How did we get so off track?

Episode 392

LISTEN TO: How did we get so off track?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 392

I was thinking about my audience, I think about you guys a lot and what do you want to hear and what is on your mind and how can I help or even just say one thing that gives you either peace or inspires you or motivates you, what is it that is needed at any given time.

Right now I think someone telling you that you aren’t crazy that there is a lot going on that seems unsustainable. There’s an ideology that is being pushed that seems absurd to me and If it seems absurd to me, I assume it probably seems absurd to you too. So you’re not crazy if you think what some teachers are teaching in school about being able to choose your gender or men being able to compete with women in sports or you don’t get to defend yourself if you’re attacked or that any group as a whole is less than any other group as a whole….or that obesity is normal and healthy….there are lots and lots of things that seem to be off the charts ridiculous at the moment. You are not crazy for being confused and wondering if the world is collectively losing it’s mind. What we have to understand is that those ideas that are being pushed are being pushed by a very small group of people that have an agenda and a mega phone that is social media. And for a while it seemed like that agenda was the only one allowed or you got cancelled. But we have a few companies like X that are allowing different points of view because for a little while there, it seemed like sanity was being snuffed out. But then steps in a very brave guy like Elon to restore freedom of speech for the majority. Just when it seems dyer, he stepped in to give a voice back to sanity. I don’t believe that to be random. I believe that’s how it was supposed to go.

We were having dinner with dear friends the other night, they’re much older than us. He’s a retired doctor. He retired and then went back to work with his daughter, and then retired again. I think he’s retired three times now so he has a lot of experience and a lot of wisdom he and his wife are both people that have never stop learning and I think that’s why Eric and I love being around them so much. During dinner he said some thing that I haven’t forgotten and that I have thought a lot about in the last week. He said there’s a natural order to things and things will always come back to the natural order. It can’t not. We had been talking about some of the craziness going on in the world, and also about my podcast about feminine and masculine energy. When he said the the natural order will come back around, It was very soothing to hear from someone I respected and has been around for a long time he is close to 80 so he has seen a lot.

You see, his thoughts about the world is that things always return to the natural order of things, so basically, men and women having children raising them, and those children going on to have children that’s sort of the natural order. Doesn’t matter the combination of races black white asian whatever, doesn’t matter the religion. People having children that are raised to then have children themselves is. That’s still the natural order of things. We would cease to exist if that weren’t the case.

And here’s the thing I want to point out. Not everyone can have children, of course but the natural order means life has to continue, otherwise we cease to exist.

If you think about, and studies have shown that the healthiest, happiest most thriving, a society can be is when children have a mom and a dad and they are active in their life, at least one of them quite a bit, right? Now, somewhere along the way that changed not the part about it being a truth but the idea that that isn’t Fair or equal or empowering for women became a thing. But women aren’t collectively happy working 9-5 and having to choose between being a mom or having a career. Or worse having to do both so that they are always tired. How did we get so far away from the thriving nuclear family?

Families are part of the natural order. A healthy lifestyle is part of the natural order. Personal responsibility is part of the natural order.

What I’m seeing and I think all of us can see is that we have to get back to basics. Don’t sleep around, don’t do drugs, don’t spend more than you make, stop blaming everyone else for your problems, you’re not a victim unless you decide you are, and NEVER stop learning. And if something doesn’t feel right to you, it probably isn’t. Your intuition is one of the most valuable things you have and it’s there for a reason. It’s there so you don’t get sidetracked and get too far off track from what this beautiful life has to offer us if we follow our inner guidance system and not the narrative of the day.

Right now there’s an agenda that is being sold that up is down and down is up, Sideways is straight and straight is sideways. And look other people can do what they want, think what they want, it’s a free world, but there are consequences when you get too far off track from the natural order and it’s causing real mental health issues, so don’t fall prey to the narrative especially if it is counter to what your intuition is telling you is right.

Get back to the basics and protect your family and your mindset from those that wish to derail you… You’re not crazy. Life is always working out in your favor and always will, just keep working on the basics. When I was in real estate, I had an old boss that used to say when things get hard and you’re not selling many houses you have to get back to basics, are your flyers filled in the boxes, are your signs up, are you doing your callbacks, it’s the same for this life we live, when things are hard and it seems like things are off track…get back to the basics.

My challenge to you today is to remember that your intuition doesn’t have to be replaced by someone else’s agenda, put your head down ignore the narrative and get back to basics. Share this with 3 friends with common sense, I love you guys Ill talk to you in a few days.

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