Two very powerful little words: “I AM”

Episode 148
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Two very powerful little words: “I AM”

Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 148 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle Podcast! I hope each and every one of you listening is having a really good day, and I am so glad to be with you doing whatever it is you’re doing. I’m glad you’re here and I thank you for listening.

I’ve been talking a little bit about how we talk to ourselves and the thoughts we have and how they affect us.

There’s one of you. That’s it. We sometimes forget how unique each one of us is. There is no-one in this world just like you with your talents and your personality and your abilities. There’s just you and you have one life, are you making the best of it? Are you creating that life or are you just managing circumstances? Are you living through someone else or for someone else?

You aren’t your spouse, you aren’t your kids , you aren’t your behavior and you also aren’t your past.

You are the result of a series of decisions you have made up to today and next year, you’re going to be a result of a series of decisions you make starting today.

How are you showing up?

Ed Latimore recently said A lot of people think the greatest adventure of their life is just going to happen

Well, It won’t.

You either take risks and bet on yourself or you wake up one day old and full of regret

Now, that may seem harsh, but he’s right. Have you done the things you wanted to do? Are the things you’re currently doing in line with the things you want? That’s always a good question to ask yourself. Are the habits I have right now creating a life that excites me or am I letting life happen to me. Maybe you are in a career you love but you still want more.

That’s how it works, isn’t it? I say that because no matter where we are in life, we’re designed to want more, to constantly keep growing. Sometimes we get to a certain place and we think well, this is it, this is where Ill be and then once you’ve been there a minute, you start thinking maybe you want more or a little different…I remember when I was selling real estate, I loved it so much that I thought I would do it forever and then I wanted more, so I started building homes myself with my dad…so fun and that turned me on to interior design and that’s when I got my bachelor’s degree in interior design and of course here I am with my podcast and adding to my design talent stack with Feng Shui. When I get a call I’m answering it, I don’t want to have any regrets and I don’t ever want to hold myself back. Are you holding yourself back?

That makes me think of a story I read about a 63 year old grandmother named Laura Schultz, back in 1977 she heard screaming coming from her driveway when she got outside she realized he had been messing with his car and it had rolled on his arm. He was stuck under the car. Laura was petite and had never lifted anything over 50 lbs in her life, she lifted that 2000 lb car right off of him.

After this whole thing, a man named Charles Garfield author of Peak Performance read about her in the National Inquirer managed to get an interview with her even though she didn’t like to talk about it. You see, she didn’t like to talk about it because it challenged her beliefs about what she could and could not do. She said “If I was able to do this when I didn’t think I could, what does that say about the rest of my life? Have I wasted it?”

It doesn’t end there though, Garfield convinced her that her life wasn’t over and she could still do whatever she set her mind to do. She had always been passionate about rocks, but her parents couldn’t afford to send both her and her brother to school so her brother took precedence and she never went until Garfield talked her into going back to school, which she did and got her degree in geology and ended up teaching at a local community college.

What are you waiting to do? Is there a dream you’ve put on hold?

No one can do it but you.

Are you maybe hiding behind the things you tell yourself in your head? I am too old, I am not smart enough, I can’t because I don’t have enough education, I can’t because it’s too late. I can’t because that ship has sailed.

You aren’t your I am statements. Even though your actions a lot of the time are a direct result of your I am statements. Those are two powerful little words when you combine them.You can use them to beat yourself OR you can use them to create the life you are meant for. I am capable of anything I set my mind to. I am someone who enjoys eating healthy. I am beautiful. I am worthy just because I was born.

Compare how you feel differently than when you say I am disgusting. I had a friend say that because she didn’t like the way her body was. Can you imagine saying that to your sister or your best friend? No, don’t talk to yourself like that, you matter, your thoughts matter, and the words you use to talk about yourself matter.

How about your I can’t statements. Your actions are often based on those as well. I can’t stop eating, I can’t exercise the way I used to, I can’t until the kids get older. I can’t decide, I can’t stop being late. What kind of action do these kinds of statements predict? Not good.

We wonder when life is going to change and why we aren’t thriving when, if we are being honest, we do just enough to get by, we give in to the temptation of over indulging rather than showing our body how worthy it is. We hang out in our comfort zone, justifying our actions because everyone around us is doing the same thing.

Do you want change? Work on your I am statements. You want to do more than survive, you want to thrive? Work on your I can’t statements.

You’re worthy of doing that.

If you want something in life, if your dream is to have a certain something then it’s meant for you but you have to show up. You have to take risks and you have to never quit. Whatever it is. Fill your life with decisions you won’t regret. You’ll never regret saving money for your future, you’ll never regret eating healthy, you’ll never regret learning a new skill and you will never regret Showing up for YOURSELF.

My challenge to you this week is to catch yourself at least once with an I am statement that isn’t serving you and turn it into a positive and then catch an I can’t statement and turn it into an I CAN! I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.

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