my design world I created a formula that takes a room from sad to happy with huge success and I have found that it works for life as well. It is my gift to you if you would like to download this PDF life design process. Go to my website www.heididawson.com and print the PDF at the banner on the top of the homepage. It references Episode 38 but applies for this episode as well.

I challenge you this week to be OK with where you are and look forward to what is coming.

I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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