The definition of INSANITY

Episode 285
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: The definition of INSANITY

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 285 of The wildly successful lifestyle podcast!

How’s it going out there? Thanks for being here with me and for sharing these episodes if you’re loving them. I appreciate it more than you know.

One Definition of insanity is Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It’s so easy to get into these routines and habits of life where we do the same things, go the same places, see the same people, think the same thoughts and we wonder when life is going to get better, we think that ok it will get better when…we think when some milestone happens life is going to change and then we will be happy, or live life to the fullest then or get healthy or do whatever it is we want. What is that for you, are you hoping to get healthy, hoping for your relationship to get better, Hoping to finally start that new business, but here you are, doing the same things you’ve always done and expecting different results. Why do we do that? Why do we put the things we really know we need to be doing on hold?

When the kids grow up we’ll do it, when we retire, when the holidays are over, when I have this amount of money in the bank, if there’s always something holding you back from doing the things you want to do, Ive got news for you…there will continue to be always something holding you back from doing the things you want to do. And I am not here to depress you, quite the opposite. Im telling you this because I don’t want that to happen to you. I feel like part of my main message is just to help us all be more aware that we control more than we think in our lives if we allow ourselves to unplug from the programming. We get to decide what we consume in every way but so often we just default back to autopilot. Every day we have things on our to do list, but that to do list is not who you are, it’s what you do. But don’t forget you are a person with thoughts and standards. How well are you managing your thoughts and whose standards are you living up to? You may not have people in your close proximity with really high standards, you may not be around people who don’t drink, you may not be around people who don’t eat sugar, you may not be around people who exercise 5 times a week, so, you have to decide what your standards are and then set the bar there. And that wont be easy especially if those standards are different from your surroundings or your peer group. But you must be the standard bearer for yourself at the very least. You’re going to have to step outside of your comfort zone….meeting new people, joining a boot camp, joining a group like toastmasters, hiring a coach, something or someone that helps you hold yourself accountable.

Your life is created by the decisions you make every single day. What you eat, what you read, what you watch, who you hang with, and the biggest thing of all is how you decide to manage your thoughts. I say “decided to manage your thoughts” because it truly is a decision. This isn’t something we were taught in school, that we have to manage our thoughts, most of us for most of our life really never gave much thought to our thoughts, we just assumed we are our thoughts and our thoughts are us. Couldn’t be further from the truth. We aren’t our thoughts, and thank goodness because think about how many of your thoughts were put there by someone else…you’re not smart enough to do that, you should be further along, your body should look like this, we are told how and what to think our whole life. But what resonates with YOU? What feels right to YOU? Those are the only thoughts you should keep. And that’s for you to decide. You get to decide how long you’re going to let the same old habits and thoughts keep holding you back. Wayne Dyer had a friend who was at a seminar and the crowd was asked to describe the chapters of their life on a 5 X 7 card, small card so no one could get too wordy. But what his friend Porsha wrote was so beautiful and perfect….She said:

Chapter 1 of my life I walk down the street, there’s a deep hole, I fall in, Im lost, Im helpless, it isn’t my fault, and it takes forever to find a way out.
Chapter 2 of my life I walk down the same street, there’s a deep hole in the sidewalk, I pretend I don’t see it, I fall in again, I can’t believe Im in the same place Im lost, it isn’t my fault and it still takes a long time to get out.
Chapter 3 of my life I walk down the same street, there’s a deep hole in the side walk, I see it, and I still fall in, It’s a habit! mY eyes are open, I know where I am, it’s my fault I am able to get out much quicker
Chapter 4 of my life I walk down the same street, there’s a deep hole in the concrete, I walk around it
Chapter 5 of my life I walk down another street.

When you put your thoughts on what always has been, you are going to get more of what always has been. If you keep having the same limiting thoughts about yourself, you are going to keep having the same self imposed walls built.

How long are you going to walk down the same street and fall into the same hole? How long is it going to take for you to decide to simply walk down another street?

And what would that look like for you? For me, it’s giving up twitter and the news for good. If something is going to affect me, someone will tell me. It’s me deciding that Im a person who keeps her promises to herself, which affects every aspect of my life. It’s me deciding to be intentional and present. Now I haven’t done all of these at once, I did them one at a time. In some areas I know Im still walking down the same street and deciding what to do with the hole, and in some areas, Ive walked down a completely new street.

My challenge to you is to decide what that looks like for you. Where have you been doing the same thing over and over expecting different results? How many times are you going to walk down that same street and fall in that same hole before you decide to simply walk down a different street.

If you need help, go get it. A trainer, a Coach, A nutritionist, the best time to start is today. If you need a coach, go to my website, if Im not a good fit for you, I can help you find someone who it, What are you waiting for? I love you guys Ill talk to you in a few days.

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