I’m just so TIRED

Episode 454
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: I’m just so TIRED

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 454 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! I’m glad you’re here. We are changing the world 10 minutes at a time, twice a week and I hope you’re here for it all…you can do that by subscribing so that you’re notified whenever a new episode drops which is every Monday and Friday. We all need a reminder now and then that we are meant to enjoy life not suffer through it….

If you opened this episode because you’re TIRED. Then regardless of what you hope I’m talking about or what you want me to talk about in regards to being TIRED..I promise you this episode is for you regardless of what it is you’re tired of.

If the title about being tired resonated with you then my guess is you’re either people pleasing, or you’re settling in a place you don’t want to be whether that’s a job or city or a relationship or maybe you’re literally tired because you’ve taken on too much and now you have to deal with it. Or maybe you’re just tired of things going wrong. Whatever reason this episode resonated, keep listening, it’s for you. Now some of you listen to every episode so the title doesn’t matter and I’m thankful for you but I’m also thankful for you who saw the title and said that’s me, I am tired. For you who feel that way..I have to say…it doesn’t have to be like that not all the time.

Periodically feeling tired because you put in a good days work or you just finished a big project or you’re working towards a triathlon and it’s wearing you out, or you’re in a phase where the kids are needing a lot of attention from you whatever it is that’s pulling a lot of energy from you…Periodically feeling tired is a normal, necessary part of life. If that’s where you are, then just know that’s part of a good fulfilling life, you’re gonna feel tired sometimes. I spent several hours with a customer and we were making big decisions on her home and by the end of our day we were tired. I couldn’t make one more decision. But it felt good. So I’m not talking about that kind of tired. That kind of tired, be glad you have it. That just means you’re making the most of your life. That kind of tired comes and goes.

I’m talking about the kind of tired that you never get a break from. The kind of nagging, I feel stuck and I hate it and I see no way out kind of tired.

The kind of Tired that comes from waiting to make a decision because what if you make the wrong one.

The kind of tired that comes from waiting to take care of yourself until next Monday.

The kind of Tired of waiting for an apology from someone that’s never gonna come or waiting for closure that isn’t seeming to happen.

The kind of tired that you get from waiting for something big to finally happen in your life but it never does.

That’s the kind of tired I’m talking about.

The kind of tired where you have a reality but you’re fighting it. Fighting it with every thought you have in your head and that makes you so tired.

I know it well. If you’ve listened for a while you know I have a sister that shunned me and my husband because we are not part of their religion. Just cut us off from being able to see my niece and nephew and we were close which really hurt. It’s been 6 years now. For the longest time I kept waiting for an apology. I mean we weren’t even talking, she thinks she is doing what’s right in Gods eyes so there’s no apology coming. Funny thing is I didn’t even realize I needed one until my brother bless him told me “she owes you an apology”. When I heard that I felt so seen and I thought “you’re RIGHT!” So for the longest time I hung onto that and just kept thinking she owes me an apology before I can move on or have closure. To put it in perspective, we weren’t even talking. She won’t have anything to do with me, she thinks she’s doing what’s right in Gods eyes, so there will be no apology. But there I was waiting for one in order for me to be ok. Or for me to move past the hurt. That’s not a good plan. Never put your peace at the mercy of someone else. Period. No apology withheld or even given is worth your peace. In fact, if you can find your own peace, the need for an apology goes completely away. I know this to be true because I am no longer waiting. I no longer need an apology. I have peace knowing I am whole with or without an apology. That feels way better than waiting. Im no longer tired…I’ve released that.

You’re waiting for someone else to do something that changes the way you feel about your life and You’re tired because there’s a huge lack of control that comes along with that.

We are tired because we keep beating ourselves up with our thoughts about everything. This should be this way. That should be that way. That person should act like this or not act like this. Of course we are tired. We are fighting reality at every turn. We were never taught that accepting things as they are without needing them to change is the most peaceful thing you can do for yourself. Once you find that sense of peace, you’ll notice that it wasn’t the things that needed to change it was the thoughts about those things that were wearing you out.

You’re tired because you think something has to be different in order for you to be ok, in order for you to feel whole. The secret to the universe is that once you accept that you’re whole exactly how you are right now without the elusive apology, without the promotion, without the big payday, without the 100 likes, without anything outside of you needing to be anything other than what it is. We aren’t broken. We aren’t flawed, we aren’t tired because someone hurt us and won’t apologize. We are tired because we have it in our head that we aren’t going to be ok until they do. We’re tired because we are telling ourselves it should be different when it is supposed to be exactly as it is and where you are is exactly where you need to be to light the path you know you’re meant to be on. That tired feeling is your inner guidance telling you YOU have to be the change you wish to see.

Yes in a perfect world, Things shouldn’t be unfair or unjust. Well they are and you can fight against it or you can accept it to find your peace and then slowly, methodically get to work on making it better.

My challenge to you today is to memorize the serenity prayer. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. I haven’t mentioned that in a while and I forget how comforting it is. Share this with 3 people who help you feel alive! I love you guys, Ill talk to you in a few days!

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