How to make ordinary extraordinary!

Episode 29
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: How to make ordinary extraordinary!

Hi Guys! Welcome to the 29th episode of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle Podcast!

I realized something this last week.

I realized we don’t give ourselves enough credit.

Do you realize the amount of change we have all experienced in the last few months? And we are still here. We are still going about our day to day life the best way we can! In my last episode I talked about humans being drawn to comfort, well, studies have shown that humans find comfort in the predictability of routines to our daily lives. We don’t have that right now.

For some of us we have had our dream vacations canceled, our weddings postponed, graduations have been upended, Work scenarios have completely changed for roughly 90% of us, all over the world!

So, on top of the effects we are all feeling from the pandemic, we still have a regular life we are living. We still have the regular problems that we had before the pandemic was even considered.

I realized that we have all been through a lot these past few months. I also realized how resilient we are. How adaptive we are. How beautiful the human spirit is.

I had a sweet friend text and say her daughter was graduating kindergarten and they were putting together a last minute drive by parade to show her some love and celebrate in a way she wouldn’t forget. I love that so much. You bet I piled my little 6 lb Yorkie in the car and we drove by and honked and waved and yelled congratulations, not only for the little graduate but for the mom making the best of a situation that was out of her control! Resilience and beautiful human spirit on full display by this mom, in my opinion. She took control of what she could control and made a not so great situation, one that her daughter will never forget.

I know you have probably seen the videos of the birthday drive by’s or the families visiting their elderly parents, grandparents through glass walls just to let them know they care and they love them. I cry happy tears at every one because that’s the human spirit. That’s what is going to make us happy long term. It’s the ability to find happiness and joy even in times when it seems like we can’t take much more. It’s the ability to be resilient in the face of adversity.

Resilience is a natural human trait. Happiness is not.

My husband sent me a quote this last week, it was from Eckhart Tolle where he said “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it”.

Our thoughts are everything. Our thoughts affect everything. Our thoughts can change everything.
So, how can we set our self up for having the kind of thoughts that empower us?

The first thing is to: Ask better questions in everything you do:

What am I grateful for right now?
How can I add value to myself and my family today?
How can I make this situation amazing? (like my friend with the parade)
What is something I can do for someone else today? (How many times have you done something kind for someone and it lifted your mood as well?)

Another thing is to Take full responsibility for your life. You are the only one that can change your situation. Blaming other people for your situation gives your power away. No matter how hard it seems, empower yourself by accepting responsibility for your life.

We can also Change your story. We all have a past, we can’t change that. So how do you change your story? Change the meaning of your story. Turn it into something that empowers you. For instance, Because of my past, I have experiences that have made me wiser, stronger and way better at handling stress.

Tony Robbins says “the past does not equal your future unless you live there”. So decide today to empower yourself by making your past work FOR you instead of against you.

And finally. Realize that hanging on to the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, or the next partner makes happiness elusive where you are right now.

So I want you to know I’ve got your back this week and I also want you to pat yourself on the back for the good you’re doing for yourself, your family and the value you’re adding to the world! Before I leave you, remember to share this podcast with as many people as you can because the more people we have working on a great mindset, the more we are collectively sending good into the world and that is a beautiful thing! Love you guys! Talk to you in a few days!

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