Is it better to have nothing than to have “this”?

Episode 417
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Is it better to have nothing than to have “this”?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 417 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! Im glad you’re here. Thank you, you have millions of podcasts to choose and you chose mine and for that I am forever grateful. So before I get into the point of the podcast, I had to ask if anyone else ever has this happen…so I will be typing and auto text or auto replace or spell check will automatically fix a spelling if I spell it wrong or if it seems like Im going to, it does this so much when I don’t want it to but then when Im trying to type a word I have no idea how to spell, I just try to get close knowing that spell check is gonna save me any time.. and then nope nothing, it’s like spell check has NO IDEA what Im trying to say here? I mean come on you know Im trying to spell subconscious and you’re not even gonna try to help me at all????? But then there it goes when Im trying to type something I want but it changes it to something I don’t want…there it is back like a bad rash….I don’t know if that ever happens to you or maybe it’s just me….OK had to get that off my chest….

So, I usually try to keep the episodes evergreen…..which basically mean anytime someone listens any time of the year, it will feel like it’s current. So talking about weather will give it away that this episode may be old, so I try not to do that…having said that…My story this week involves weather, but Im here to tell you, every episode can be applied at any point of the year so bear with me. OK. We had ice and snow this last week and I don’t know where you live but in the south when theres snow and the temperature dip close to zero, things shut down. Completely. Which means Im homebound and I don’t love being homebound . I like to be out and about! I have to say after about a day, I start getting cabin fever. On a normal week I will always go out and get fresh Eucalyptus or greenery of some sort because I love it and it’s so inexpensive, it’s like 3.99 a bunch so I like to have fresh greenery, now this week, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go out to the store, My husband Eric was having to take my car, which is the only car that can drive in the snow, so he takes my car to work which means I am home bound for at least a few days. And Ive already said I don’t love that. But I’ll live. Worse things have happened, I know. Ok, so Im looking around and the greenery I have currently is already on it’s second week and it’s really starting to dry up but I knew I wasn’t gonna be able to replace it and I also knew it would feel stark to me without fresh greenery so for a minute or so, I considered leaving up the old dry stuff I had just to have something there. But I quickly came to my senses and I thought what are you doing? Leaving dried out greenery that at this point is beyond saving just so that something is there? No that’s not how we roll. So I gather up the dried stuff and I throw it out and as I’m walking to check to make sure I got all the dried pieces that had fallen on the ground, that’s how dry they were, I noticed how much better I felt and how much cleaner and just fresh my space felt. I hadn’t realized how subconsciously all of that dead greenery had been taking it’s toll. I actually had the thought in my mind, having nothing there is WAY better than keeping around the old greenery that was bothering me just to have a filler.

Every once in a while, we need to evaluate and clean out our lives. We need to make sure we aren’t hanging onto things or people that are simply sucking the energy out of us. My friend Scotty posted a quote on his instagram recently that said “Decide the life you really want and then say NO to anything that isn’t that.”

The thing I think that happens is we live so long with things that don’t bring us joy that we stop seeing them. We stop noticing the way they make us feel, we just become numb to them. But when we stop seeing them, we also stop noticing how they make us feel and that’s when we lose our power to change it.

Wether we hang on because it’s comfortable or we hang on because we think it’s better than nothing, we are failing to see the bigger picture that what happens on the other side of the letting go? That’s where the uncertainty comes in, our brain focuses only on the negative of what could happen that’s bad, like me thinking it will seem bare and stark if I let go of the dried greenery, but that doesn’t make way for what good could come from it…Like my liking the clean and fresh feel and I found that I actually liked one area better without anything there.

My challenge for you today is to take a look around at your surroundings, are there things that have been needing to go for a while but you stopped seeing them? Take a nice long look at them and don’t only focus on what bad could happen if you let them go, but also ask yourself what you would stand to gain? You may find the grass can be greener on the other side!

Share this with 3 people who may need to shed some dried greenery. I love you guys I’ll talk to you in a few days!

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