Are you settling because it’s easy?

Episode 453
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Are you settling because it’s easy?

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 453 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! Thanks for hanging out with me. Let’s make it a regular date, we can do that if you’ll subscribe so that you’re notified each time I publish which is twice a week once on Monday and once on Friday. And they are almost always under 10 minutes so you can listen on your way to the gym or the grocery store. It’s the perfect amount of time in my opinion…..

I don’t know about you but there are some things that I am just particular about. Like my nails. I love them a certain color and a certain shape and I don’t veer to far from that simply because I just like what I like. So it’s usually going to be a pale pink or neutral and for the last year or so I have had them a little longer and almond shaped. Now, Ive been going to this same nail salon for several years. I had been going to one girl and I was happyish, she did fine with my nails. Now she would get very irritated if I tried to switch colors or shapes and God forbid she didn’t like the color. Some days she would be in a very bad mood and some days she would be very sweet, it just depended on the day. The other girls in the shop didn’t seem much happier. So needless to say the environment wasn’t the best. But, I wasn’t super happy and I wasn’t super unhappy and you know what that means, it usually means I wasn’t going to make a change.

One week I was going out of town and I needed my nails done so I had to go on a day my nail girl was off and so I used a different nail lady and she talked me into doing Gel and I absolutely love it and I love the color she suggested, which was a different version of light pink and I love how she shaped my nails. I liked the way she did them much better than my girl, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings so the next time I go back to her. This is in the same salon. So she’s already mad that I had come in on her off day and then when she saw I had done gel she got upset and said I had ruined my nails which wasn’t true she was just mad. So I said well I want to take the gel off, so whats the best way to do that with the least amount of damage to my own nails and she said rudely “that would have been to not have gotten gel in the first place”. OK, by now you are probably wondering why I continue to go the this nail salon. And I don’t blame you, I was wondering the same thing. So we get through it and she finishes my nails and when I left that day I vowed I was not going back. You know how it is though, life happens. So when it came time that I needed my nails done again I thought to myself, ugh I don’t want to go through the trouble of finding a new place, I guess I will just go back to my old salon. And then I heard myself and said absolutely not. I’m not settling because it’s easy. I’m not accepting less than what I deserve any longer. I’m tired of doing that, yeah it’s going to be a little uncomfortable to go through the process of finding someone new but Im not gonna settle, I want to be happy and I want to enjoy getting my nails done. It took a couple tries but I finally found the salon and the girl that I am super happy with and everyone in the salon seems to really be happy to be there and they have a lot of fun. That’s the environment I was looking for, I’m really happy I didn’t settle even when it would have been the easy thing to do.

Is there somewhere in your life that you are settling because it’s easy? Or settling because it would be just too uncomfortable to change? You deserve better than that too. Years ago my brother was in the hospital with a heart issue and the dr who was working with him was pretty arrogant. I remember asking him a few questions and he DID NOT like that. He didn’t want to be questioned at all. The things he was suggesting though didn’t feel right to my core or to anyone else’s core either. So I made a few calls and was given the name of a heart dr that was supposed to be the best around, I talked to my sister in law who is like a pit pull when she gets onto something she doesn’t let go, and so she made it her job to get my brother out of that hospital and into an appointment with this other dr that was referred to us. Long story short, my brother went from being suggested for a heart transplant by this arrogant dr to being told by the new dr you’re heart is basically fine, you had a virus and oh you need to lose weight, stop drinking so much and start an exercise program. All of which he did. Im happy to say he is in great health now and hasn’t had those problems again. And the original dr was gonna put him on a heart transplant list! When you get the feeling that something is off or you have the feeling that you wish you could get a second opinion, there’s a reason you’re feeling that way, it’s probably because you’re right. It was uncomfortable for my sister in law just to pull my brother out of that hospital but she did it anyway. She didn’t settle for someone seemingly with authority telling them something that just felt completely off.

This happens a lot. You have to remember you have to be in charge of your life. If something feels off or something isn’t working for you, don’t just settle because it’s easy, do what you need to do to change it. That little voice in your head saying “this doesn’t feel right” is there for a reason. It’s guiding you to a better place, one that’s right for YOU. You don’t have to settle for anything less than you deserve in any area of your life.

My client and I went to look at countertops and she said you know, I’ve learned you have to push back a little with people in customer service because sometimes, they will try to only do what’s easy or push for something that works for them but may not be what’s best for you. She’s so right. We had been looking at this slab and it was deep in the back of the warehouse, where no sun could hit it, but in her house it was going to be in full sun. So we needed to see it in full sun. The guy we were talking to wasn’t sure they would be able to make that happen and so we said well if you’ll check we will wait and after a little while he came back and said ok we are going to move it to the front in full sun for you. It wasn’t comfortable that’s not that easy to do but we weren’t going to settle. We were either going to see it in the sun or we were going to move on to the next place. I think he felt that so he probably pushed a little to get it done but they didn’t really want to do it and that’s ok. We weren’t settling.

In the short term, settling seems like the easy, comfortable thing to do. But who knows where my brother would be if we had settled. This is my clients retirement dream home, she doesn’t want to hope a slab will look good in the sun when she will be living with it for the rest of her life, no way were we going to settle.

You always have options. If you’re gut is telling you you need to make a change, then you need to make a change regardless of how uncomfortable it’s going to be. It could be as simple as in my case of having peace of mind knowing I was going to enjoy my nail appointment from now on or it could be as serious as my brother’s life being saved, we honestly feel changing drs saved his life. A little discomfort is worth your long term happiness. The people you are working with are in your life for that moment. You are the one that ultimately lives with the consequences so don’t be afraid to switch it up, your life could depend on it.

My challenge to you this week is big or small if you have a situation that your inner voice is telling you you’re settling or maybe it’s just telling you something feels off. Do the hard thing and make a change. Odds are you won’t regret it. Share this with 3 people who deserve not to settle. I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days!

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