Why can’t I just follow the rules??

Episode 337

LISTEN TO: Why can’t I just follow the rules??

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 337 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! What’s going on? Are you guys reading some good things, listening to some new podcasts? Hanging out with likeminded people or people who inspire you? I hope so!

Do you ever ask yourself questions like why do I do this? Why am I like this? Why can’t I be this way or why can’t I be that way?

These are questions of frustration. Usually we’ve done something we wish we hadn’t and we don’t understand why or we are trying to accomplish something and can’t seem to do what we need to do to get it done.

So for example maybe you have a mother or a father that wanted you to be a dr but you can’t get it out of your mind that that path doesn’t seem right for you. Maybe you even try to follow that path only to find that you aren’t motivated to go to class? Is there something wrong with you?

Or maybe everyone in your group thinks a certain way but you don’t see things that way.

Or like for me, my family only wants for all of us kids to be in their religion. That’s my parents biggest wish for us. And it hasn’t gone well 3 out of 5 are not in their religion. But why? I used to berate myself and say why can’t you just follow the rules? Why can’t you just fall in line? Why can’t you be good? That sounds awful to me now. And very foreign because I’ve done so much self work. But people have expectations of us and we have expectations of ourselves but a lot of times we take a different path. Is there something wrong with us for following our own path?

I know if you’re listening and you’ve been listening for a while, I know you’re a free thinker. I know you are putting in work on your mindset. You’re trying to be that very best version of yourself. And so often doing that means going off on a path that hasn’t been cleared before. It means bucking the system. It means not following group think.

You are more than likely someone searching for what feels right in the quest to being the best version of you.

You see we are conditioned from a very young age by our experiences by the things our parents saidor did, the schools we went to the people that surrounded us. We have a conditioned mind and that’s why we do the things we do. Left on autopilot we will have outcomes based on that conditioning.

Greatness doesn’t come from settling. Greatness doesn’t come from settling for what your conditioning allows for. It comes from fearlessly following your own path and maybe even creating a new path that hasn’t been cleared, one that draws you to it. Maybe it’s been drawing you for a while but your afraid.

I was talking to my cousin Eric about this episode, and I was telling him about my points that I was interested in making and he said oh my goodness you have to listen to Matthew McConaughey on this podcast I was listening to, and he basically was saying very similar things, so what I’m talking about here his experience was we all know Matthew McConaughey, kind of as a romcom actor that’s what he was known for. That’s what he got paid the big bucks to do but that was his past and his desire was to not do romcom dramas anymore. He wanted to do more serious, drama acting so he and his wife decided we’re gonna stick to this. We aren’t settling. I’m not doing any more romantic comedy so he moved out of Hollywood to Austin Texas and he gets a few romcom offers here and there and he says no I’m not doing them anymore then but no drama roles. 6 more months go by, no offers. after 16 months of not working, he gets offer for a romcom for 8 million he reads the script and he’s like OK pretty it’s good but he says you know I’m not doing it, remember he hasn’t worked now for a year and a half. I mean for a year and a half so they come back and they offer 10 million nope then they come back in the office from 12.5 million no, then they come back with 14.5 million and he stuck to his guns. He started questioning himself am I gonna have to quit acting, no-one is even offering me anything Im interested in is my acting career over because I don’t want to do romantic comedies anymore, so he’s got two years in to his commitment and people in Hollywood took notice. Matthew is serious. he’s sticking to this, what is going on, it made them start looking at him in a different way and then the roles started coming in for drama. He ended up winning an Oscar he wouldn’t have gotten those roles had he not done what he did even though people thought he was crazy. His family thought he was crazy, now his wife was with him, but his brother was like man you’re crazy. He believed in himself enough to stay the course. Now there were moments where he thought man maybe Ill become a coach or a teacher, you know if this doesn’t work out but he never backed down and it ended up being the best decision he made. He followed his heart regardless of what people thought.

If a path keeps drawing you. Will you believe in yourself enough to follow it? Other people that doubt you are just doubting you from their conditioning, that’s ok It’s not your job to manage their doubt. Don’t even try. Just be so committed to your path that everyone watching is like dang. She’s serious about this. Know that the decisions you’ve made to date are from that old conditioning and the way to make new decisions are to break those old habits. Break out of that conditioning by trying new stuff. Going new places, meeting new people,

I wouldn’t be where I am without breaking free from a lot of my conditioning through mindset work. It takes gumption to move forward with your own plans in spite of your conditioning. And each step you take that’s new or different is scary but it also opens new doors and it shows new paths and there will be obstacles but you can handle anything that comes up. We always do. Think about that. What has happened to you in life that you haven’t been able to handle. You’re here so you’re handling it. And you can do it again.

Conditioning happened by how we were raised we can’t change that but it’s also happening now by who we are around, what we watch on tv, what we read and how much scrolling we do.

That’s why being intentional about everything you allow in is so important. So yes you have residual conditioning from your past, but You can decide what conditioning you allow from here on out. And you can change the trajectory of where your heading.

My challenge to you today is to look around you. What’s conditioning you now? What are you allowing in? Who are you allowing in? If you want your life to change it starts with changing your own mind. Keep hanging out here, and we can do it together. Share this with 3 committed people. I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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