Is your inner warrior dormant?

Episode 188
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Is your inner warrior dormant?

Where’s your inner warrior?

Hi guys! Welcome to episode 188 of the Wildly successful lifestyle podcast! It’s a little rainy here today, I have to admit I kind of love it but probably because we’ve enjoyed quite a bit of sunshine so the contrast is refreshing…it makes me feel introspective when it’s cloudy for some reason. I am dedicating this episode to my little sister, Molly who has been knocking it out of the park lately and really stepping up her game in life. I’m proud of her and her warrior spirit!

So many of us, including me of course, hang out in our heads so that we create this worry and anxiety over things that probably will never happen but because someone on the news is freaking out over it so should we.

My goal is always to make us better. The more I notice the thoughts in my head the more I realize how damaging they can be.

I talked just Monday in my episode about the text my older friend sent me about the pool. If you haven’t heard it, go back and listen. But anyway, I got another text. This time it was a video. A video of my sweet little nephew that I don’t get to see anymore. He was talking away, not realizing he was being recorded but it was so sweet and at first my heart was broken because I miss him and that made it worse but then I thought you know what? He’s happy. He’s fine. What more could I want?

Of course I want to be able to see him and that makes me sad but I am choosing the path I’m on. I could see him as much as I wanted if I would only upend my life and go back to the religion that that part of my family is in and that would make me sadder than I could ever imagine because now I’ve lost myself and everything I believe in. I’m not gonna do that. And you shouldn’t either.

And some of you might be thinking that’s not fair though you shouldn’t have to choose but you know what? I bet there are things going on that are hard in your life too right now and they probably don’t seem fair either. But you get to control what they mean. If you have a situation that’s out of your control and it’s making you miserable, I gotta tell you…flip it on its head. One of the hardest things as a human is feeling like you’re not in control of a situation….but that’s what your primitive brain wants you to feel so that you hide in your cave but you are always in control of the way you think. Always.

There’s a quote that makes me feel empowered every time I think about it. I think it’s credited to an indie writer named Jake Remington but the quote is this “Fate whispers to the warrior, “you cant withstand the storm, the warrior whispers back…I am the storm”

I’ve been so busy lately with design projects which I’m loving. But I’ve been out and about hunting and gathering for my clients and I see the affects the Government’s response to Covid has had on people. Stores closing, trouble getting product, trouble getting workers, dealing with regulations, I could go on and on. I know you know. It’s easy to feel beat down but you know what? You cannot kill the human spirit. I look around and I see people just like you and me…doing the best they can, some are super busy and some are barely hanging on and yet here we are. Warriors. Not only withstanding the storm but standing so strong that we’re a force to be reckoned with. We each have a warrior in us. And they are powerful beyond words. But warriors are made, they don’t just happen.

I started my day yesterday with a powerful podcast, I had a wonderful meditation and I journaled about all of the things in my life I was grateful for. Then I got that text. I was in the right frame of mind to appreciate what I could about it and not dwell on the aspects that wouldn’t serve me. And that’s exactly what I did.

But in order to do that I had to be able to listen to my inner guidance system letting me know it’s ok. It’s more than ok. I’m a warrior. And warriors aren’t afraid of a text, they aren’t afraid to stand up for what they know is right. Warriors don’t cave to pressure. And they certainly don’t lose themselves to comply with what someone else thinks, especially when they know it’s not right for them.

Warriors stay true to their inner guidance system. But You can’t even hear your inner guidance system if you’re constantly giving your precious attention to negative outside influences.

Guys. The less we pay attention to the noise going on outside of us and the more we pay attention to becoming aware of the noise in our own head and how it affects us, the better our life will be.

Warriors also know when to retreat to start again for another day when they’ve regrouped.

I woke up in the middle of the night the other night. You know what that means. Why does everything seem worse at 2 am? You know why? It’s because you’re alone with your thoughts and that’s when you get to notice how scary they are. There’s not the noise and distraction you have during the middle of the day. But guess what those thoughts are still there, they’re still making you anxious, you’re just not as aware of them. So it’s 2 am and I know the way my thoughts can run at night so I turn on a sleep story off the calm app. Best $80 per year I’ve ever spent because it calms me and I barely even remember the story. Warriors also need their sleep so staying up all night worrying will make you less able to make really good decisions the next day.

So If you’re having a bad day or you’re not feeling your best. Take a nap. At the very least don’t make big decisions or have big conversations when your mind is getting the best of you and it’s not in a good place. It’s ok sometimes to remove yourself. That’s still being a warrior. Because you’re making smart decisions for you and those around you too.

And sometimes you have phases where the warrior in you feels like it’s dormant or lost. Those are the times you just need to remember who you really are. What you’re really doing here. When you’re passionate about something, that warrior comes alive, you know it because you’ve felt it before even if just for a moment you but then maybe your primitive brain tells you no just chill just relax it’s safer in our cave and you let the warrior go dormant again because it’s easier than combating those thoughts of worthlessness, fear and feeling like there’s no hope. But if you can just feel uncomfortable for a minute and get on the other side of that fear…that’s feeding your warrior, that’s how the warrior gets stronger…by getting a little more comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. I decided this week I was going to do something out of my comfort zone so I joined a local toastmasters group. When you become comfortable speaking in front of people…yeah it’s going to be uncomfortable for me at first but my inner warrior is craving that challenge.

The key to being a warrior is knowing you’re one. And you are. I promise you that. And so am I.

My challenge to you this week is to figure out what your inner warrior is craving and do one thing that feels a little out of your comfort zone towards that goal.

There’s no storm that’s gonna take us down and if it does, let it be temporary, gather yourself and get right back up because that’s what a warrior does.

And Before I sign off, there may be someone that could use a reminder that they are a warrior. Most of us could on any given day so share this episode with one or two people that you think would love it…I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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