The power of a woman (feminists beware!)

Episode 391
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: The power of a woman (feminists beware!)

Hi guys! Welcome to episode 391 of the wildly successful lifestyle podcast. This one will probably get me in a little trouble with the feminists but I don’t care.

I am a very feminine woman.

I have learned to love that about myself. I’m able to embrace the parts of me I once thought were weak. The part that gets overwhelmed under a lot of stress. The part that’s girly and maybe a little vain. The part that can be vulnerable. The part that is very creative and less logical.

Somewhere along the way as I was growing into a young adult, I felt like if I didn’t amount to something outside if I wasn’t a big success then I wasn’t worthy. So I worked hard and I worked tough. I worked around men in business that was heavily run by men. And I made good money, had accolades, found success but it never felt like I had found fulfillment.

While I was working those jobs. I would like to add that I never felt like men overlooked me or passed me up for opportunities simply because I was a woman. Ever. I worked with a lot of men. They seemed always to just be like if you work hard and do well you’ll get ahead, if you don’t you won’t. Whether you’re a man or a woman. I had tough moments of course and had to deal with men that worked for me and ones that I worked for and sometimes it wasn’t pretty but it was more about me and me not liking who I was or who I felt I needed to be than it was about men making me feel a certain way. I was having to sort of make myself into this tough person when I really didn’t want to and it wasn’t even my true nature to be that way.

So this is a shout out to all the good men out there. You know if you’re one of them or not. I see you and I see your hard work and your strength and your shelter I thank you for it. There’s nothing more attractive to a woman than a powerful man. By that, I mean A strong confident, hard working, loyal man who manages to also take pride in his appearance is powerful and by the way intoxicating to women. So keep it up. We see you and we need more of that.

But I also think we’ve taken a path where women feel like they have to be ruling the world and running all the big companies and doing all the things to prove we are worthy. To prove we can do anything a man can do. To prove we are just as powerful as men.

I laugh as I say that because the power of one truly feminine woman can melt any powerful man.

That’s…The power of a woman.

And as a woman whether you work outside of the home or you work inside of the home, you’re just as powerful. Embrace that feminine energy that comes naturally to you don’t fight it. Femininity is a superpower. Never underestimate that.

I was talking to my little sister and she was saying she works in a male dominated business and it’s so easy for men in her position because it’s bro country and I get it. But it’s like I told her. No man stands a chance with another man influenced by feminine beauty. Yes men are powerful, that’s how we like it, but so are woman in such a different way and when we shut that part of ourselves down viewing it as weak, it’s like Superman eating cryptonite cookies so that he doesn’t come off as too powerful. Don’t fight your feminine nature. Embrace it. It’s where you’ll find your peace.

I can say this because I live it. I was sitting in my sunroom I call it the Tuscan room the other morning the sun was shining, the trees were turning colors, everything felt right and I was just so thankful for where I am in this world.

I used to fight it all the time. And I do think I felt like I had to because I was single or even in my first marriage I was the the breadwinner. So I sort of shapeshifter into this tough working woman. To the point where I remember one of my old male bosses caught me at a vulnerable moment when I cried and he said hmmm even the tough Heidi cries now and then. That shook me because I used to cry all the time as a little girl but at some point I started seeing it as weak and stopped. To this day, I’m not a big cryer, it’s something I’m working on.

And then I married my husband, Eric. He is one of those powerful men I talked about earlier. So confident and comfortable with himself that it allowed me to be confident and comfortable with myself which is where my feminine nature thrived. I never really understood what it felt like to be able to be free to be as feminine as I naturally was. Feminine energy attracts masculine energy and vice versa.

It has taken a while for me to accept that I don’t have to go out a work big important to be powerful, even though I can and there would be nothing wrong with that if that’s what I wanted but I love being a powerful force behind another powerful force.

I love being able to make sure our home is well taken care of our heath is well taken care of our relationship and families are well taken care of. I love knowing he knows he doesn’t have to worry about the home front, I can handle that. And when he has big decisions he knows he can bounce them off me and we handle them together and he also knows I have his back. Now we’ve weathered a storm or two but through his masculine energy and my feminine energy we weather those storms and it makes us stronger because we communicate and we are a team. He doesn’t view me as weak and neither do I. He’s powerful in his way and I’m powerful in my way. We don’t have to be powerful in the same way to be equal. That’s the power of a woman.

We are living in a moment right now where I think we unknowingly teach our girls they need to be tough and take care of themselves. That women are just as capable as men to take on stress, that we should be ruling the world. We should be dominating the workplace. We should be just as powerful and successful just like men.

To that I say men have their strengths and women have theirs. And they are equally powerful and equally necessary. Women build babies with their bodies for goodness sake, there’s nothing more powerful than that. We would cease to exist without it.

A true feminine woman knows her power lies in that…her femininity. Never ever underestimate that.

I saw a video this week of a beautiful young girl crying because the 9-5 workweek was wearing her out and she was so tired and my heart went out to her. And what I would say to her is team up with a good masculine man where you thrive in his masculine energy and he will thrive in your feminine energy.

We are not in competition with men n they are not in competition with us. We are a team. And the best teams have players who are in the roles best suited for their nature and they don’t fight it or downplay the other roles. That’s how we win. That’s how we all stop being so tired and stressed and angry.

Eventually you will find the stress of taking on the world will be so much less because of they’re strength And they will find that their ability to take on the stresses of the world is so much more because of your strength. Neither of which is any less powerful. A masculine man with a truly loving feminine woman behind him is unstoppable. And a feminine woman with a powerful masculine man behind her is equally unstoppable. They’re a team. This is where synergy happens. This is where 1+1=3. Each role is equally important. Both are better with the other. So thank you masculine men and thank you feminine women.

That’s the power of a woman.

My challenge to you today is to embrace your feminine nature. It’s not weak. It’s a superpower. Share this with 3 powerful women. I love you guys. I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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