Is there an angel looking out for you?

Episode 294
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Is there an angel looking out for you?

Hi guys welcome to episode 294 of the wildly successful lifestyle podcast. Always love to be with you. Thank you for listening and thank you also for sharing. It means a lot for you to do that, it really is an honor for me to be able to connect with the people that mean a lot to you as my regular listeners.

Have you ever thought, man, Im not sure how I have made so many mistakes and have managed to stay out of too much trouble, or have managed to not totally derail your entire life?

Well, Something happened this last week that showed me without a doubt that there is a higher power of some sort looking out for us. Each of us. However you believe, you may believe strongly in your religion or your God, maybe you don’t have a regular religious practice but you are still spiritual or maybe you don’t give it much thought at all. I want to give you hope for wherever you are.

I have always felt that I had this little angel looking out for me. Have you ever felt that way? I mean I’m just like everyone else in that good things happen and bad things happen. But I have always felt that even in the bad times there’s simply nothing I can’t handle. Somehow I always find the strength to pull through. And if you’re standing here as an adult, then you have too. Because I know you’ve been through hard things and you’ve come out on the other side of them just like I have.

My life if I’m being very transparent is very good. Now I think some of that of course is because I am a natural optimist. So I’m always looking for what’s good. In things and in people. I’m not perfect at it but it is my natural state.

I am naturally happy and optimistic and I have an amazing husband, we have financial security to where we do not have to worry day to day about money. So I’m not the type of person that gets messages of support randomly from people because they just don’t worry about me in that way. That’s what I think anyway and that’s a good thing.

But this last week I received 2 random messages from people that had no idea that I was going through the sudden loss of a beloved family member.

One was from my trainer, Kevin. He just out of the blue sent me a text saying how proud he was of me and how much I’ve grown and how strong I am. I, thinking he was sending this in support of what happened replied to him thank you, this has been so hard especially on my sister. He sent a text back confused. What’s wrong with your sister? He didn’t know. He just said God put it in his heart to reach out to me. For it to happen out of the blue like that was so interesting. I needed it and there it was.

The second time is a new friend that also had no idea what my family was dealing with. She was at a seminar in California and she sent me a text saying that they were asked to send a text to someone to encourage them and tell them to keep shining their light and out of everyone in her world she chose me. She was pulled to send that message to me. Very random and again I needed it and rhere it was.

My point here is when you feel inspired to do something or someone randomly pops into your mind to encourage or tell them you love them. Do it. Don’t hesitate. Even if it’s someone you have had a falling out with, especially if it’s someone you’ve had a falling out with!!!!

I’ll share something I haven’t shared before with anyone and it’s not something I’m proud of but I learned from it so it’s not in vain. When I got the call from my mom that my brother in law had died I immediately wanted to call my sister that I hadn’t talked to in years. I had a strong desire to call her and because of my pride, I didn’t. But within 5 minutes or so of me thinking that, she actually called me. Without hesitation I answered. We only talked long enough to make sure we were each ok and to say we were on our way to our parents to be with them and our older sister and we would see each other there.

I was proud of her for reaching out I’m sure she wasn’t sure what she would get but she did it anyway and it paved the way for a less awkward reunion.

When you’re inspired to do something or you have a strong desire to call someone do it. It may not always turn out the way you want it to but at least you aren’t the reason things aren’t mended.

Man, relationships are complicated aren’t they? The number one thing you can do to have better relationships in every single area of your life is to get on board with who you are. To become so in tune with your inner self that you can see when you are doing something from your ego or when you’re doing something from love. Love doesn’t isolate. Love isn’t a tightening it’s a releasing. Love isn’t closed its wide open. Love doesn’t come from a place of pride it comes from a place of humility.

My challenge to you this week is to analyze your actions when you are dealing with a difficult situation. Is your action coming from a place of love or is it coming from your ego? How would it change if it were coming from a place of love? Maybe you wouldn’t say it. Maybe you WOULD say it. Maybe you wouldn’t post it or maybe you would. Maybe you wouldn’t respond immediately, maybe you give yourself time to ask yourself where it’s coming from.

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