Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 174 of The Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! This one is short and sweet but packs a big punch. Ok. Maybe it’s not sweet. Just kidding. It’s what I need to hear and I think probably what we all need to hear if we’re all being honest with ourselves. And look, if you have thought about sharing an episode with a friend or family member but maybe got distracted or maybe we’re a little scared how they would take it…this is one that we all need and I include me and everyone close to me in that as well so you better believe I’ll be sharing it. Anyway, if you’re new, thank you for listening and if you’re a loyal listener you know I love you and my favorite days are Monday and Friday when I get to connect with you.
So, I know the world feels crazy right now. You may feel isolated and lonely and sometimes you just wish someone, anyone could tell you the truth about what’s actually true and what’s not true about what’s going on.
So you scroll and scroll and you watch the news constantly to feel informed.
But that’s just filling your head with more questions and someone else’s agended answers.
You don’t have to look externally. There is someone that already knows. It’s YOU. Your gut, your intuition, your inner guidance system knows innately what’s right and what’s wrong.
But do you give it a chance to break through all the noise? We often are looking for someone else to save us, someone else to fix it, someone else to tell us what’s true. We scroll looking for someone to confirm that we aren’t crazy for thinking the way we do. I know it feels good when we find that.
That’s why social media is so addictive. But think about it, you don’t need someone else to confirm what you already know. That little thought that “this isn’t right” or “that’s not what I’m seeing” or “this feels wrong” That’s your gut. Listen to it.
It seems we are losing our ability to think for ourselves. But we haven’t lost the ability, we just aren’t.
It’s easier to numb our feelings and shut down our thoughts by scrolling. The fastest way to shut down your internal guidance system is to constantly fill your head with the crisis of the week. Scrolling every second of the day when you’re not actively doing something else fills your head with someone else’s agenda and sometimes you start thinking the way they want you to think.
You start judging your neighbor because they’re a democrat or a republican. Does that feel right to you? You start isolating your family and friends based on they’re medical status. Does that feel right to you? Of course it doesn’t, but someone else wants you to believe it does. That’s what happens when you numb your feelings by scrolling, you start living your life based on someone else’s agenda.
And look around you. That’s the real crisis. Families and friends being torn apart, isolating from each other, judging each other. And no one can fix that but you. It starts with you and me. And we are strong enough to do it. Take back our lives. Decide for ourselves what’s right and wrong. Turn off the tv, delete whatever social media makes you feel the worst and start to heal the wounds of the last couple years. No one is coming to save you. You don’t need to be saved. You just have to remember who you are, who you want to be, who your friends are, how you want to show up with your family, what your true values are. You’re not going to find that answer on a screen.