Are you failing in advance?

Episode 196
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Are you failing in advance?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 196 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! Thanks for showing up today! I’m always glad you’re here.

I’m not sure how many of you have fur babies…doggies or cats or ferrets. But if you take them to the vet very often you know what I mean when I say they’re like having a child. It’s as expensive to take them to the vet anymore as a human to the Dr! But we love them so we do it anyway…so Kenzie, our little Yorkie seems to always have an allergy issue or a tooth issue or name it and finally my husband decided we’re getting her her own insurance. So he does some research and finds the right one and now we have it.

Now. Around our house, Eric does the bills. That’s just his role, I mean he’s a pilot so he is very methodical about everything where I am…let’s just say less methodical. But anyway we get the first bill from the vet that we are going to file on her new insurance. I take her to the vet and I save the receipt and give it to Eric so he can file it. After about a week, he still hasn’t had time to do it so I say “Give it to me, I’ll do it”. So in my mind…just like with Eric I’m thinking to myself ugh this is going to be such a hassle, it’s going to take forever, is it even worth it?

All these things you come up with in your head when you think you don’t know how to do something. So guess what? It now sits on my desk for a week and everything I look at it, I have these thoughts about time and having to figure it out and all that. Well one day I had it while looking at it and I was just like ok let me just see how long it will take and try to figure this out. You guys literally took me 3 minutes. They had it so easy to file a claim that I was done in 3 minutes. So we both had anxiety thinking it was going to be a hassle or that we weren’t going to be able to figure it out without help so we both avoided it for weeks! And it was frustrating! All to figure out it was super easy and literally took 3 minutes.

Now Eric is a loyal listener to my podcast and part of me wishes he wouldn’t hear this episode because I’d like him to think I’m a genius and just figured out this hard thing to do! So there’s the truth of it honey.

My point in this story is we both were failing in advance. We were avoiding something we didn’t know how to do because we told ourselves it was going to be a hassle or we may not figure it out or it could take forever. None of that happened.

When I first started my podcast, I didn’t know how to do it but I did it anyway. When I first put it out I was worried no one was listening and they weren’t at first.

Is there something you have been wanting to do but you are afraid of what other people think so you just put it aside? Or maybe you aren’t sure how to do it so you just blow it off. You’re failing in advance.

And Here’s the thing. People are going to judge you regardless so just be proud of yourself and go for it. I’d rather go for something and fail than never try because I feared failure.

And let’s say you do fail? Just get up and try again. Failures are like bricks stacking up leading the path to your success.

If you haven’t done something before you’re going to have to figure it out especially if it’s hard. That’s the fun part of life. And don’t beat yourself up..just dust off and try again.

I’ve talked about getting my life coaching certification and it’s uncomfortable. Part of the process is you have to practice real coaching. I had my first coaching client this last week and I was nervous about it because I want to be good right out of the gate and we’re just not going to be. But you’re going to get better and better as long as you keep going.

Abraham always says think about a little baby just starting to walk. We don’t look at the baby when it falls over and over again and say get up you little dummy. We don’t say well that’s never going to happen, look how awful they are at attempting to walk. Thankfully babies are super determined to get their mobility so they can wreak all the havoc they want so they absolutely don’t quit until they succeed. And then they get real good at it because they just keep doing it, the repetition makes them excel at walking and then that leads to running and if it’s their desire maybe they even become a dancer but none of that’s possible if they stop trying or if they are so afraid that they never even try.

When you don’t even try you fail in advance and all those possibilities, well that’s what they will keep being..simply possibilities because your desire to do it isn’t going’ll just try to forget about it by consuming social media, eating, drinking and every once in a while when you get a moment of clarity that possibility is going to pop back up and see if you’re ready..

What possibilities are you keeping yourself from because you’re afraid of what may or may not happen?

When you desire something, when you have a calling to something. There’s an absolute reason for it. Answer it. Follow it. Follow it without fear. That’s the attitude it takes though, isn’t it? to be successful at everything. The attitude of I’m absolutely not going to quit no matter what. You’ll eventually get where you’re supposed to be I promise you that. And notice I didn’t say you’re going to reach that exact goal, I said you’re going to get where you’re supposed to be. Expect that you’re going to fail, probably multiple times but eventually you’ll get there.

In my opinion the only true quitting or never even starting which means you’re failing in advance.

My challenge to you this week is to do something you’ve been afraid to do. Something that’s been on your mind but you haven’t allowed it to happen for fear of what people think, or for fear of not being good at it or whatever your brain is cooking up for you as a it anyway…at least give yourself the chance. Never fail in advance. I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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