Have you gotten SLOPPY?

Episode 355
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Have you gotten SLOPPY?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 355 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! As I record this it’s 96 degrees outside…it’s super hot, I usually sit outside for inspiration…but today I think ill hang out inside. But I enjoy doing this podcast so much, I can almost find inspiration anywhere. So thank you for continuing to listen and share and give me a 5 star rating whether you’re on Spotify or Apple….I love doing it and I always have you in mind when Im talking.

Ok. Have you ever started a new thing and at first you were gung-ho, you were all in but after a while, you got a little comfortable and things started slacking a bit. Whether it was a new relationship, a sport, or maybe your nutrition and working out. But after a while, you get comfortable or maybe a little bored and you stop doing the things that you first did.

Sometimes it’s so gradual that you don’t even realize it’s happening.

When I changed my diet drastically a couple years ago where I stopped eating gluten, grains and dairy…at first my weight just kept dropping and dropping. I called my functional nutritionist worried that I was going to low. He said don’t worry…your body will balance out. And it did. My body acclimated to my new way of eating and stopped going down in weight and just sort of maintained. This is my way of life now, it’s just how I eat and I feel great. But, you can overdo anything even healthy food. And so during the last year, I noticed that I wasn’t as lean as I had been and I was putting on a little bit of fat, not much but I noticed it and I was like woah, Im not eating bread or cheese or pasta, which are the usual culprits for weight gain so I was like what is it? So I pulled my my fitness pal out and started charting every single thing I was eating. It became quickly clear what the problem was, I was eating healthy yes, but my healthy fat intake was way too much. I had gotten sloppy with the amount of almond butter I ate in the morning, I told myself it was just a table spoon but when I had to track it, I had to measure it and let me tell you, when I started measuring I realized looking back, there were probably mornings where I was eating 2-3 tablespoons…it’s so easy to get sloppy.

I also noticed I would get a salad and protein when we went out but sometimes I would add a side of fries….no big deal right? Until you have to add it into my fitness pal and you realize if you ate the whole basket you just added 542 calories, 64 cabs and 28 grams of fat to your meal and sometimes I would eat the whole basket…so yeah it’s a big deal. I was getting sloppy and it was starting to show.

Fortunately I’m vain, in good way, Eric my husband doesn’t like it when I say that but…when I say that I just mean how I look is important to me, it’s as important to me as how I feel. I don’t mind admitting that. So, I notice when things are heading in a direction I don’t like.

When we first start dating we fix ourselves up, we do everything we think we need to do to attract the kind of partner we want and then we get them and we lighten up here and there. Or we get the new job and we do everything they tell us we need to do to be successful, but gradually we let things slide here and there. Or maybe we get a new gym membership and the first two weeks we go regularly but then thing start getting in the way. And people will say oh that’s normal. But do you want to be normal? Do you want to be average? Looking around at the average American today my answer is absolutely not. No. But that’s what getting sloppy will get us.

And Ive thought about it many times that in order to stay looking and feeling the way I do now I have to keep upping my game because just like I said earlier, your body will adapt to what you’re doing. Every 5 years I have to adjust something in my diet. I have to push a little harder in my workouts because the workouts Ive been doing have become a little easy for me, so I have to up my game. But if you’re putting on weight even though you think you’re eating healthy….it is usually because you’ve gotten sloppy somewhere.

The same goes for your relationship. You can get so comfortable that you stop growing because growth can be uncomfortable. Eric and I know that we have to keep working at our relationship. And we do. Its not always been perfect but when something goes wrong, we figure out our role in it and we work on it. And we try to make sure the other one feels special. He leaves me notes all the time and I do the same for him. I love coming downstairs and seeing a note from him. And I know when he comes home from work and I’m asleep, he loves seeing a note from me too. Sometimes I will go out and get him some of that Australian black licorice because that’s his favorite and I will leave that with a note. We’ve been together for almost 18 years and we’re closer than ever because we work at it. And there have been some really challenging times for us but we have made it through because we grow from our mistakes together and we don’t allow ourselves to get sloppy at the same time. One of us is always Inspiring the other to be better at something.

So if one of the big 5 areas of your life your health, your relationship, your mental health, your career, and your finances is struggling, unfortunately it’s probably because you’ve gotten sloppy.

My challenge to you this week is to pick one area where you’ve gotten sloppy, admit it and then fix it. You could track your eating in my fitness pal app. You could leave your partner a love note, you could switch it up at the gym to make it more fun….but pick one area and clean it up. Share this with 3 friends who love never ending improvement! I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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