Is your worldview keeping you stuck?

Episode 444
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Is your worldview keeping you stuck?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 444 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! What’s up? How’s life treating you lately? Are you wildly successful or headed in that direction? I bet you are….because you’re here! And that’s what we are all about…..Sometimes though we get stuck and even though we put tons of effort there seems to be that one area where you just cant seem to move the needle very much. Does that sound familiar? You may have a world view problem.

I looked up the definition of world view…it’s a collection of attitudes, values, stories and expectations about the world around us, which inform our every thought and action….. so our world view is pretty powerful, I mean it informs every thought and action we have….which is crazy that we aren’t learning everything we can about it, since it has so much power. But I think we are just coming around to realize some of these things and that’s ok, this is the perfect time. So we know our world view is important but is yours serving you?

We see everything through the lens of our world view. We read texts through that lens, we hear conversations with that lens, we judge people through that lens. We wonder how we keep getting the same results as we have always gotten but we aren’t changing the thing that causes us to do the things we do and that’s our world view, our perception, we never notice so therefore we can’t change what I call the “way we were raised” lens. We all have a deep seated idea of the world and if we get still and step away enough to notice how the “way I was raised” affects so much even without us noticing it. It’s subtle and sneaky and affects everything we do.

I read a quote from Tony Dungy “Be positive, your mind is more powerful than you think. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.”

I grew up in a family with loving parents. I’m extremely fortunate to be able to say that. We didn’t have much money and there were many times we just didn’t have money to do the things others were doing like go to the skating rink or movies or out for pizza. I don’t like to think about the times I would go with friends and just not have money to eat pizza so I didn’t or I would hope someone would share. It was embarrassing then and it’s hard even now to share that. But that’s not how I live now. We are blessed beyond my wildest dreams. But I notice I still have the tendency to view the world through the lens of money scarcity. I have sort of known that but since I’ve been reading Eckart’s books I’ve become extremely aware of how my subconscious is responsible for a lot of the ways things turn out. I have been a natural born optimist with a money scarcity lens. It’s an interesting combination but the more aware I am of the money scarcity thoughts the less power they have. Dark can’t survive in light.

The subtle way that deep seated money scarcity lens was affecting my day to day was so interesting to notice. I’ve talked about it before with saving paper towels for later use so as to not waste them. Or keeping socks or undergarments too long even if they had holes in them. There’s so many ways it shows up but it’s not just in my personal day to day. It also showed up in my work as well.

I would hate sending invoices or avoid even offering very expensive items to clients. I would dread talking about money with clients. All because I had a deep seated thought that money is scarce. Once I noticed I was doing that I had to give myself leverage by telling myself out loud that if the design budget is too high for a client, they will tell me but I’m not limiting their options because I’m afraid it’s too expensive. I realized that there were things my clients love that I would normally not consider because of the cost. At one point, I was working with a client and there was a look I loved and I was sharing the idea with her and notice myself saying this is very pricey, but we can do something similar. She actually said to me “Look I don’t care about the budget, I want what I want and I want it to be high end”. I realized right there that my subtle money scarcity world view was putting limitations on my clients and that wasn’t fair to them or me.

That was my issue not theirs but I was in a round about way making it their issue by limiting what I used in my projects due to cost.

Our world view could be one of fear of rejection or maybe a fear of imposing on others, so that you’re always apologizing for taking up space because it imposes on others or you keep to yourself because putting yourself out there might mean rejection. We limit ourselves and others by doing that. I was in the sauna one day and I had 10 more minutes left, and it was pretty full when a girl walked in and there was no where for her to sit and I almost got up so she could sit down, when I realized I had just as much right to be in there as anyone else. I was proud of myself for that, some might say well you were just being selfless, but what is it called when you’re selling yourself short because you feel like you’re maybe not worthy enough to take that space. I promise you, you are and so am I. I had a friend recently who was having a party and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to impose on others by inviting them and I told her people love being invited places, don’t take that away from them, if they don’t want to come they will tell you they can’t make it. I used to have that mindset too, thinking someone wouldn’t want to be invited to a party and then found out later they had their feelings hurt because they weren’t. My fear of rejection in a sense made someone else feel rejected in a round about way. You see how we create all this pain and suffering and most of it’s coming directly from the way we view this world and I never realized I even had a world view that could affect things….but now I know we all do. Every single person we meet is making decisions and living their life from their own personal world view and there’s nothing wrong with that unless it’s getting in the way of you being authentically happy and living the life you know you were meant to live.

Through this podcast and other growing opportunities like reading books, meditation and listening to other podcasts as well I have come to realize that I knew I was meant for more but I kept stumbling over my own feet. I kept having the same issues over and over thinking I just wasn’t good enough or I didn’t have business savvy. But that’s not it. I had to grow enough to realize that the steps I was taking were the same steps I was always taking because that’s all my world view would allow for, it’s that old saying “ the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. If you feel like you’re putting a lot of effort in with the same results you’ve always gotten, there’s something in your world view that is holding you back.

You’re making decisions based on a world view that no longer serves you. It’s time to make decisions from a place that does serve you. And the first step to that is being aware that you’re even doing it in the first place, that you have a world view…. Like me with my money scarcity or me with my fear of rejection. My being aware of those limitations for me allows them to no longer have power over my life and my decisions. Darkness cannot survive in the light.

So what’s your world view and what decisions are you making because of it? That’s my challenge for you today….Think about a few of the areas where you have been stuck, maybe forever. Is it your finances? Your weight? Your relationships? There’s something in your world view that’s keeping you doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. And look I know you’re not insane, you wouldn’t be listening to the Wildly successful Lifestyle podcast if you were. You’re a human being….with a lens that has gotten you to this phase of your life. That lens may not serve you in the next phase, in fact it may not even get you there. But that’s why you’re here and we can figure this out together. Share this podcast with three people who are ready for their next phase, I love you guys I will talk to you in a few days!

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