Can you say “I’m a person who doesn’t quit”?

Episode 282
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Can you say “I’m a person who doesn’t quit”?

The power of “sticking to it”

“I’m a person who doesn’t quit”

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 282 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! Thank you for listening and also for sharing. That means a lot to me, it helps me reach more people and right now with our mental health becoming a bigger and bigger problem so that’s a big deal.

Ok, have you ever started something with the full intent on seeing it through but it quickly was forgotten to a shiny new object? Me too. I used to start and stop so many diets in my past that when I would start one, I knew deep down it wasn’t going to last. That is not a fun place to be especially when I really really wanted to lose weight at many different stages of my adult life. Most people can probably relate. My consistency was more in line with quitting then with sticking to it. But now here I am, exactly the size I want to be and I have kept the weight off for years. What changed? My beliefs changed. I no longer make promises to myself that I don’t keep. I showed myself what was possible and when you do that, the sky is the limit. And I did it after 40. I am in better shape and in a smaller size than when I was 28. It doesn’t matter your age, now yes, it gets harder as we get older, but when you consistently eat for nutrition your body will automatically go to the size it’s meant to be. So I changed my belief that I could do it. My new belief is that I don’t make promises to myself that I don’t keep. I also believe Im a person who doesn’t quit. That one simple belief alone could change your world.

When Molly my baby sister was in College Eric used to tell her, In 2 years you’ll either be walking across the stage to get your degree or you’ll be wishing that you were. Which one it is depends on your consistency.

You see classes were hard and there were things she would rather be doing. But the decisions you make today will decide where you’re heading. If she kept not going to class she wasn’t going to be walking across the stage in 2 years, but if she stuck with it and didn’t quit, she would be.

It’s so easy to just eat the cake, to just have the drink, to just skip the workout because it doesn’t seem like that one thing makes a difference but it does. It’s not about that one workout, or the one drink or the one dessert, it can’t be because that one workout isn’t going to show up immediately in the mirror, it’s not going to show up as 1 lb lighter on the scale that afternoon. But it will show up in the way you feel, in the way you wear your clothes, in the way you interact with your family and anyone you run into. It will show up in the way you talk to yourself. So it does show up immediately just not in the way you think.

We have these beliefs about ourself, some of them entrenched from when we are kids. It isn’t easy changing them, but creating a new belief, that’s easier. Once you create a new belief and you become aware of making every decision from that one new belief, you don’t have to worry about changing all the old ones. Just try to imprint a new one. So my suggestion is to use this one. “Im a person who never quits.” According to Ed Mylet that’s the number one skill we need to be successful. Someone can be smarter, more talented but if you are the one that never quits, you’ll win and YOU control that! Think about it…what could you accomplish if you were a person that never quits?

And look, we don’t have to make this harder than it needs to be. Let’s be honest, we all have a lot of beliefs floating around in our heads, trying to knock out all the limiting beliefs is really really hard and confusing, but creating a new one, that’s not confusing because it’s one belief and we know what it means and we know how to keep it.

A person who never quits doesn’t quit on their relationships, they don’t quit on their health and nutrition, they don’t quit when their job or career gets hard, they don’t quit just because they have a bad day, which we all have so you see how that one belief could be pretty powerful?

If that wasn’t doesn’t work for you how about “Im a person that keeps my promises to myself”. A person who keeps their promises doesn’t eat anymore chips after they say they won’t, like me when I buy the siete gluten free grain free kettle chips which are delicious, I eat what I want and then I promise myself I wont eat any more that day, it works for me because I know I wont. My husband, when he goes to work meetings often they will have donuts, he makes a promise to himself he wont have a donut, and he brings a seed bar in case he gets hungry, but otherwise he’d eat it. Just that one belief can change so much!

My challenge to you today is to choose one of these beliefs and put it to work immediately! You can show yourself in the next hour just how powerful it can be, maybe say Im only going to use one packet of sugar instead of 3 in my coffee…and then do it. The more you use it, the more you will trust yourself. Warning….don’t use it if you know it’s something you aren’t going to do. At first, make it easy to imprint the belief. So start with small things, Im going to be on time all day today. Im going to drink 8 glasses of water today or Im going to stay off my phone within an hour of bedtime….I think You get the picture….. Show yourself just how powerful you are….when you implement this new belief. I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days!

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