Let’s talk about FEAR

Episode 18
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Let’s talk about FEAR

Hi guys! Welcome to the 18th episode of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!

I posted on Instagram yesterday an acronym for FEAR as I see it. I hope you saw it because I thought it was kind of clever. Ha. Here is what it said: Fear is just a Fabricated Emotion around an assumed reality. You see, Fear is a created emotion that assumes an outcome that we are unsure of.

To start off on a really positive note…Did you know that studies have shown that OVER 90% of our fears never come to fruition? That rings true for me. There have been so so so many things that I have feared that never happened. I love this quote by Mark Twain:

“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened”

Did you know that facing your fears actually makes you stronger? Every single time you fear something but do it anyway your brain accepts that it wasn’t so bad and the next time it gets easier and easier. I have found this to be true so many times in my life…

How many times have you feared something only to go through with it and it would be one of the most exhilarating things you’ve ever done.

I have a fear of tight spaces, it makes it hard for me to breathe so for a long time I avoided scuba diving because of the breathing device, mask and being deep underwater. Despite my fear I took my first class 7 years ago and guess what? The very first time I went under it was just like breathing normal air to me, not scary at all. I have been diving for years now and think about how glad I am that I overcame that fear because I would have never gotten to experience diving with sharks or seeing the octopus turn bright green before my eyes! You see Tony Robbins says “The story that protects you also imprisons you”. My story of being claustrophobic could have kept me from all that beauty I just described.

How many times have you faced a fear and because you did, something really good came out of it? Facing our fear helps us develop resilience and mental strength as well.

I don’t like telling people face to face something that might disappoint them or hurt their feelings in some way. As a business owner this is something I have had to really work on. The more I do it the easier it gets. Yesterday I had a conversation with someone that I would have rather have said in an email but I have learned that tone in an email can be taken quite wrong so phone conversations or fact to face meetings are waaaay better. I had the conversation and we came to a really great conclusion that worked to the benefit of us both. Had I emailed my concerns instead of speaking them, I would have been anxious until I got a response and they may or may not have understood my exact concerns and the outcome could have been very different. I have never regretted having a conversation face to face or on the phone but I have had to re-explain texts or emails that maybe were taken wrong…

One of the fears I hear so often is the fear of failure and the one thing I have to say about that is you only fail if you quit or never start. I also know that there is no failure if you learn. So, the next time you are worried about failure, decide that if you try and you don’t succeed the way you hoped, you learn something from it. You succeed or you learn…either way you don’t fail. Wayne Gretzky said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

What are you fearing right now? What is it stopping you from doing? Is fear causing you to play small? Is it holding you in mediocrity? Your wildly successful lifestyle you’ve dreamed of could be just on the other side of that fear!

I watched a TED talk about Fear and how an encouraging word from someone can sometimes be the little push we need to keep going. Consider this your push! I am here for you and would love to celebrate you and the successes you have by overcoming fear! Email me heidi@heididawson.com

Ok guys I hope you enjoyed this episode! Don’t forget to check out my website heididawson.com to download my free gift, the “my three words PDF” to you to help create your wildly successful lifestyle!

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