Hi guys! Welcome to Episode 163 of the Wildly Successful Lifestyle podcast!
I tried something this week. I was listening to Eckart Tole on Russel Brand’s podcast. He is such an interesting guy, both of them actually. But Eckart was saying that when you are desiring something that you know isn’t good for you, give it a minute. Push the pause button and delay it, just for a minute or so. Sometimes you’re able to move past the desire and onto something else but your consciousness increases from just the awareness of the desire and eventually you will be able to overcome the desire. So. I’ve talked about my brain being addicted to drama. And there’s always drama right? No shortage of that. But I practiced this all week.
Every time I had a desire to check my phone to see what’s happening in Afghanistan or to see who is fighting over masks or whatever. I paused. I let the desire just sit there and I’m going to say. 90% of the time it waned to the point that I no longer desired that dopamine hit and I was able to continue working on the things that really add value to my life. And you know what happened??? A lot. Activity breeds activity. I was getting phone calls from people with ideas and proposals that I had been really thinking about and wanting. I made appointments for things that move the needle in my life in ways that I wouldn’t have had my brain been stuck in getting juiced off the dopamine hit of drama. If you are out there and you’re wanting more. You have to get your head there first.
Which really takes quieting your mind. And I’ve learned that quieting your mind is different for everyone. You know where your happy place is and where you do your best thinking. It’s different for everyone. Meditation doesn’t work for everyone, but guess what? Your meditation may be a long shower. It could be dancing or listening to classical music. What juices you? Do as much of that as you can possibly do.
And I’m going to say something controversial here. Are you ready for this?? I used to think that “sticking your head in the sand” was avoiding reality, not watching the news, not wanting to be informed on what’s going on in the world. I’ve changed my mind on that. I now think the new “sticking your head in the sand” is partaking in what others create as reality. Getting stuck in a rut with the excuse of staying informed by watching the news and living on social media. That’s sticking your head in the sand. It’s completely turned upside down. We are no longer living our lives, we are watching other people live a created, carefully crafted version of what they want you to believe. Not just the news, it’s everything on social media.
If you are wanting to grow. If you are wanting to create. If you are wanting to add value in a way where you impact the world. You almost have to ignore “reality”. If you could see me, you would know that I’m doing air quotes when I say reality because we don’t know what’s real and what’s not real anymore. So what’s the answer?
Right now, it has to be your intuition. Your inner guidance system. We have to get very good at sniffing out something that just doesn’t feel right. Trust what you can see with your own eyes. Trust the people that are on the ground, that are talking to you, giving you their real experiences. What’s your intuition telling you? A lot if you give it the chance. How do you give it the chance?
Stop sticking your head in the sand by watching the carefully crafted agenda that others want to sell you. And I’m not talking about just politics or viruses or medication. I’m talking about everything and everyone you’re watching. There’s an agenda there. And it’s not all bad but until your inner guidance system can tell the difference you have to stop it all. That’s where I’m at right now. I want to move the needle in a positive way. I want to make myself the best version of me that’s possible. I believe God made us in a beautiful, perfect way.
Where you are right now is exactly where you are supposed to be. And if you’re listening to this and it’s resonating then I’m so happy for you because you get it.
Being ok with where you are is crucial. Why is that? Because that allows you to relax, to stop forcing things. To stop searching for what you should do next or how to reach that goal. Abraham Hicks says to stop trying to push the noodle. Whenever they say that I actually imagine a limp noodle and I’m trying to push it. That’s what happens when you’re trying too hard. Trying to force things. It might seem like you’re taking action but it’s forced and that tends to break things. Remember I talked about forcing things into the dishwasher during one of the last episodes? It got much easier and went much faster when I just slowed down and took my time. There is no rush. Where you are is exactly where you are supposed to be. It’s ok to want to consider your next move. So often we want to throw our hands in the air because we aren’t sure what to do, what the right thing for us is. But here’s the thing. You really do. Deep down, when you are in a state of ease or a state of relaxation or fun or whatever gets you going…that’s when the inspired thoughts come, that’s when you get the good ideas. You get goosebumps. You have that little feeling inside that says, yep that’s the one. A lot of times inspired thoughts come in the shower because who doesn’t love a good shower?
When you accept where you are as exactly where you should be there is a calm resolve that there’s nothing going wrong for you and everything that’s happening is working out in your favor because it is. You just have to look for it.
I’ve always felt that there’s someone looking out for me my entire life. There are so many examples of it. I was in Mexico years ago with my sister-in-law. Just the two of us. We decided to ride mopeds. Long story short my moped didn’t idle so when I took my foot off the break it would take off without me pushing the gas. Unfortunately I learned this in traffic where there was a foot tall curb and yep I hit it and flipped. I landed hard on my rear end. It was so hard I couldn’t get up. The police show up and an ambulance. Did I tell you we got wet in Mexico? All of a sudden out of nowhere this lovely American woman who spoke fluent Spanish swooped in and just started talking to the police and she comes over to me and says are you ok? I tell her I’m not sure but I think I will be. She says here’s the deal. They want to take you to the hospital. I’m not going to let that happen because it will be a minimum of $10k cash for you to be able to leave. The only way they won’t take you is if you ride the moped back. By this time I could feel a large swollen knot forming on my rear end which I knew wasn’t good and wasn’t going to feel good bouncing on a moped but I also knew she was right I didn’t want to go to a hospital in Mexico if at all possible. So she offered to leave her car and drive me while I sat on the back of the moped. And that’s what we did. When we got to the moped place, the owner had driven by and seen my accident and wanted me to pay for the whole moped even though it was their broken moped that got me in this mess. This sweet lady argued again for 20 minutes with this man and I ultimately ended up paying $75 and finally got back to the hotel and we were able to get an entire row on the plane home so I could lay down without injuring myself further. The knot was the size of a cantaloupe by the time I got home where my Dr could take care of me from there on out. Fortunately, it wasn’t broken. Just pretty bad tissue damage so I was fine after a while. My point though is. This lady who happened to be the wife of the owner of senior frogs in Cancun at the time came out of nowhere and saved me from so much more pain. I’ll never forget that. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she was there that day. I believe we each have an inner guidance looking out for us and will direct things in our life to work for us, but sometimes we ignore the signs. Be willing to follow the signs.
Life is meant to be fun and we should be having a good time.
The journey is the good part. There is no destination except dying and we are all going to do that eventually so why not be happy right here in this moment? Why not accept where you are right now as perfect. I had a friend that was worrying about something that might happen in the future that could affect whether or not she went out for a promotion in her career, she was wondering if she should just not even consider the promotion because of this and I told her ‘‘Never let the thought that something could happen in the future stop you from moving forward’’. Ever.
The future is unknown. The past is history but this moment right now, that’s ours to accept and find beauty and hope and goodness in whatever we can. If you get an inspired thought, follow it. You get what you’re looking for. You attract more of what you’re focusing on. Activity does breed activity and your actions usually revolve around your focus. Your focus and your mindset affects everything in your life, so protect it like your life depends on it. One of my favorite mentors Esther Hicks says: ‘‘your life is supposed to feel good and you’re meant to feel happy and satisfy your dreams’’. Feel appreciation for what is and eagerness for what is coming. I love you guys and I’ll talk to you in a few days.