Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 497 of The Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! How’s it going out there? Are you being the best you can be today? Sometimes it’s hard to do that every day but it’s the consistency that counts. Having a system that you put into place helps with that consistency so no matter what every morning, I take 10 minutes to meditate or no matter what 4 times a week I take time to exercise, having a system means you have certain things you do regardless of where you are or what’s going on is crucial to us being our best selves.
This is Election week in America and I usually try my best to keep each episode evergreen so that it is always relevant regardless of of when you listen but I think it’s important to be real and talk about what’s going on with me because I know that usually you are dealing with the same thing or at least something similar. So this morning, it’s a couple days before the election and I did not want to meditate. My brain is pretty active right now and that makes it hard for me to clear my thoughts and just meditate for 10-15 minutes. But I have a system in place where that includes meditation so I kind of make myself meditate this morning. I would like to say that the meditation blew my mind but that’s not what happened. What happened is I struggled through the meditation and congratulated myself at the end for doing it when it really was the last thing I wanted to do right then.
I hope you all vote, I hope you vote so that your voice is heard. I grew up in a religion that doesn’t allow you to vote, they say you are supposed to remain neutral so I did not vote until I married Eric, my husband, he believes voting is our civil duty and I agree with him now that I understand how our country works. I have a favorite for president, if you know me, you know who that is for sure. But I like not knowing who you guys out there are voting for. I think we have gotten a little crazy with the idea that we can’t be friends if you vote a different way. I have friends who vote differently than me and that’s ok. Is it easier to hang out with those that think like me? Of course, but there’s also no growth there and it’s shallow to only want to be surrounded by people who think like you. Trust me I have to fight that too. I was listening to a speaker recently debating a student on a college campus and he so eloquently said, my whole reason for being here is to find common ground with you so let’s find that first and then we can debate some of our differences from a friendly position. I think what’s happened is that we simply have forgotten that we have lots in common and for most of us a lot more in common than not. There are those on both sides that are radical and I think I speak for a majority of Americans when I say that the most radical on both sides are very small groups. I think most of us respect common sense and want America to thrive, we just differ on how to get there. And that’s why healthy debate is crucial. The way to combat misinformation is more debate not censoring. If you feel strongly about something convince me don’t gaslight. The more people understand your position the more they might see why they should agree or disagree with you and that’s healthy because the majority of people just want for their family to be able to thrive. So if someone is saying “Hey, we should control the information or they can’t sit for an unscripted interview to really see who they truly are without a teleprompter, then you have to be skeptical because if their policies are so incredible for the country, then they should be out there everywhere telling us exactly what those policies are and why they will be great for all Americans. Truth is where the light is and being able to shine a light in every corner of a candidates policies is the only way for us to decide which one is best for our country. In our day to day lives we are accountable for our decisions, we have to deal with the consequences with our decisions. The same should be true of the person who wants to run our country. There has to be accountability and transparency.
There is a lot of rhetoric on both sides about what might happen on November 5th. My dad told me over the weekend that they put out a statement to everyone in their places of worship across the country to be vigilant and careful this week because things are likely to get volatile. I hope not. I hope it’s a landslide to such a degree that there’s no question of what the values are of the majority of Americans. We don’t want another 2020.
Now, I personally believe that things are always working in our favor so I think 2020 had to be the way it was in order for certain things to be exposed. I believe we had to have a wake up call about big pharma and big food. I believe we had to have a wake up call about government corruption. I believe we had to have a wakeup call about the state of Americas mental and physical health and also a simple return to common sense policies. I trust that this is all happening as it should and I am super optimistic and very hopeful that we are turning this ship around and I want to encourage you to be as well. The reality is one of the two options right now will be president.
So having said that… how do we cope if our side loses? How do we cope if there’s a problem with the integrity of the election? How do we cope if there’s an uproar over the ultimate outcome?
In my opinion, we have to believe in a higher power. We have to believe that it’s all happening as it is supposed to in order to work out in our favor. All the signs point to that. Think about the changes the country has made because of Covid. Covid was tough but guess what…we learned and we grew as a country. We are not just trusting for the sake of trusting, we are doing our own research. People are getting involved in their kids schooling like never before. There was quite a bit that was exposed that needed to be, like what they were teaching the kids in school, crazy stuff! Good things can come from the toughest things we go through. We had to get back to some sort of personal responsibility. We are each responsible for our life and the life of those that depend on us. No one has time to lose their mind over things that they do not control but what they can do is control the things they do control. Ok, so, don’t fall into the trap of saying the world is over if my side doesn’t win, there’s a lot of drama on both sides but you will be just fine as long as you tell yourself you will be but first of all you have to let yourself feel the disappointment. It’s so important not to and as long as you fall back to your systems. That’s why systems are so important.
Keep doing what you know is right. Keep taking care of your mental health and your physical health. Keep up your normal routines. Don’t make things worse than they are, make them better and always look for ways this is working in your favor. We control a lot about our world simply by keeping our head on straight.
And look. The people wanting to win will say whatever it takes to get out the vote and fear gets people to vote more than anything. This is on both sides. The world won’t end either way. So keep your chin up and know we are in it together. We will survive this week like we do every other hard week we have gotten through. And we will be better and stronger for it.
Share this with anyone who has anxiety about the election. I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days!