I knew that was a bad idea

Episode 460
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: I knew that was a bad idea

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 460 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! It’s nice to be with you as always thank you for being here. Have you ever done something that turned out to be not a great idea and thought “I knew that was a bad idea but I did it anyway”. I think most of us can probably relate.

I was thinking the other day that when my husband is flying so meaning he’s gone for a few days that I should go hiking with my girlfriends. It would be an adventure. And then I thought well wait a minute, what if I make a judgement error and get myself in trouble? My husband is always thinking 5 steps ahead whenever we are on an adventure. And then I thought no I won’t let that happen, especially since the friends I would go with don’t really drink so we definitely wont do anything wreckless because of alcohol. And that thought got me thinking wow, how true that is that alcohol is one reason that people make big mistakes. Including me in the past. Maybe my tongue got a little loose or my judgement of people a little skewed and I said or did something I regretted later. So hmmm if I hadn’t been drinking I wouldn’t have done that in a sound stable lucid state of mind. But It’s not always been because of alcohol that I’ve made mistakes. Sometimes it’s because I’ve been influenced by someone else and do something against my better judgement.

I was walking with a friend the other day and we came to a 4 way light and we were waiting for our light to say that we could walk when she said come on, it’s safe let’s just go and she started walking and I noticed I started walking too but then I realized wait a minute there are a lot of cars coming from every direction, I have no idea if it’s safe or not so why am I putting myself out there like that? there’s no hurry. So I stopped and said I’m waiting for the green light. She went ahead and crossed and was just fine and I would probably have been too. She is a little more adventurous than I am which is one of the things I love about her but I also know there’s certain things I’m not willing to do and taking unnecessary risks is one of them. We laughed about it of course because it sounds silly. but it’s little lapses in judgement like that sometimes get you in trouble and mistakes are made. hindsight gives you 20/20 vision and you wish you had listened to your own guidance.

I notice this when I pick up my phone in the car while I’m driving. Every time…My intuition says don’t do that, it’s not safe, but sometimes I do it anyway. My question to myself is “are you gonna wait for something bad to happen before you stop using the phone while you drive or are you gonna listen to your guidance and stop before mistakes are made that you can’t take back and that you really regret.

It’s harmless, until it’s not. And then you wish you had listened.

I can make good judgement calls and decisions when Eric’s not around, I just have to decide in advance I’m gonna. I trust myself to make good decisions.

Deciding in advance that you’re going to do something or not going to do something is the thing that helps keeps us out of trouble.

If you know you’re going to drink alcohol then take an Uber to the restaurant.

If you know you tend to be on your phone when you drive, put it where you can’t reach it.

If you park your car and there’s a van right next to your car with tinted windows and red flags go up, move, don’t get out.

Start to notice the little voice in your head that’s saying “hey, that’s not the best idea” or learn to trust that feeling of “something’s off here” and maybe give it a little more thought. If we learn to be in tune to our intuition, we notice that there is something bigger than us guiding us always. It’s when we don’t listen or tune it out or are so in our heads that we don’t even know it’s there, but it’s always there. Always.

We always have our inner guidance guiding us if we’re listening. And we all have in the past allowed someone or something to override our inner guidance system and maybe it turned out fine or maybe it didn’t. But the key is, it was there and the more you are in tune to it and the more you listen to it the better off you’re going to be. The more you ignore that inner guidance system the odds go up that you’ll regret it.

I have always felt that I had an angel following me around keeping me out of super big trouble and now I know that I do, it’s my inner guidance system. And it’s not only me that has it. Every one of us has it. How often are you hearing it?

If it’s always there and you’re not hearing it regularly, are you drowning it out with tv, music, news, social media? Are you constantly needing noise to distract yourself? You’re distracting yourself from your inner guidance system as well.

My challenge to you today is to find 10 minutes where you sit in complete silence just with yourself. You do have something guiding, you just need to make space to hear it. Share this with 3 people who have a beautiful shining inner guidance system, I love you guys, I’ll talk to you in a few days!

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