How to not quit when things get hard

Episode 175
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: How to not quit when things get hard

Are you a sheep or a lion? (Yikes!)

First of all, let me say this. It doesn’t matter to me which you are. If the world was full of only lions, they’d go hungry and eventually die out and probably be fighting for power all the time, if it were all sheep, things might never get done and they could be easily driven right off a cliff because they will follow anything as long as the rest of the sheep are doing it. So there’s a mixture, and that’s a good thing. So both are good, both are fine. But…If you’re a lion, are you using your force for good? Are you using Your strength for good? If you’re a sheep are you following a path that won’t lead you off a cliff? Maybe you’re the lead lion in some ways but you step back and follow in other areas. You aren’t always gonna be the go to person or the main leader, you aren’t always gonna be the one that knows everything. But here’s the difference. if you have a lion inside you, it means you aren’t gonna follow along with someone or something you feel is leading you down a wrong path, whereas a full time sheep might go. When I was considering this topic I thought maybe sometimes people are both but after researching. Nope. Lions won’t follow a leader that is weak, damaging or leading down a bad path. In a Pride, which is a group of lions, only the strongest is the leader and they are constantly challenged for that position. I didn’t realize that there are a lot of grown male lions that live alone or in bachelor pride because they aren’t strong enough to take on the leader of a larger pride so they just travel solo and are happy enough to do it.

The lion can be a metaphor for anything or anyone that you are following, anything that is heavily influencing you. This could be religion, politics, social media influencers, mentors, anything that’s influencing you. A lion will follow but step up when something feels off. A sheep will just follow without questioning. It takes a lot of work to be a lion. And sometimes as a Lion, you feel like a loner, you might even be a loner, it can feel scary to be alone. But like it or not, there’s a lot more risk if you’re a sheep. Why’s that?

There have been studies that show groups think is one of the most powerful ways to influence an individual and that the desire to belong will overpower the desire to improve in most people.

You never have to apologize for doing the right thing. But what’s the right thing? If you haven’t listened to Episode 174, go back and listen to it. It’s all about how to know what’s right and what’s wrong.

I just want you to be living your authentic life. And if you’re listening to this, you obviously want that too.

You can’t. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mom or a dad and you have kids. You can control their experience to a degree but they came out of the womb with their own agenda. And that’s a beautiful thing. People, even little people, what I call kids. They watch what you’re doing. Kids can sniff out authenticity almost as well as our fur babies, which is what I call dogs. So you can try to fool them, but they aren’t fooled. Now they may play along with the game and act like they are because that’s how we are being trained as a society, right? Go along to get along. Do what the crowds are doing because if everyone is doing it that must mean it’s right. Right? That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Come on. We have enough history to study that shows the crowd is easier to manipulate than a single individual.

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