Whose agenda are you feeding?

Episode 220
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Whose agenda are you feeding?

Distractions = someone else’s agenda.

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 220 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!

It’s been a busy week. And I’m happy about it. You know why? Because when I’m not busy or when I don’t have a mission or a goal I’m excited about I get so easily distracted. And right now there’s A LOT to look at. I mean wars going on, gas going up waaaaay up, food and alcohol being pushed as the answer to fixing everything, think about it…you have to explain why you aren’t drinking if you decide you don’t want to. Trying to eat healthy feels like you’re a cat in a maze..what’s healthy this week? What fad diet is big this week? And don’t get me started on the news. There’s something new and horrible to see every day now.

And Our brains tell us we MUST watch it to keep us safe. I saw someone recently say (and who knows what’s true anymore) but they said Some of the bigger news outlets and Netflix were not going to show in Russia anymore because of their attack on Ukraine…and McDonalds and Coca Cola were considering pulling their products too. I’m thinking “is that supposed to be a punishment?” Because I think they would benefit greatly, we should do that here too.

We don’t have news anymore, we have exaggerated opinion pieces designed to keep you upset and scared and glued to the tv. And it works..and then the commercials make you hungry and your stressed because of what you’re watching so now you cover that stress by eating too much which makes you feel tired and lethargic and not very motivated to exercise or meditate or create…because your brain is telling you that’s not as important as knowing when ww3 is happening.

So your dreams get sidelined because someone at CNN or Fox News hooked you or the latest dance craze on TikTok got you watching for hours along with the adorable talking dogs and now you can’t stop looking at it. And if that’s satisfying to you then by all means do it but if you’re trying to change your world for the better. It’s not happening there.

None of that changes by me looking at it. COVID didn’t change because we watched the number count. Russia isn’t changing because we watch the news. We aren’t changing any of that for the better by paying attention to it. Not one bit. But you know what does change for the better when I am looking at it? When I’m focused on it? My coaching business, my design business, my podcast, my relationships. Those things get better when I’m focused on them, when I’m engaged with them. They actually decline when I’m focused on the drama of the day. And if you’re being honest…yours do too.

Your dreams are not gonna create themselves. Nothing is going to happen until you pay attention to them. No one can build them for you, no one else can put in the grind and the failures and the disappointments for you. Those are all part of it. Ask me how I know! You know what else I know?

This world is going to keep putting out a new distraction every day. Crazy life changing (supposedly) distractions, that make you think the world is ending any day now but guess what? We hopped suddenly from world ending Covid (which didn’t end the world) to the possibility of world ending world war 3 overnight? What happens when that doesn’t happen? They will come up with something new.

It’s obvious because that’s a working formula for THEM. But my question is what’s the working formula for you, what’s the working formula for me for our relationships and our dreams?

What are we doing that makes life fun, makes life better? You were not put on this earth to be unhappy, scared, bored, lethargic and depressed. You were put on this earth for a reason. To create. Life IS supposed to be fun, so if you’re not having fun, if you’re not loving what you’re doing, if you’ve found yourself in a place that isn’t satisfying to you…what can you do to change it? You’re listening to this podcast because you want your version of a wildly successful life. Do you know exactly what that looks like for you?Get some clarity here. What’s that secret dream you’re afraid to acknowledge? What’s that goal that you’ve been distracted from too long? Maybe it’s a certain pants size, maybe it’s a new business, maybe it’s a more fulfilling relationship. Whatever it is you’ve had on your mind that you want..it’s there waiting for you to claim it. If you’re dreaming it up…if you’re thinking about it..that’s the path for you..take it. And don’t get distracted by what’s going on on tv or your phone.

Those politicians..those social media companies, the media in general…They aren’t looking out for your best interest so let’s get that straight. You’re the only one that can and will look out for your best interest. Don’t look to the news or the government to tell you what’s best for you. You innately know what’s best for you. When something feels right and good, keep doing it. When something feels bad, stop doing it. It is that simple.

You’re the only one that’s going to make sure your phone doesn’t interfere with the time you spend with your kids or your grandma or your partner or on your business. The things that are truly important for your life. The things that make a difference.

You’re the only one that controls the amount of time you spend on tik tok, Twitter, Netflix, video games, the news. No one is going to turn those off or monitor it, but you if you’re an adult.

Life is supposed to be fun and you are meant to satisfy your dreams. If you’re constantly barraged by bad news and donut commercials, that makes it much harder to keep your plan, your agenda on track. Those are someone else’s agenda. They benefit by you being distracted but I want YOU to benefit.

How do YOU benefit? What’s your agenda?

My first challenge to you today is to get real honest with yourself about your life. How many hours in a day are you getting sucked in by someone else’s agenda? Be brutally honest here. The things on your tv and the things on your phone are designed to keep you on your tv and on your phone and they’re good at it. My second challenge is to be intentional about the time you spend there. And be intentional about the time you have. Before you say “I don’t have time” to eat healthy or to start my podcast or to scale my business. Add up how much time you spend on distractions..whatever your distraction of choice is. And then ask yourself whose agenda am I feeding? If it’s not yours…well you have a decision to make.

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