How to stop feeling STUCK!

Episode 72
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: How to stop feeling STUCK!

Feeling stuck lately?

Hi guys! Welcome to the 72nd episode of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!!!! Before we get started… If you enjoy this episode, share this episode with someone…..just one person… It feels so good to add value and hopefully if you like it then your friends will as well. And don’t forget to subscribe and give us a 5 star rating….it helps so much and it kinda makes my day when I see it! OK now…..

Have you been feeling stuck lately? Feeling like you do the same thing day in and day out? Maybe you wish something exciting would happen in your life? Has life become so routine you wish something would happen even if it’s bad just to give you a different pace or some new drama to talk about? Not wishing bad on anyone, just wanting something to CHANGE!

You’re too comfortable.
You feel like a rat in a wheel.
You wonder when or if life is going to get better for you.
You feel stuck in a life that isn’t making you feel ALIVE

OK I’LL Stop!
Does this sound like something you feel?
There’s one thing I want you to consider Before we go any further, there’s a question I want you to ponder…

Are you really stuck or is it simply the way you are perceiving your life right now. Thinking you should be further along than you are because you’re comparing yourself to other people that don’t have your unique life goals? Maybe you’re watching people on social media that are in the same age group as you and you think your life pales in comparison? Are you taking this into consideration when you label yourself as stuck? Seeing someone else’s highlight reel and saying your life sucks in comparison is not being fair to yourself. Maybe someone else is looking at your life and wishing they were where you are. Have you ever watched a preview of a comedy show and it was hilarious so you decide to watch it and then you realize the only funny parts were in the preview? Sometimes that is the case for life on social media as well. Not always, but often. So, take a really hard look at where you are in life right now and cut yourself a little slack. Only you know if you are playing full out or if you’re taking the comfortable path every single day……..So then. Let’s talk about that………..this is where we have to be real with ourselves.

Because maybe you really are stuck and you have done nothing about changing it?

Well this episode is for you! This is your wake up call. Look it’s easy to fall into comfort and try to convince yourself that you’re happy where you are and say or “I’m too young and I don’t have the experience”, or “I’m too old to do anything new” How about “My brain doesn’t work like it used to” or “You just gain weight as you get older” There are thousands of statements like these but like I always say “I’m not going to depress us all by continuing in that line of thought. More than likely you know the statements you say to yourself and others that in your mind excuse you from making changes, from living that wildly successful life you thought you would be living. It’s easy to get into a groove or a rut and stay there because getting out of it would cause discomfort. Well…I believe we should be doing something every week if not every day that causes us some sort of discomfort. If you are not doing anything that challenges you or causes you a little bit of discomfort…you probably have stopped growing and more than likely you do feel stuck and you aren’t sure why.

Albert Einstein has a saying that I love and have to remind myself of regularly. He said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results’’. Now…really think about that. He’s a genius…which we already knew…Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That’s the definition of insanity!! How many times have you wished something would change but you continue to do the same things you’ve always done? I know I’ve done it!

Sometimes we have created these habits that have become so routine that we are comfortable. They can be good or bad….They could be working out in the exact same way every day and wanting different results. It could be eating a certain way continuously and expecting for our body to change…or for our taste buds to all of a sudden change and we won’t want that food anymore, or maybe you want a different job but you do just enough to get by or you haven’t made it clear to your managers that you are ready for a promotion! My husband was a cadet officer in the air force. He was very qualified and very good at his current job and one day his buddy said “You need to go tell the commander that you’re the guy for that position he’s filling.” This position happened to be the top job at his level. So he did and the commander said it’s about time you came and told me that! I’ve been waiting for you to step up. He would have never gotten that job had he not asked for it, even though he was qualified. They weren’t going to ask him. Sometimes the opportunities are there and you have to go get them.…. Wayne Gretzky says you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. What opportunities could you be leaving on the table right now? It may be uncomfortable for you but comfort is the enemy of success…..

Brain studies are showing that in order for most people to feel truly alive they need to be challenging themselves in some way. In fact, most Wildly successful, happy people do just that. They are constantly growing, constantly playing……. When is the last time you did something just for the fun of it, show your kids that playing isn’t just for them….you want to do it too. So….How can you challenge yourself in a new way? What is a new thing you can learn this week? And remember, it doesn’t matter how old you are.

If you’re in your twenties and thirties, the habits you are creating now can either make it easy or hard for you to live a healthy, financially stable, relatively stress free life.

If you’re in your 40’s you may feel like time is flying and maybe you feel stuck or you want and need a change? Sometimes this is a really good time to start a new challenge, take a class, Learn something new, do something that challenges you and give you something to look forward to, think about what that could be. Maybe a health and fitness goal, maybe another degree, maybe learning a new language, or starting a new hobby. If you’re challenging your kids to take karate why not take karate with them?

the 50’s and 60’s would be nice if you were sailing into retirement but reality is that isn’t the case for most Americans. What can you do that makes you enjoy life while still working? What can you do that you would wake up excited for? What can you challenge yourself to do?

70’s or older?!!! This is a time when younger people could really benefit from hearing from you! Maybe you could start a blog or write a book? Your experience is valuable!

And look, where you are is ok. This is a new day and nothing is wrong with you. This may be the wake up call you were looking for. I write every morning in my journal that I’m exactly where I should be and everything is always working out in my favor. When things seem like they are going wrong, I ask myself what is this teaching me? What am I learning? Sometimes that is hard but Kobe Bryant said that winning is exciting but so is losing… because you grow from losing. You get better from losing, you learn from losing……So. My challenge to you this week:

Ask yourself if your habits have become so routine that you are comfortable and maybe feeling a little stuck.

Ask yourself what you are going to do this week that is outside your comfort zone, maybe something you haven’t felt qualified to do, but still yearn to do it…and schedule it…whatever that is….schedule it!

Tim Ferris says one of the common qualities of really successful people is they often move forward on things that they don’t feel qualified to do……..I love that statement, because great things happen when you step out of your comfort zone. So in this challenge get comfortable feeling a little uncomfortable and I bet you start feeling alive and those “feeling stuck” thoughts will be history! Don’t forget to scroll down click subscribe, give us a 5 star rating and also I LOVE to hear from you guys send me an email at , let me know how this helped and I will send you a free pdf with a fun valuable tool…..I love you guys and I will talk to you in a few days…..

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