You can run, but you can’t hide (from yourself)

Episode 134
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: You can run, but you can’t hide (from yourself)

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 134 of the Wildly Successful lifestyle podcast! If you’re new, don’t forget to scroll down and subscribe and sneak in a five star rating if you’re loving the episodes!

Ok, You know those videos that go viral, where the mom or dad is having their kid repeat after them in the mirror? I am beautiful. I am loved. I am kind. It’s going to be a good day. I love those and so do A LOT of people because so often they go viral. You know why it feels so good to watch those? It’s because we all want that. To feel beautiful. To feel happy. To be kind and know it’s going to be a good day. What do you think those parents are doing? They are conditioning those new, little, curious, open brains to believe in themselves, to show them that they are what they believe they are. They are conditioning them for happiness and success, the kind that lasts because it comes from within, not from anything external. God loves those parents.

Well maybe you didn’t get that from your parents. I love my parents very much but they didn’t have those tools. But guess what? I have them now. I have those tools and so do you. You are listening to this podcast which is a tool. There are other podcasts and books and all kinds of information right at our fingertips. You speak to yourself every single day thousands of times. How are you conditioning your brain? Are you telling yourself you’re beautiful, you’re worthy and you can do anything you set your mind to? I hope you are because you are beautiful just like you are, you are worthy and if you set your heart on a goal and you go after it, what is meant for you will without a doubt be yours.

There does seem to be a movement lately though, have you felt it? A movement of people really wanting to make themselves better. And when this happens, I think sometimes people get into this idea that they are searching for meaning or searching for their purpose. I recently read this meme and I can’t get it out of my mind. It said we go through life searching for meaning, but life doesn’t have meaning, Life has us and we provide the meaning (which at first I was like…what???) But then I really thought about what it said and It hit me. WE bring meaning to everything we do.

In fact we get to choose the meaning of everything that goes on in our life. We choose how we think about everything that happens and ultimately that decides the quality of our life. So for instance and this is just a little example but growing up when I asked my mom if she liked my outfit, if she really didn’t like it, she would say “It’s cute”. What that meant from her was she didn’t like it. That was just her way of saying that, without hurting my feelings. But I knew it meant she didn’t like it.

So for the longest time as an adult, cute was kind of offensive to me until I realized that it was only my thought about it because some people when they say “it’s cute” they mean they really like it. This seems like a harmless little difference but imagine if I never let go of that thought, every time someone said I looked cute, I’d be offended…that’s a rough go.

So you see that is a small example of how our thoughts can really affect us so we have to make sure our thoughts about things are helping us, not hurting us. Why are our thoughts such a big deal? Because they cause our feelings, which affect our actions. Our thoughts affect every single aspect of our life. So if you are wanting to feel differently then you feel right now, you have to change your thought. You may not be able to change the circumstance but you can always change your thoughts. It all starts from within. And taking action is very important but because our actions are based on our feelings and our feelings are based on our thoughts, being aware of our thoughts is really important.

If you are listening to this podcast and it rings true to you or you connect with it then I am going to assume you are wanting more from life, you are working to make yourself better and to grow. I love that about you, I connect with you because we have that in common. Now wanting something to be different and taking action to make it different are totally different things. I know a lot of people that want their life to be different then do the same thing over and over again expecting something to miraculously change. That is Insanity. No, I’m serious. Einstein liked to say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. So in order to change our life we have to be willing to take action to change it, but we discovered a few minutes ago that our thoughts and feelings control our actions, so we want to make sure we take the right action for us, the right action meaning we aren’t taking action off of faulty thoughts. So for example, my husband had been flying for a shipping company for a while before I met him. He was flying the line, which means he was on regular routes flying packages from one location to the next, now he had been doing that for a while and making good money but there was something inside him that was like “Is this it?” This is all I thought I wanted but now I want more, how could that be? He was considering making a change from this company because his thought was it wasn’t working for him anymore. Now, he is also very aware of his thoughts and he knew that he needed to make sure his thoughts weren’t going cause him to make an external change when what maybe needed was to work on his internal thoughts first. So he did. He quickly realized he loved the company, it wasn’t the company that was the problem, he just needed a little more challenge so he put himself out there for more responsibility and became an instructor in the plane and now he is back to absolutely loving his job. Had he jumped ship immediately without figuring out what his thought was that was making him unhappy, he might be in a very different place right now. The same thing with relationships. How many times have you seen someone jump from one relationship to the next, with it always seeming to have similar issues because you can’t get away from yourself. You take you with you everywhere you go. You have to feel happy inside before you try to change something outside. Otherwise you’re putting a band-aid on a wound that may need stitches. OK? So if you are struggling with a situation right now, whether its a relationship or a job, just remember you can run but you cannot hide from yourself.

My challenge to you this week is if there is an area in your life that you are wanting to change, Write that change down.

Now write down the feeling you think that change will bring you. It may be a feeling you’ve been lacking for a while. Remember I kept chasing worthiness because I didn’t get that as a child, but now I KNOW I’m worthy just because I was born and nothing external is going to change that. You have to have that same knowledge. You have to find a way to create that feeling internally or you’ll keep chasing it and there’s an endless supply of other jobs, other lovers, other weight loss goals to keep you chasing that feeling forever. There’s a quote I love “I can’t change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination”.

I love you guys and I will talk to you in a few days.

You have to find a way to feel that thought inside before you change anything outside otherwise it won’t last because remember you take you with you. The coworker you can’t stand to be around? There’s going to be one at the next job.

Internal fixes are long term, external fixes are short term. The Wildly successful crew is all about long term results.

There is a feeling you think you will get if you change it. Figure out what that feeling is and think that you control that is causing your feeling which we Dig deep and find that thought. No matter what you think, it’s an internal issue. We always want to start internally before we change things externally. Make sure the thought you are having is a positive one, if it isn’t try to switch it to one that is positive and take action from that place. We always want to take action from a place of power, or happiness or worthiness. I love you guys and I will talk to you in a few days!

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