Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 152 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! Keep sharing these episodes if you find them helpful! And give me a five star rating, it helps so much for others to find and hear this message.
In episode 151 I challenged you to think about whether your daily decisions are making you stronger or weaker.
Every decision you make today and every day matters.
What time you get up
What time you go to bed
What you eat
Whether you exercise or not
Being present with your family
Being aware of your thoughts
Being aware of what you’re watching, consuming, reading, listening to.
These little decisions add up
We get overwhelmed with everything that’s going on and we don’t think the little decisions matter when that’s really all that matters. You are taking care of you.
I found out this month that I’m gluten sensitive and have dairy allergies. My joints were telling me something was wrong. 3 weeks into not eating gluten or dairy and I’m already feeling better but I start a cleanse this week because I also have some heavy metal toxicity. It’s no fun, it’s not what I want to do but I’m creating new habits and they will serve me long term even though it’s not fun short term.
Instant gratification is always easier because it’s comforting. I know the feeling of excitement that comes from being hungry and they set the chips down in front of you at a Mexican restaurant. If you’re like me, one bad decision can cause several more bad decisions. Because you know how you feel the next day after a margarita or three ha. Sometimes the next day you need a biscuit on your tummy because it’s not feeling so good from the tequila and the sugar. But the same goes for good decisions. When you work out first thing, often it makes you want to eat healthy because you put in the time so you don’t want to mess it up! How about starting the day on a positive note..that gets your day going in a good direction rather than starting it with the negative news where that’s all you’re thinking about, which attracts more of the same.
It’s so easy to say lighten up. Life is short. Eat the thing and sometimes life does call for that, but is that a treat or are you finding that’s your attitude about everyday life? If you live in America you don’t have to look far to see the result living a life of instant gratification gives us. It’s really rare anymore to see someone that takes really good care of themselves in every way..mentally, physically, and financially. It’s the exception anymore.
But no one gets to the end of their life wishing they were less healthy, had spent less time with the ones they love or paid less attention to the way they feel.
These all come from the small decisions we make every day. I was talking to a friend the other day and we were talking about how I seem much more chill lately, very calm and I know why..it’s because I spend at least 10-15 minutes meditating every single day. And look, I used to love politics but I realize it’s not good for my mindset and I still find myself craving that distraction sometimes and when I do, I remind myself how it makes me feel, how it robs me of my peace. There’s nothing that’s going to make anyone feel better. It doesn’t make me stronger, it actually makes me weaker. What’s your distraction of choice? Is it making you stronger? If it’s not, let’s fix it together. We can do that.
It just takes consistency. My meditation for instance, I don’t always feel like it’s doing something but the consistency of my practice is showing up in my life in general. You may not think you’re doing anything with one workout or one meditation but the consistency of doing something is where you get the rewards. The consistency of eating healthy. The consistency of exercise. The consistency of mindset work, consistency is the key in everything we do and it’s the same for us all. Think about it this way.
We all have the same decisions to make. And how we make them is how our life turns out. If someone eats a completely clean diet and exercises consistently their body is going to look and feel very different from someone that eats a processed, fast food diet and barely moves.
We all have the same amount of time in the day. We all have to eat, we all have to choose whether we exercise or not. We all get to choose how we spend our down time, whether that’s driving in the car to work and you’re listening to great podcasts or it’s reading a book on self improvement. We don’t have to settle for the norm of just scrolling social media or filling our head with negative news. Every decision you make is either making you stronger or weaker.
If two people have the same recipe for a cake and follow the recipe the same they put everything in the same, the result should be very similar. That’s true for life as well. There’s a recipe for getting successful results in anything. If you follow a recipe for getting healthy you’re going to get your version of healthy. What do you want for your life?
My challenge to you this week is to decide if you’re going to be stronger or weaker in these three areas. what you’re eating, if you’re exercising and what you put into that head in your downtime. Those are three decisions every one of us has to make every day. Food can be our medicine or our poison, movement can be energizing and healing or we can be decaying and our lives are influenced tremendously by what we feed our minds. I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.