Unleash the power of YOU

Episode 245
Wildly Successful Lifestyle

LISTEN TO: Unleash the power of YOU

Welcome to Episode 245 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast! I had a coworker tell me one time when I was younger, he said when you figure out your own power, you’re going to be dangerous. That’s been 20 years ago and I never forgot that. What power was he talking about? Now I get it.

Are you comfortable knowing that YOU are powerful? Do you think you’re powerful?

I used to always tell my baby sister Molly to make sure she can take care of herself before she lets anyone else take care of her. I say that because when you have your own back, when you are strong and believe you can succeed on your own merit, you’re unstoppable to the force inside you. There is a force inside you, maybe it’s dormant, maybe it needs to be nurtured.

We come into this world with our own agenda. Like it or not we have an agenda.

Now our lives do not necessarily follow that agenda, maybe it’s temporarily suffocated by controlling parents or temporarily nicely tucked away because we followed the path that everyone else seemed to be on so it must be the best one for us, right?

Only you know. Only you know if the college, marriage, kid track is right for you.

And if you’re listening and you are on that track and aren’t sure if you’re happy about it, keep listening. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be for your journey. Know that.

And maybe you haven’t taken that track yet but your mom thinks you should so you’re really considering it. Keep listening. You are also exactly where your are supposed to be for your journey.

And maybe you took that track and now the kids are grown and they have their own life and what are you supposed to do now? Keep listening.

When I was young and in middle school and then high school, I remember there were clicks of girls. Sometimes they were nice sometimes they weren’t. There is usually a ring leader. The one that the others sort of follow along with. And at that young age it’s easy to look at them and think wow that girl has a lot of confidence and they’re in a group, a pack. I remember thinking it would be nice to be in that group until I realized what they were about and then I thought no I don’t want to be in that group because they aren’t kind. I’m not willing to be unkind just to fit into a group, it’s not worth it to me. You know why? Because if I have to be unkind to someone else to fit into their group, I may fit in with that group, but i no longer fit in with me. And I’m not willing to make that trade. I would rather stand alone knowing I’m true to who I am then stand with a group just because there is safety in numbers.

And don’t get me wrong, there are things in my past, that I’m not proud of, we all have those. But use those as fertilizer to grow from, not as a way to beat yourself up. Let that go. You’re not proud of it. That’s enough.

Deep down you know who you are.

I heard Brene Brown say this a while back. I know who I am. I know my worthiness. Im not negotiating that with anyone.

Those are powerful words to live by. The best is yet to come. What you’ve already added to this world is just a drop in the bucket compared to what you will add if you let yourself be who you are.

Mother Teresa said “

You’re young, married, raising kids? Maybe you have moments of missing the carefree life you had? Why can’t you have that now. I read a new mom was saying that the best advice she was given when her new baby was born was to not build their life around the baby, build the baby into their life. Travel and adventure are good for kids. You can travel and have kids you can be spontaneous and have kids. I have a friend who has two twin daughters and a son and she will at the drop of the hat pack them all up and be on a standby flight to Hawaii to meet her husband there because that’s where his work took him for a couple weeks. She’s not afraid, she just did it. That’s what she did before she had kids and that’s what she does now too. What are you wanting to do that you’re not doing because someone told you you “that will stop when you have kids”. It doesn’t have to. Be an example to them of what’s possible.

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