HI guys! Welcome to the 86th episode of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!
Let’s get this week off to a good start, what do you say?
I love stories and I have one I’m going to start off with today…..
There was an old farmer who had a horse. One day his horse ran away and his neighbors all said “oh what bad luck” the old farmer said “Maybe”. The next day the horse returned with 2 other wild horses and the neighbors all said “Wow, what good luck!” The old farmer said “maybe”. That day the farmers son tried to ride one of the wild horses and it threw him off and he broke his leg, the neighbors all cried “oh what bad luck” to which the old farmer said “Maybe”, but the next day the military started drafting healthy young boys for war and when they saw the boy and his broken leg, the passed him up…by now, I bet you know what the neighbors said and what the old farmer’s response would be. The point is, we like to label things good and bad. But how many times in your life have things that seemed bad at the time turn into something good or cause something good to happen?
When I was in first grade, my teacher thought I was super smart and that I needed to skip grades so she had a special IQ test set up for me, they quickly realized, I was intuitive, not so much book smart so back to first grade I go, thank goodness.….but by the time I got to high school, I was easily passing without studying at all and most of the time doing my homework in class at the last minute. You see, education was not important to my family. I grew up in a family that was close and we were happy for the most part, but we were part of a religion that was quite restrictive and education just was not important because they believed the end of the world was right around the corner so developing yourself for success in this world did not matter. As I developed as a young adult, I outgrew some of these limiting belief systems. One of the main limiting beliefs was they did not want their members to be educated. College was basically forbidden. Neither of my parents had college degrees. My grandfather and most of my ancestors were very educated. But for my parents It just wasn’t important, to be fair, they really were not allowed to even consider it. Now I am telling you this because honestly I have thought so many times how glad I was that I didn’t go to college right out of high school. I would have more than likely not realized my talent for interior design and who knows what my degree would have been in. So I look back and what some (including a few of my high school teachers) thought was a travesty that I didn’t go to college ended up being a blessing for me because I went to college as an adult after discovering my love for interior design, so my degree was exactly what I was passionate about. So you see, what could have been a bad thing, a lack of education turned into a really good thing because I got my degree as an adult when I was able to study what I was passionate for.
I discovered my knack for design while my dad and I were building homes around 2005. Something happened during that time that most people would think would be upsetting but at the time I didn’t realize it would be the best thing that could happen for me. We had a custom home that was finishing up and was supposed to close on a certain day. A week after the closing was scheduled my dad and mom were going on a cruise to the Caribbean and I was scheduled to go to an Anthony Robbins seminar called “Date with Destiny”. So we came to the day of closing and we couldn’t get the occupancy. It was going to take a week before the inspector could get it for us because of something we had to fix. One of us was going to have to cancel our trip. I decided to cancel mine so my parents could go and have a wonderful vacation. I canceled and rescheduled it for the following year which cost me $895.00. Things happen right? The next year at that seminar in Palm Springs, CA I met my husband and soul mate. We wouldn’t have met had I not canceled my original trip. Ended up being the best thing that could happen to me but at the time it didn’t seem like that.
I bet you can think of a time you had something happen that wasn’t great but good things came from it. Now when things are happening that don’t seem to be going my way, I look at the situation and ask “what good is going to come from this?’ Or maybe “What can I learn from this?”
So, my challenge to you this week is no matter what happens to you or what is going on, don’t label it just always expect something good to come from it and watch how it changes your life. I love you guys and I will talk to you in a few days!