How will your life look at 85?

Episode 192
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: How will your life look at 85?

We aren’t dead yet.

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 192 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! Time flies doesn’t it? When I was a kid, it seemed to drag on and now as an adult I just want it to slow down. Life can be funny can’t it?

SO, I had an epiphany this week. It was a good one.

Joe Rogan posted a picture of Julia Hawkins. She’s 105 years old and she is running in a 100 meter competition. I gotta tell you. It stunned me for a minute because 105. Ok can we all agree that that’s old?

So my epiphany right then was I’m freaking young. I have so much life to live and I want to live it to the fullest. A year ago I would have thought Julia was a freak of nature because I was living what I thought was a healthier life and I would still wake up in the morning with aches and pains like What I imagined it would feel like to be 100. But I realized today that Julia didn’t just get to 105, still mentally and physically in good shape by accident or good genes. She did things differently than most do. Now some of it has a little to do with genes but not most of it and science is proving that. We can create a different life for ourselves, we just have to believe we can and then take action to make it so. I want to give myself the chance to be 100 and still able to run 100 meters.

Dr Peter Attia said this week on a podcast that if you want to be a healthy 85 year old, you have to train for it.

The same as if you want to have enough money to retire and travel the world as you please you have to plan for it.

To be mentally and physically fit as we age we have to be proactive, it doesn’t just happen, not anymore. I hear so many times…when the kids get older I’ll take care of myself or when I retire I’ll take care of myself. The reality is that every day that you let go by without taking care of yourself…the harder it gets. This journey we are on isn’t a journey of getting somewhere and then, that creates a predictable set of habits that become so hard wired it takes hitting rock bottom or having some sort of crisis to change. Ask yourself what you want for your future in every way. Mentally, physically, financially whatever is important to you. Figure out what you want and then ask is what I’m doing every day leading me toward that? You can change the trajectory of your life. The reason I know this to be true is I don’t wake up feeling like I’m 100 anymore. I’ve completely changed how my body feels in the morning and how my mental clarity is as well.

There’s a lot of noise in the world and I don’t believe that’s changing. It’s here to stay. There’s noise about what the latest fad diet is, there’s noise about the latest fitness craze, there’s noise about the politics in Europe or a little closer to home how much human poop is in the streets of LA. We can simply fill our head all day long with noise. But we can also choose to not be part of it. We can choose to fill our heads with things that help us create a life that excites us and inspires everyone around us. Don’t you love to be inspired? I do. I love it. I love to be around people doing something new. Trying new things, going to new places. What are you doing in your life that inspires you? What are you doing that inspires others? And not that that’s a big deal what others think about your life because it’s actually irrelevant but it is a nice gauge of how it’s going. If you’re doing the same things day in and day out…and none of it inspires you, shake it up. What can you do differently?

It’s a choice. That’s the beauty of this life. If you’re you’re aware, and you’re listening to me and you haven’t hit pause yet so I believe you are aware or at least you’re trying but when you’re aware you can choose what your life will look like today, tomorrow and 5 years from now…when you are on autopilot your day will end up exactly like yesterday, which turns into a very predictable future. If I had continued to eat the way I was eating…my future was predictable. I certainly wouldn’t be creating a life where I’m hiking or dancing at 85, let alone 65. But I’ve switched things up and you can too. Your past doesn’t have to predict the future unless you keep doing the same things over and over. And it’s becoming harder and harder because technology encourages us to live on autopilot.

I got online to post something this last week and I got sucked into articles about things that just don’t matter and they certainly don’t make me feel good and then I wonder why I didn’t get things done or why I feel so bad about the state of the world…it’s a struggle every day. It’s because I’m reacting to my environment rather than creating it. There is a palatable difference in my day and my life when I avoid all social media and news and when I fall into it. I have almost trained my brain to not go there automatically and it’s been super hard. I’ve talked about it on this podcast…but I’m winning, I’m winning by choice because I know consuming that stuff is toxic to my mind. It adds no value. It doesn’t help me create. I’m just reacting. QIt actually makes me want to buffer by drinking or eating or consuming something else that makes me feel a different way because I’m just reacting to everything around me. To create we have to be inspired. To be inspired we have to be open, to be open we have to free our mind from the noise that wants to assign our thoughts.

Creating a life that inspires you and excites you is not out of reach for you. I don’t care how old or young you are, you CAN change the trajectory of your path.

I’m currently researching what kind of martial art I want to try. I’ve joined toastmasters because I want to feel super comfortable speaking in public in front of large groups of people. I’m getting my life coach certification and none of this is comfortable for me and I love it.

My challenge to you today is to pick one thing you’ve been wanting to try and try it. Give it a shot. Inspire yourself. Inspire your kids. It could be the first step to the change you’ve been looking for. The one that leads to you living what you consider your very own wildly successful Lifestyle.

Share this with 1 person today. Just do it. Just copy the link and text it to them. It could be the nudge they’re looking for.

I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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