How to rewire your brain for positivity

Episode 6
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: How to rewire your brain for positivity

Hi guys! Welcome to episode #6 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle Podcast!

We are on our second week of true quarantine and the amount of love and support circling the world has made me cry on more than a few occasions and I am not a big crier! How about you? Are you seeing people being more friendly, quicker to wave hello, more generous, more supportive, pulling together as communities? Just this morning my little sister sent me a video of her neighborhood that had a parade of cars with families driving around honking and waving with their cars decorated just to show support and love for everyone quarantined inside their home! I cried because it warmed my heart. Are you seeing that in your life too? I hope so because it makes me feel so connected to everyone and it also gives me hope that we are going to come out of this on the other side even better.

I am also seeing and hearing from several people that they are very anxious and fearful of “what if”. I have been hearing a lot of what if this happens or this happens. We all do it and it is normal to have thoughts that cause us to feel some level of fear right now. But we have to remember it is our thoughts that WE are creating that are causing this fear and anxiety.

I’m going to tell you a story. When I was a little girl I used to worry a lot about someone taking me away from my parents. I feared this probably more than anything. Sometimes it would keep me up at night. I was so scared of that. WEll, That never happened. I was never kidnapped and I spent a big deal of my nights worried about it. As I turned into a teenager, the AIDS virus was just becoming a really bad problem in the world. I worried all the time that I would get Aids or that I had Aids. NOW, Let me be clear. I wasn’t even doing anything where I could get that virus, but that didn’t stop me from worrying about it. Now THAT never happened either. As I moved into adulthood I worried about other things. someone suing me, saying that I would have to go bankrupt if a big project didn’t go as planned, or that someone might not like the design I did for them. NONE of that ever happened!!!

I am sure you know where this is headed. I want you to think about in your past how many times you feared something that NEVER even happened but it kept you up at night. How many of those fears never came to fruition? My guess is most of them did not.

Now I want you to think about the fears you are having right now and recognize that statistically 80-90% of those fears will never happen. I also want you to recognize you are in control of your thoughts by what you focus on, your input, and your conversations with yourself and with others.

A good friend of mine sent me a video today about fear being a movie you are playing in your mind because the thing you fear does not even exist for you that’s why you fear it. If it existed you would be dealing with it.

So our mind wants to create a movie in our head…let’s stop creating horror films and start creating a comedy, or an adventure or a love story. Realize that you control the things you think about and it starts with the input you allow daily. So be very careful of the news but also be careful of the people that put unnecessary fear in your mind. Lean into the people in your life right now that are going to be good for your thoughts. That doesn’t mean you don’t give love and support to the other people but maybe we just don’t give into conversations with them about things we know are not going to serve us or them.

So in summary. Studies have shown that 85-91% of our fears never come to fruition. That’s an average. For some people in the same study 100% of their fears didn’t happen. So my question to you…Do you want to be paralyzed by thoughts that more than likely aren’t going to come true? Or do you want to take this opportunity to live in the moment and show up for yourself and be an example of what’s possible to everyone around you?

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