Forgiveness is something we all at any given point in our life need. No-one gets to go through life without needing to forgive and also needing to be forgiven. That is the human condition. That’s part of being human. No-one is immune. In this day and age of cancel culture we are so hard on each other. We seem to forget that on any given day you yourself could be kind or even a little unkind. Every one of us has both light and dark in our human tendencies. If we are being honest and real, we know that we’re not perfect either. We all have thoughts that aren’t great, we’ve all said things we wish we hadn’t, done things we wish we’d done differently so why then do we expect for everyone else to be perfect? Our mom is human, our partner, their human, our friend, their human. Forgiveness feels as good to give as it does to get. We will all at some point or another be on both sides of forgiveness. Remembering that might make us a little more prone to allow for the imperfections of other people.
But you might be thinking to yourself ok, but haven’t you just contradicted yourself? In one moment you say to walk away rather than be disrespected, but in the next moment you say to forgive…so how do I know the difference? Check out Episode 483. I love you guys!