How to handle things you don’t control

Episode 521
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: How to handle things you don’t control

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 521 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! I’m glad you’re here!! You guys are the best, with every episode, I feel stronger and like my mindset is expanding. I hope you do as well. If you do, share it with someone you care about and also don’t forget to give me a 5 star review if you’re loving the episodes, it means a lot to me! Ok.

So I know I mention meditation a lot in the episodes, but I genuinely believe it has made my life exponentially better, with very little externally changing. So, I hope you guys are meditating, if not, I hope you will consider it. I use the calm app, and my favorite guided mediation instructor is Jeff Warren. Check him out, he’s really great. One of the main things meditation helps me work on, or the area I see most improved is my ability to accept and not fight against things going on in my reality, especially if I can’t change it. So sometimes during meditation Charlie my king charles puppy will start snoring or maybe a fire truck goes by and I have learned to welcome it and note it as just part of my experience right now. I don’t control it but I notice it and welcome it in. I don’t have to like it but once I accept it as just part of my day, I almost seem to always just sort of tune it out, we have that ability and I personally think it’s one of those things we are able to do that doesn’t get enough credit. Think about Mom’s with crying babies. Mom’s can tune that out like no other. I remember once I was talking to my client on the phone, she was driving and her baby was in the background, it’s worth noting it was her 3rd child, anyway, she is just chatting away about the things she wants to do in our upcoming project, all the while, her baby is screaming at the top of her lungs, just screaming. And my client never even acknowledges it she is just chatting away and I finally laugh and I say to her, I honestly can’t hear a thing you’re saying for your baby screaming! I knew her baby had colic because we had talked about it before so she cried a lot for a little while there, but because of that my client learned to tune it out. She just laughed and said, you know, I have accepted it as part of my life at the moment, if I couldn’t tune it out I would get nothing done. We agreed to talk later and got off the phone. That was years ago I still remember it because I realized then, moms are superheroes. But that ability to be able to tune things out, to be able to accept what’s going on without losing your mind is a good skill to have.

I was working out the other day with Kevin and as there often is there was a class going in on the gym floor and the music the trainer was playing was in my opinion awful. They were playing it extremely loud and all I heard was screaming the whole time and I said to Kevin I wouldn’t do that class simply because the music would drive me insane. I had noticed it a few minutes earlier and it annoyed me a little but while I was doing my squats I forgot about it and then when I finished my set I heard it again. Most annoying music ever to me just someone screaming over and over. I mentioned it to Kevin and he laughed and imitated the screaming lol. I won’t torture you with an imitation. You would turn me off immediately, I’m sure.

But when Kevin got done laughing, he said you know I learned in college how to just tune out music I didn’t like. He said no matter what music was playing, he can tune it out. He said he learned to do the same thing with food because what they were serving was what he was eating whether he liked it or not. But then he added I only can do that when I am out and about. When I’m at my house I want peace. And I said that’s so true. And you can have peace there because you have a say in what is being played but when you don’t control what is being played you have to learn how to deal with it so it doesn’t make you crazy. Kevin learned that in college and I learned it through meditation. We are going to be in so many situations where we don’t control what’s going on so having the ability to just acknowledge it as part of your experience and either welcome it, tune it out, or accept it in a way that allows you to deal with it without making you crazy.

My challenge to you this week is when something in your experience starts to annoy you, if you can’t control it, than see wether you can welcome it, tune it out, or accept it in a way that allows you to keep your sanity. Having internal control of your emotions gives you the ability to handle anything you experience externally. Share this with 3 people that bring you peace, you might bring a little peace to them today. I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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