“Harmless” little decisions that are really hurting you

Episode 195
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: “Harmless” little decisions that are really hurting you

Hi guys! Welcome to episode 195 of the wildly successful Lifestyle podcast.

Have you ever walked into a restaurant and thought, man I didn’t realize I was hungry until I walked in here. After this episode, you’re gonna know why…But first.

I had such a wonderful week last week. I literally took a break from all social media, media at all really. No news, no twitter, no Instagram for the most part. Just completely disconnected from anything other than what I chose to take in.

I listened to Eckart Tolle, I listened to Abraham, I steered clear of anything that could set my mind off into thoughts that don’t serve me. Almost the entire week.

I was in control of what my mind had to choose from as far as focus and thoughts.

Have you ever really given that thought? Because I hadn’t really, not in that specific way. Where I realize I’m allowing things that are accomplishing someone else’s agenda not mine. So I’ll give you an example. Brooke Castillo was talking on one of her podcast episodes about hunger. And sometimes the reason we overeat or eat when we aren’t hungry is because we don’t recognize the difference between hunger as a physical sensation, which is actual hunger like maybe your stomach growls or you somehow physically feel hunger but we don’t know the difference between that and the mental thought of hunger. She explained that one starts in your body and goes to your brain, the other starts in your brain and goes to your body.

I’m going to make this really clear in a second. It’s a game changer. So the physical, actual hunger starts in your body and goes to your brain. So your stomach growls, and your like oh man I haven’t eaten I need to eat. Your tummy tells your brain…hey we need some food in here. Whereas say you smell a yummy food or you see an advertisement for something yummy and your brain is like hey stomach…you’re hungry…go get that McDonald’s French fries or for me it would be an advertisement for a Reese’s peanut butter cup or something. So you’re not physically hungry but your brain has a craving so it tricks you into thinking you are so you eat. And all because you saw that ad pop up for fries or you smelled the cookies. Your brain decided it wanted it so it told your tummy you were hungry. There’s a big difference there.

Back to the thought about my week going really well because I had been super intentional about what I allowed in, Friday night comes along and Eric was out of town so I grab an early dinner with my friends and I’m back home by 7 but at dinner I had a skinny margarita, which I decided I was what I wanted. Just one though..I’m a lightweight…so I had a little less control of mind because of the alcohol and I’m home alone so here goes social media, twitter, politics, ads for food, ads for things..all the things on other people’s agendas so then I’m looking around the house to see if I have anything..anything sweet or bad to eat and fortunately we don’t keep anything in the house for this exact reason…eventually…you’re gonna eat it if it’s there. But more than likely the odds are you aren’t going to get in your car and go get something…the thought actually crossed my mind though as I’m opening the freezer hoping there was one of those little snickers left in the freezer but there weren’t any…thank goodness.

Here’s the thing though. I realized that none of that would have happened if I hadn’t had alcohol. And I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, I’m just pointing out that that one drink led to me going down the rabbit hole where I’m consuming all the things that other people want me to think rather than the things that are going to serve me. The things that are on MY agenda.

The things that are in my version of a wildly successful life aren’t on twitter, well I’ll clarify…they might be on twitter…but so are all the other things and it’s addictive by design so you open Instagram to post that picture quickly and 1 hour later you’re so anxious or maybe even angry because this state is mandating this or this company is canceling this person oh AND you think your hungry because they snuck in 15 little quick ads of your favorite snack. That’s how it works. You can’t get that hour back. What could you have done with that hour to move your life forward? To make yourself better? A lot!!! Because it adds up. And What if you hadn’t seen those ads would you have thought you were hungry?

My point is not to try to be perfect. But to be aware. Aware of what’s influencing us. If every decision you make is influenced by what you’re allowed in…we go through life and sometimes we justify things by saying oh it’s not that bad…it’s one drink or one hour on social media but the decisions after are the ones that get you.

If you feel anxious or overwhelmed and decide that’s why you’re going to drink which leads to a hangover which leads to you feeling depressed the next day and that makes it where you don’t exercise and you just veg out on social media and Netflix which ultimately now compounds their anxiety…..that’s very different than the person that feels anxious or overwhelmed and gets out that nervous energy with a run where they get inspired by a thought that they come up with during their run and that leads them to the solution to the core of what’s making them feel overwhelmed and now all of a sudden they’re working on improving their relationship or joining a new club or they set a new goal to hit the gym 5 times. That one little seemingly inconsequential decision has compounding effects that can ultimately change your life. That’s not a small deal.

When I waste time on distractions I’m keeping from the world the message I was meant to share and so are you. Maybe we don’t even know what that message is because our head is so filled with other people’s agendas. What’s your agenda? How much time are you spending on YOUR agenda??

My challenge to you this week is to free your mind and the rest will follow…just kidding. I hope you guys get that. Anyway my challenge to you is to be aware of what influences you under every decision. Just be aware. That’s the first step. Once you’re aware, you can decide what to do with it. You see an ad and think you’re hungry? Or maybe you agree to meet someone for dinner even though you’re not hungry but then when you get to the restaurant and smell the food and see the menu…all of a sudden your brain is like…YES. We are hungry!!! At least be aware that that’s why. Challenge yourself to notice the things you focus on or think about…what influence are they coming from and whose agenda are they helping? If it’s not yours then how do you change that?

Share this with at least 2 people or heck share it with everyone in your contact list. Because that’s who needs to hear it.

I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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