Are you an “Old Soul” living in a “New World”?

Episode 369
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Are you an “Old Soul” living in a “New World”?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 369 of The Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! Thank you so much for listening! Welcome if you’re new and welcome back to everyone else, it means a lot that you’re here! We like to feel seen and heard and I hope this podcast does that for you, I know it does for me and you’re a big part of that so thank you and don’t forget to subscribe and give me a 5 star rating wherever you are hearing this..spotify, Apple, and now Youtube! I have videos that I create now on my Youtube channel. Just search Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast and you can watch them and let me know what you think. Be gentle its new for me so Im catching my stride there and it’s a lot of fun but there’s a learning curve…ok….

This last week a song went viral. It wasn’t by Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran or Kanye it was by a country boy named Oliver Anthony. I had been seeing people post it but I tend to wait when things pop up like that, I don’t usually pay attention until someone I really trust that I follow puts it out and then I want to check it out. So I had seen this going around and I wondered about it but never clicked on it and then Joe Rogan posted it on x formerly known as Twitter. So I knew at that point it was worth listening to. the song is called “Rich men north of Richmond”. And man am I glad I listened.

Now for those of you who like me aren’t that great at Geography Washington DC is North of Richmond, Virginia if that gives you a clue into what the song is about. If you haven’t heard it, it’s worth the search. All you have to do it probably put the first word rich into the search section of YouTube and I bet it comes up, it’s by Oliver Anthony So anyway. This song actually reached into my soul grabbed a hold of it and I don’t think it’s let go yet. Obviously not because I’m talking about it.

So it touched me deeply. I say this a lot but I genuinely have a love for people. Just people. And I think that’s why this song got hold of me. I was in the grocery store the other day and there was this black man. He was maybe 40. But he was thin and he looked tired. His clothes were covered in what looked to be sheetrock dust or some sort of paint. But he was getting just a few things from the vegetable department where I was as well. I was reaching for a zucchini but it sort of flipped and landed right in front of him and I apologized and said I didn’t mean to throw a zucchini at you to which he laughed and handed it to me. It was a lovely moment.

I pictured his wife asking him to grab peppers on his way home from a long day so she can cook a healthy meal for the family. I don’t know if that’s what he was doing, how could I but I do know that he was kind to me and I was kind to him and it felt good. Just two human beings living the best they can. That’s what we were in that moment. Didn’t matter what color we were. He didn’t care and neither did I. That’s weird though because the news says we should care..if you believed the news the country is divided and different religions and races and genders are all at each others throats. But that’s not what I see. That may be their altered reality that they are selling for a narrative, but that’s not what I see, that’s not the world I live in. I wonder if you feel the same way. I bet you do.

In that viral song and I hope you listen I will put it in the show notes but in that song he says it’s hard living in this new world with an old soul.

Do you feel in a way like you are an old soul living in this foreign new world where up is down and right is wrong?

It’s easy to think you’re the crazy one. But what’s right doesn’t change simply because someone is screaming it at you from every direction. You aren’t crazy. You’re an old soul living in someone else’s vision of a new world. And the good news is. You don’t have to accept someone else’s altered reality. You don’t have to accept anything that feels wrong to you. And it isn’t our job to fix someone who has a different opinion and believes an altered reality but it also isn’t our job to cater to it.

Someone wants to believe something crazy. The consequences are for them not for me. But I won’t be a party to it. And we do have friends that have kids that are struggling with some of the latest fad altered reality and I do go out of my way not to offend but Im not gonna step on my old soul beliefs, the things I know to be true to cater to someone else’s insecurities.

And I know it seems like life has been really hard the last few years. Mainly since Covid. And it’s easy to just feel so negative and like things are so bad and it doesn’t seem like it’s getting better. And I do believe that there are rich men north of Richmond (meaning rich men in Washington DC) living off the backs of good hardworking Americans like you and like me. But I also believe things are getting better every single day. Now, Hear me out before you call me crazy for saying that. Think about it. Before Covid people blindly trusted that just every single medicine a dr prescribed is for our own good. They know better. We thought Drs were only looking out for our health but now we know that maybe that isn’t always the case. Maybe just maybe we ought to be taking a little more responsibility for our health and not handing that job over to a dr that is taught to prescribe medicine for a living not get to the root of the problem. Drs are not bad people but you aren’t sick because your body is deficient in the latest pharmaceutical. There’s a root problem that needs to be addressed. People are waking up to personal responsibility because of the monster that was Covid, it’s waking people up to maybe we should be looking at our health from a different perspective. I know for me it’s been a real eye opener. But you see that’s all good things, that awakening is going to make us healthier and less dependent on drugs. Covid did that. Seemed super bad on its face but that’s what it took to get people to be more responsible for their own health…and not leaving it to drugs and pharmaceutical companies that profit from it so something really good and life altering actually came from Covid. That’s why it so good to Always look at situations from the question ….How is this working in my favor?

It also opened the eyes of parents to what their kids are being taught in school. Some of this altered reality is being Force fed our kids from kindergarten. To what end I don’t know but it can’t be good. But you see you don’t have to accept that. Your child is your child. Your child is not the governments child. You get to instill the values you want, and look if someone else wants their child to have an altered reality, it’s not our job to change that. Leave it alone. You being an old soul means you rise above it. You raise your kids with your values and if you see someone trying to influence them intentionally in a way that will hurt them you remove them from that influence. In whatever way you can. It may mean homeschooling, a private school or moving school districts. I don’t know but you don’t have to accept an altered reality. We don’t have to accept someone else’s vision of a new world where wrong is right and right is wrong.

You have just as much right to your belief as anyone else does. You are not less than because of your values and beliefs but remember someone else is just as entitled to their values and beliefs as you are. And it’s not our job to change someone else’s values and beliefs. It’s only our job to live true to ours.

If we live true to our values, we don’t have to fight against an altered reality, fighting against something brings more of it into our life. Fight for something..not against it. That’s where I think we are headed. Old souls are standing up.

Because guess what. There’s a lot more people with an old soul then we realize and that’s why rich men in Richmond was the most listened to song in the world last week even though it was a country boy on a banjo with his dogs laying around in the middle of a small town in Virginia. When things seem upside down just ask yourself…how could this be working in my favor? Because it is, it just may need a minute to work its way out. When you see things on the news that seem absolutely upside down and not in your reality whatsoever take it for what it is…someone else’s altered reality that has nothing in the world to do with you. Because you’re an Old soul with the power to recognize right from wrong deep in your gut.

My challenge to you this week is to embrace your old soul, be proud of your values, don’t hide them. And don’t fight against people living in an altered reality, fighting against things make them bigger.. be for your values, Be for the things you know in your heart are true. The world is craving Old souls and that’s why that song went viral…because we are tired of feeling like we have to sell our souls to fit in. But it’s a human need to fit in and when the loudest voices are screaming altered reality we feel like that’s the only way forward until you see that one brave old soul say enough, let’s work to be that old soul. Share this with three old souls in your life. I love you guys I’ll talk to you in a few days!

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