How to feel beautiful.

Episode 289

LISTEN TO: How to feel beautiful.

Hi guys, welcome to episode 289 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! How’s it going? Have you been up leveling your life? Little by little the decisions you make add up to how your life plays out. The little habits we have the subtle thoughts we have about ourself, all that plays into how we see ourself, how we present ourself and whether or not we feel beautiful. And if you’re listening and you’re a man, you may have women in your life that want to feel beautiful and you may also take these ideas and apply them to yourself too. It matters to all of us.

So my first question to you is this. Do you feel beautiful? Really think about that. Do you think of yourself as beautiful? Because if you don’t then keep listening and if you do also keep listening because you’re going to find new ways to up level and make yourself feel even better.

Do you realize that from the moment you get up to the moment you go to bed, everything you think, do or say plays a role in how beautiful you feel or not?

How often do you leave the house looking a mess? Praying you don’t see someone. Don’t treat yourself like that. I saw a sign once at a boutique that said dress like you’re going to run into your ex. I love it, because that’s a mindset, you know you would want to be looking amazing. So why not just make that a standard for yourself?

The thoughts we have and the decisions we make subtly tell us how to dress, what to eat, how we show up and it will even dictate what we tolerate from other people.

So if you look in the mirror and you think thoughts like, ugh you’re so fat, you’re skin looks awful, I hate my hair, Im so frumpy. Those thoughts they carry through in what you allow yourself to wear, how you fix your hair, how you do your makeup. For instance, When you have a thought like “I’m fat” then you go into your closet to get dressed…what are you motivated to put on? Something that makes you hide, or at the very least something that hides the parts you don’t like about yourself. Maybe you throw on an oversized t shirt and jeans because “who cares right?” Well you care, and you matter. And it all starts with your thoughts about you.

Every woman should feel beautiful. And a lot of the times the reasons we don’t is because of the thoughts we have. And this is not going to be something you wake up one day and you never have a bad thought, no this is consistent work. I work on it every single day. I face timed my sister the other day and the first thing she said was you look beautiful and then went right into what she was calling me about. I literally said “No I don’t I feel so ugly today” I said that out loud, in my own presence. Now to be transparent, I did start my period the next day so all you women know hormonally sometimes we can feel off and that’s why its even more important to be aware of those thoughts, because your hormones will have you being real mean to yourself and other people, so watch for that. But as long as you are hormonally balanced, it DOES take maintenance for us to look our best. And maintenance can mean different things to different people.

What are you doing to help yourself feel beautiful?

Are the foods you eat making you feel beautiful? Did you know that eating sugar and drinking alcohol are two of the worst things you can do for your looks and aging? That is terrible news I know, but enough studies prove it to be true. I know for me if I started my day with a sugary carb laden breakfast, I would NOT feel beautiful. I would feel bloated, tired and grumpy. And recent studies show something really interesting. You wont enjoy or be consistent with eating healthy when you do it because you hate yourself for being fat. You WILL enjoy and be consistent when you do it because it makes you feel beautiful and healthy. How do you up level your diet so that you feel beautiful?

Are the clothes you wear making you feel beautiful? I have a question for you…do we wear frumpy clothes because we don’t feel beautiful or do we not feel beautiful because we are wearing frumpy clothes? That’s a question worth answering. Are you wearing frumpy, non stylish t shirts when you go out? Are flip flops or tennis shoes your standard go to? Does your style make you feel confident or does it make you want to hide? How do you up level your style so that you feel beautiful?

Does the way you’re carrying yourself make you feel beautiful? Tony Robbins talks about the way you carry yourself speaks volumes and you may not even realized it. If you’re slouching all the time or you’re always looking down when you walk in a room, you’re not projecting confidence at all. Think about the most confident people you know, how do they walk into a room? It’s almost a strut, isn’t it? Shoulders back, head up, eye contact. How do you carry yourself on a regular basis?

Maybe you are overweight and you don’t like the way you look right now, so you try to hide when you go out. Don’t do that. Now, I am not one of those that believes you can be healthy at any size, but I do believe you can feel beautiful and be beautiful at any size. I have truly seen women who were overweight dress and carry themselves in a way that told me they feel beautiful and when you feel beautiful and you present yourself beautifully, and you act beautifully others notice and you get that in return. So don’t let your weight be a reason you don’t feel beautiful. Like I said in Episode 288 if I didn’t like something about myself I would just work on it until I did. I used to be 4 sizes bigger than I am now. But I wasn’t happy there so I changed it. You are where you are, start dressing like the woman you want to be, eating like the woman you want to be, carrying yourself like the woman you want to be and you will be that woman.

Beating yourself up, Eating comfort foods all the time, dressing like you want to hide, these are all symptoms that you want something better but there’s something in the way of getting it and a lot of it has to do with thoughts and habits.

So here’s what I propose. Have a bare minimum. At bare minimum have a healthy go to breakfast and drink water as your drink throughout the day. At bare minimum when you go out whether it’s to your kids school event or a quick run to the grocery store… Have a go to outfit that you throw on when you’re in a hurry. I suggest a little cute fitted black T shirt and black jeans and have a cute throw over your shoulder or jacket to throw on over the top if you need a little more coverage. Wear a little makeup, if you wear your hair in a pony tail put some great hoops on and a cute black slide and wala….. people will start noticing and ask what you’ve gotten into. And finally at bare minimum notice when you start to be mean to yourself with your thoughts and have one solid go to thought that you break the negative pattern with…so for instance if you notice your thoughts are not good about yourself say out loud “I choose to see myself as beautiful” Because that is a choice.

My challenge to you today is to see yourself as beautiful and then follow that up with actions that make you feel beautiful. You can use the ones I talked about today or come up with your own. You’re version of a wildly successful life definitely includes you feeling beautiful so let’s get to it. I love you guys I will talk to you in a few days.

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